Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 721: Order Empire

Looking at the mermaid that had disappeared in the water, Dinessa looked rather regretful.

"Okay! Dinesha, this mermaid, but hates us humans very much, it is not easy to touch them!"

Dinesha was a little unwilling, and said angrily: "Then why can the big brother? I saw it, that mermaid is obedient in front of the big brother!"

"This one……"

Kuniya was speechless for a while, not knowing how to answer her sister's words.

Hearing what the two women said, Wendy walking aside said coldly: "No matter how savage creatures are tamed, they will become docile. If she wants to survive, she must be the owner's pet honestly!"

If it's so "cold"...

Dinessa smacked her tongue secretly to the big sister beside her.

This big sister looks pretty, but it's too cold.

"A lot of beautiful big sisters!"

When entering the garden, flowers of various colors came out, and the slim figure standing straight in the walkway was also under a beautiful scenery.

Looking at the big sisters with extraordinary looks, Dinessa praised her.

"Okay! Just say a few words!"

Gu Niya had a headache for Dinesha's so many words, and couldn't help but scolded.

When she was quite harsh with Sister Gunia, Dinesha smiled and stopped speaking.

Seeing that expression, Gunia's words were said to be in vain.

However, what Dinessa said was right. These girls in black dresses did have good looks, and every one of them looked pretty and lovely.

This majesty is really beautiful, and his life is also enviable.

When entering the pavilion, Li Meng sat down on the recliner, pointed at the stone bench next to the round table, and said, "Sit down!"

After hearing the words, the three of them walked down by the stone table under the leadership of Gu Niya.

Sitting on the stone bench, looking at Li Meng who was lazily sitting on the recliner, Gu Niya smiled and said: "Your life is really enviable. It's not like me waiting, running around for the survival of the country!"

Li Meng couldn’t deny what Kuniya said, and admitted it honestly, and said lazily: “You’re right. Recently, it’s been a bit bald, but everyone’s life experience is different. As a princess, you have your own responsibilities. This responsibility gives you an extraordinary life, and this life is not the price of your being born in the royal family? This right and glory are not so easy to control!"

With a slight smile, Gu Niya did not refute Li Meng's point of view, but said: "It seems that your Excellency has experienced many things!"

"No, you guessed it wrong. Twenty years will not make people feel about life!"

Twenty years?

Looking suspiciously at the boy in the seat, indeed, he does not seem to be very old, at most he will not be over twenty years old.

Thinking of this, Gu Niya was very surprised, and said in surprise: "Then your Excellency is really a genius of heaven. You are in a high position at a young age, and the future may be immeasurable!"

Li Meng just smiled at Guniya's praise and said, "I'll talk about the future! I wonder what news you guys got, so you rushed to Kyoto in such a hurry!"

Being upright, Gu Niya never thought of concealing this matter.

If it is true, the news may no longer be a secret.

Tell the boy in front of him that it's fine.

Gunia thought this way, whispered softly: "The "Ecclesias", a large country in the northwest of Eurasia, launched an alliance meeting in Kyoto. During the meeting, the Eurasian empire made it clear that the alliance would form a southern expedition. The army, crusade against the Yunan Continent occupied by the devil, and restore the order of the humans on the Yunan Continent. The news is true or false. I don’t know for the time being. However, since the news has spread, it is true that the cult empire is a religion. In the country that is formed, only those lunatics will conquer demons for the sake of faith!"


Li Meng's expression on the seat was corroborated, and he was indeed surprised by the news.

Li Meng knew where this southern continent was.

It is not far from the Kingdom of Austria. To the south of the Kingdom of Austria is the Aegean Sea, and on the other side of the Aegean Sea is the southern continent. The distance between them is almost 7,000 nautical miles.

Looking at Gu Niya suspiciously, Li Meng guessed: "Is the trouble in the Kingdom of Austria related to demons?"

Kuniya nodded heavily, and said in a rather quiet tone: "There are external factors, and there are internal disturbances!"

It seems that the trouble encountered by the Kingdom of Austria is not small. If it has something to do with the "devil", it will not be a small problem, but a big one. No wonder it asks for help from external forces.

He moved his body and put a comfortable posture on the seat. Looking at Gu Niya, Li Meng said calmly: "In this era, if you want to ask for help from external forces, the price you need to pay is unimaginable. Although I don’t know much about the regiment empire, you'd better not have too much expectations. Although they have plans to march south, the preparation time for the alliance is long, and it may take several years."

Gunia was silent, he was right, and the Kingdom of Austria could not wait that long.

But..., Gu Niya said solemnly: "Try it anyway!"

Nodding lightly, Li Meng said in a very understanding manner: "That's true, there is still hope!"

Glancing across Gunia's whole body, Li Meng said, "The next time I see you, I hope to see your beautiful side, not the dress you are now!"

Guniya smiled apologetically, and said apologetically: "While going out, everything can only be simple. When I met your Excellency this time, I didn't have time to dress up a bit, I made you laugh!"

With a light smile, Li Meng said without hesitation: "Although the beautiful appearance is pleasing to the eye, the beauty of the soul is the most beautiful and the most pleasing!"

When he said this, Li Meng looked at Teresa.

Perceiving Li Meng's gaze, Teresa raised her head and smiled. Although her face was a little messy, she was indescribably cute.

Gunia on the side seemed to have noticed something, her face thoughtful.

The lord in front of me seems to care about Teresa. Is there any reason for this?

With a slight smile, Gu Niya said softly: "It seems that your Excellency really likes my sister Teresa!"

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