Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 733: Plan can't keep up with changes

Just as the civilians in Amway City were panicked, the broadcasts all over Amway City suddenly heard someone's voice.

"Don't panic, don't be afraid. Please maintain the order of the past. Your lives will be guaranteed and will not be affected by war. I swear in the name of the "Rebel Army" that I will guarantee the safety of each of you. Please trust me. Please also believe in the "Resistant Army." For your safety, please stay at home as much as possible before the ban is lifted."

The voice repeated over and over again, echoing everywhere in Amway City.

I have to say that the rebels are very efficient.

Before instigating the army against Amway City, they had fully controlled Amway City.

Whether it is the city hall or the most important communication room.

The broadcast in the city is a tool to convey messages to the civilians. The voices that appear in the broadcast are repeated over and over again. For the civilians in Amway City, this is also a guarantee for a little relief.

"The sky in Amway City is about to change!"

Watching the army marching on the street and the broadcasts in her ears, Yuli muttered to herself.

Although the voice is not loud, it is clear enough for the two people beside him.

Withdrawing his gaze from the street, Qiwei looked at Yuli beside him and said, "What should we do next? Leave Amway City?"

Yuli nodded and said: "After the First Army has occupied Amway City, we can also return to Barrie City."

Qiwei thought, that the city of Bali has been occupied by the First Army. When the First Army takes the city of Amway, the flow between the two places may be restored.

Qi Wei said: "That's good, we have been away for so long, the president should be worried."

Yes, they have been away from Bali for a long time.

Since the First Army captured the city of Bali, they have been trapped in the city of Amway and cannot return to the guild.

Now is the time to return to the guild.

Looking silently at the army marching on the street, the three of them were silent.

An order to evacuate caused the entire Amway City to boil.

As soldiers, the evacuated soldiers only obey the orders of their superiors. They will not consider why they need to retreat, nor will they consider too many political factors. For the soldiers, they just obey the orders.

Moreover, the battle in Amway City was lost, and many soldiers were relieved when they heard the order to retreat.

No one wants to die. Soldiers are also human. They are also afraid of losing their lives. No one wants to fight a war that is doomed to failure.

At this time, when the defenders of Amway City were evacuating.

When the walls of the West City became empty and empty.

In the west gate, on the highway in front of the city gate, a bloated bus was parked alone.

On the side of the road next to the bus, several figures in plain clothes were on alert, guarding the two talking at the front of the bus.

Looking at the closed city gate and the empty city wall, Orino in front of the car helplessly sighed to the people beside him: "This is the end of the matter, and we can only compromise with the First Army. In any case, at least we The Resistance did what it was supposed to do."

The situation in Bentley was changing so fast that people did not expect it.

The original plan of the Resistance Army was to carry out a revolution in the war, to subvert the military government and replace it with the Resistance Army, and then use Bentley's national power to drive out the First Army.

However, the plan could not keep up with the changes, and the military government was also in action during the rebellion.

Perhaps it was some news that I had received in advance. A few days ago, the three capitals of Bentley had been under total martial law. In the three capitals, the resistance forces were too weak. Once the incident occurred, they would only be suppressed. After the captain's plan failed, the rebels had no choice but to focus on the small city outside the capital.

In the subsequent operations, although Xiaocheng's rebellion operation went smoothly, the rebel army had to change its strategic plan.

The original plan against the First Army has been changed to a strategy of prioritizing cooperation with the First Army in order to alleviate the killing that Bentley needs to pay in this war.

Lilos nodded, sighed in his heart, and said in a deep voice, "Once the military government is destroyed, our resistance army will no longer exist."

Yeah, it doesn't exist anymore.

In any case, the First Army is all outsiders. How can the resistance army that helped outsiders survive the war?

It can only be a flash in the pan, drift with the flow, and welcome the new regime.

With a sad expression, Orino said in a deep voice: "This is the price that our rebels must pay. No matter how posterity spurs us, as the instructor said, we can only be ashamed of our hearts. Enough, you must know that our compromise has created the happiness of thousands of families and saved countless lives. This is also a belief in "revolution."

Lelos maintained affirmation of this, and their rebel belief in the revolution is beyond doubt.

Nodding lightly, Lelos said: "Even early in the morning, the First Army might be attacking the city soon. I should also set off. I see that again, and I don't know if the purpose of this trip will go smoothly."

Looking back at Lilos, Orino said solemnly: "Go! Be careful all the way!"

The two silently glanced at each other. Under Orino's gaze, Lilos boarded the bus.

"lets go!"

After boarding the bus, Lylos gave the driver an order to start.

Outside the car, the vigilant guards stayed, and they would wait with Orino for the return of Lylos.

With the roar of the "rumbling" power furnace, the bloated bus started with billowing white smoke.

Seeing the bus approaching, the only soldiers who remained behind the gate quickly opened the gate.

Under the push of the soldiers, the heavy door was slowly opened with the sound of "creaking".

When the city gate opened to allow the bus to pass, the bloated bus whizzed past the city gate and drove out of Amway City.

On the road outside the city, the bus was moving at a steady speed.

In the car, Lelos looked at the position on the side of the road through the window.

At a glance, the position was empty and empty, except for the black crater, there were only countless trenches twisted like small snakes.

The black traces, densely packed shells, and broken cannons, this scene filled the position with a feeling of gunpowder and war.

However, at this time, the position was deadly silent.

Like the Era of the Red Police Disaster, please collect it: ( The literature of the Era of the Red Police has the fastest update speed.

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