Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 730: Banquet

When she got up, Yuli said to the two of them: "Alright! Go get ready and take a good rest tonight. We will leave from the east gate tomorrow morning. We don't have much time. Since we promised two days, we will finish it in two days."

The two nodded, and then stood up together.

As the three people left, the huge hall returned to calm again.

Time was passing, and as the light left, the sound of guns outside the city disappeared.

With the advent of night, Amway City was quiet.

Amway City, shrouded in the smoke of gunpowder and war, has not been out of sight of Bentley from beginning to end. What happens here, news is transmitted to all parts of the country at all times.

The information was transmitted to military commanders everywhere and also to the rebel army.

The darkness hides a lot of things, even in the dark, in the front line battlefield city of Amway, the rebels are still in action.

In a hotel in the city, singing and dancing are now rising, and a banquet is being held on the grounds of rewarding sergeants.

The caller is a businessman, a patriotic businessman.

In the huge hall, the lights are brilliant, the gray figures are shaking, the "buzzing" chaos is endless, music, wine, and meat are echoing in the hall.

It is in sharp contrast with the dark street outside.

In this banquet, military positions above the centurion were all invited, including six ten thousand chiefs.

At a glance, almost all officers are in the huge hall, and other types of people are almost invisible.

Although facing war, the officers in the hall laughed, touching wine glasses, drinking wine, and eating meat.

On the second floor of the hall, Orino, wearing a black dress and holding a wine glass, slowly leaned against an officer who was leaning on the guardrail and looking at the hall.

Looking at the military rank on his shoulders, he is a ten thousand chief.

Looking at that face, isn't it Brevo?

"It's very lively, isn't it? It's hard to imagine that you can see this scene in the battlefield, but when you are alive, don't you just want to eat, drink and have fun? Can indulge yourself, even if you sacrifice on the battlefield, there is no regret.

Leaning on the guardrail and looking at the lively hall below, Orino talked to himself, saying to himself, it was also something for those around him.

Brevo seemed a little surprised by Olino's arrival. He raised the glass in his hand and motioned slightly.

Said: "It turned out to be Your Excellency Orino. This banquet really made your Excellency bother. I am here to thank you on behalf of all the officers."

Olino also raised his wine glass in return, saying: "Where! Where, as citizens of Bentley, you can’t just let your soldiers charge at the forefront. We merchants should also do something, this is me. Should be done."

"Haha! If the businessmen of Bentley are as bold and righteous as your Excellency, why should I be afraid of the First Army in Bentley."

Brevo laughed and drank the wine in the glass.

Nodded slightly, Orino looked at Brevo with a smile, and said: "I heard that the warfare of the adults on the front line is quite unsuccessful and under great pressure. I wonder if the adults can tell me a clear truth. I have a great career in Amway City. If I can get news in advance, I'd better prepare."

Brevo did not conceal this point, nor did he think too much, and said truthfully: "It seems that you are a prudent person, and I am not afraid to tell you the truth. The frontline warfare is indeed very serious. With the existing strength of Amway City, the most can only be Supported for three days under the offensive of the First Army, if nothing else, the fall of Amway City will be sooner or later."


Orino's expression was slightly surprised, and he said in a puzzled way: "As far as I know, don't the defenders of Amway City have 80,000 troops? How can it not last for a week?"

"Eighty thousand?"

Orino smiled helplessly, and said: "This is the gap in military strength. The First Army has excellent equipment and powerful war machinery, but what about us? Now we have the first generation of guards, the kind of old-fashioned guards. The equipment simply cannot withstand the offensive of the First Corps. In just a few days, we have lost a lot of troops in the superior terrain."

After listening to Brevo, Olino thought.

It is no wonder that the army in Marani City had been mobilized in the past. It seemed to be mobilizing troops. When their rebels took action, the mobilized troops were used to suppress the riots.

If you guessed it correctly, the army that was transferred was used to support Amway City. Due to unexpected factors, the military government's senior officials gave up supporting Amway City.

This unexpected factor...

When his expression was relaxed, Orino understood that the unexpected factor could only be their resistance.

This is a good thing. For the mission of his trip, if Marani City abandons Amway City, his mission will be better accomplished.

Smiling slightly, looking at Brevo, Orino said with a deep meaning: "According to the news I have learned, Amway City has been abandoned by Captain Messeg, no, not only Amway City, but also the defenders of the small cities. Most of the troops have been transferred by Marani City. Except for Amway City, in the defense zone of Messeg, there are very few defenders in the small town. I wonder if the adults have thought about their own back."

Back path?

Although surprised by the information that Orino brought, Brevo was more curious about the so-called back road.

This is something in the words.

Waved to the passing waiter, Brevo put down the wine glass in his hand.

Looking back at Orino, Brevo said calmly: "I wait for the soldiers to obey orders as their bounden duty. For me and the soldiers, the so-called back road is only a handle to convict. It is going to a military court."

With a chuckle, Olino laughed: "My lord is joking. Now that the military government itself is hard to protect, how can it take care of you? The current situation has also been seen by adults. There is only one dead end. Amway City may become the burial place of adults."


After the words were paused, Orino continued: "The adults don't put hope on the "cookie beast", right? The adults have thought about it, no matter how long you persist, Captain Messeg will not send reinforcement , Adults, don't push yourself to death."

Brevo's expression changed, he became solemn, and his eyes became serious when he watched Olino.

Even if Brevo was stupid, he thought that the identity of the person in front of him was not just a businessman.

Few people knew about the issue of missions to martial artists.

"Your identity is more than just a businessman, right?"

The words are full of questions.

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