Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 717: Bitter sweetness

The mobilizers successfully caught the fish and put the fish in the already prepared bucket.

Seeing that a comrade had caught a fish, the mobilizers holding fishing rods on the side of the ship became more focused, staring at the floats on the sea.

With a good start, not long after, one after another fish was caught from the sea.

In order to catch the fish, the two huge boats actually stopped in the vast sea. I have to say that in terms of rights, no one can compare with Li Meng.

The return journey is only halfway there, and it will take a day or two to return to Nanlin Island. This "fish" needs more preparation.

In the effort of mobilizing the soldiers, one by one live fish was sent to the kitchen. After being processed by the chefs, a large number of live fish were deboned and sliced ​​into crystal clear sashimi.

Most of the finished products are sent to the ice storage for refrigeration, and a small part of the sashimi is plated and sent to the top deck.

On the top deck of the "Emperor", with the sashimi just delivered by the chef in one hand, Li Meng came to the pool.

At this time, Klelia was no longer asleep, but was swimming back and forth in the water, moving her muscles and bones.

She was aware of Li Meng's arrival.

As she was swimming under the water, she suddenly turned around, and the blue fishtail was gently swinging towards the edge of the pool where Li Meng was standing.


In the turbulent spray, she rushed out of the water, and her upper body lay on the edge of the pool at Li Meng's feet.

The white back was crystal clear, and drops of water fell one after another.

The same goes for the light green hair, which looks a little moist.

Beside Cleilia, Meng Li sat on the ground.

Looking down at Cleilia next to him, Li Meng whispered, "Look at what I brought you?"

He picked up a piece of white fish from the plate and shook it in front of Klelia's eyes.

At the way Li Meng was feeding her pets, Kleilia's light green pupils couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and she said dullly, "It's a herring fish, the most common fish in the sea. The taste is not bad!"

"Come on! Get hungry, the repair fluid can't satisfy your stomach, presumably it's already groaning!"

Holding a piece of sashimi, Li Meng feeds it to Clarelia.

Regarding the human beings in front of her as if feeding pets, Kleilia had to open her mouth no matter how repelled she was, very cooperative.

Klelia knew very well in her heart that although the humans in front of her looked very kind, once their true colors were revealed, they would be extremely savage and terrifying. Klelia's memory of the scene last night was still fresh.

Although Klelia is not afraid of death, she also has to admit that the humans in front of her have grasped her handle and the most vulnerable part of her heart. In any case, she cannot let the humans in front of her destroy her body. Of purity.

Li Meng didn't know what Klelia thought in her heart, and even if she knew it, she wouldn't care.

For this pet position, Cleilia couldn't escape anyway in these ten years.

Since it is a pet, why bother to think about pets?

Kleilia was delicious, and when the fish fillet fell in her mouth, she ate it with relish.

The little chewing mouth and the squirming little cheeks, just looking at it, give people a very fragrant feeling.

good smell?

Seeing that Clarelia was eating so sweet, Li Meng couldn't help but took a piece of fish fillet from the plate to pay it.

Li Meng frowned when the various flavors were in his mouth, and immediately fed the bitten fish fillet to Cleilia.

There is no smell, a bit bitter, and a bit fishy, ​​which is far from delicious.

He looked at Li Meng's frowning face, and then at the fish fillet that had been bitten in a human hand.

After hesitating for a long time, Krelia still ate the fish fillets into her mouth, chewing with relish.

Seeing the appearance of human beings slumped in front of her, she chuckled cheerfully: "You humans can't bear the bitterness of blue fish. Although it is also a delicacy, it needs to be steamed to get rid of its bitterness. Otherwise, it is eaten raw. , You can taste that taste!"

Indeed I tasted it.

Not to mention delicious, the taste is simply hard to swallow.

"Yeah! Then change the food!"

After speaking, Li Meng planned to order the plate in his hand to take it down.


The humans in front of her really treat her as a pet?

Klelia was quite speechless in her heart. I really don't know what he thinks. Although she is not a human, she is seven-point similar to a human, how can she be used as a pet.

But he never realized this, from beginning to end, he truly regarded her as a pet.


What a humiliation to the mermaid.

But what can it do?

People had to bow their heads under the eaves. Kleilia knew very well that in her current situation, she had no choice but to be at the mercy of the humans in front of her.

Li Meng gave Li Meng a sullen look. Kleilia stopped Li Meng and said, "No! For us mermaids, the bitterness of the bluefish is also a rare delicacy, otherwise, the bluefish will not become our mermaid. One of his recipes!"

Bitterness is delicious?

Well, it is really possible. In human dishes, there is also a bitter dish. Although it tastes bitter, it tastes very good. Probably, the bitter taste of herring fish is the same for Kleelia. Feel it.

Now that Cleilia said so, Li Meng gave up the idea of ​​changing the food.

This is the best way to avoid the trouble of mobilizing troops.

In this vast ocean, it is better not to be picky.

Li Meng, who thought so, continued to feed Clelia, and chose to ignore Cleilia's small movements of rolling her eyes from time to time.

However, Li Meng did not know that because of the "fishing", the "Emperor" was parked on the sea, and it was precisely because the "Emperor" stopped, and it was more than ten nautical miles away from the southeast of the "Emperor". On the sea, a wooden ship is approaching.

Although the speed of the ship is fast, it is far worse than the "Emperor". If the "Emperor" does not stop due to the "fish catch", the ship will never encounter the "Emperor" moored on the sea. Emperor".

Life is so wonderful, and chance encounters are not rare in people's lives.

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