Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 735: Rebel's compromise

While Lylos was mentally active, the mouse assault vehicle drove off the road, passed through the army lined up on the clearing, and stopped at the edge of the tent area in front of the largest camp.

Leaving the car, stepping on the soft ground, Lilos looked around.

The camp in front of you should be the destination of this trip.

"Come with me! General Natasha is waiting!"

Following the mobilization of troops, Lilos entered the camp.

As soon as he entered the camp, Lilos felt his eyes staring at him.

Looking into the camp, at a square table, Lilos saw many dark green figures.

At one end of the square table, Lilos also saw the person he wanted to meet.

The general, the general wearing a black blood-stripe armor and a hood.

Looking at the strange figure entering the camp, the sergeants at the square table cast their curious eyes.

At this time, the rebels came to the door.


At the time in Bally City, everyone knew that General Natasha had clearly rejected the Resistance's proposal for cooperation.

Why did you come this time?

As everyone watched, Lilos stepped forward, nodded to Natasha at the other end of the square table, and said: "After a long time, we meet again! Come this time, I hope the general will not let me empty-handed Go back."

Looking at the person opposite, Natasha said coldly: "If you still "cooperate", you will also come back empty-handed this time!"

A cold voice came from the hood and reached Lelos' ears.

With a slight smile, Lilos couldn't deny Natasha's words, and said, "This trip is different. This time I came with great sincerity. My task is to seek cooperation, or you can say no."

"You have half an hour."

Looking at Lilos, Natasha said coldly.

Of course Lelos knew what this meant.

He must convince the general in front of him within half an hour, otherwise, his mission is doomed to fail again.

With a slight expression on his face, Lilos became serious and said, "Early this morning, the defenders of Amway City have completely withdrawn. This is the sincerity of our rebels and a gift to you."

The words paused, and Lilos said solemnly: "It is undeniable that your First Army has a strong military force. It will be a matter of time before Bentley will fall, but if you have the help of our rebels, you will occupy this area faster. The earth."

"There are unavoidable troubles to rule the field, and this kind of trouble cannot be avoided by a strong military force, and our resistance army can let you solve this trouble well and completely rule Bentley."

The defenders of Amway City evacuated?

This news surprised the sergeants.

At the same time, it is also speculating whether there are any changes in the interior of Bentley. Otherwise, how can the resistance army have the right to order the defenders of Amway City to evacuate?

Seeing that the general was still unresponsive, Lelos continued: "This time I am here, not to cooperate, but to compromise. The meaning of our resistance is to liberate the oppressed civilians. As long as the First Army promises to do so, At the request of the people, our resistance army is willing to give up all rights. After the war, the resistance army will naturally disappear."


Speaking of this, Natasha was very surprised. What is the reason why the Resistance is willing to pay such a high price?

Looking at Lilos curiously, Natasha said, "What are your requirements?"

Seeing that the general finally responded, Lilos breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as he is interested in this matter, under the bottomless compromise of the Rebels, Lylos does not believe that the First Army will not be moved.

Taking a deep breath, Lilos said solemnly: "First, when rebuilding the government after the war, in the appointment of power, priority is given to the talented and ambitious people in the rebel army."

"Second, the First Army must treat the people of Bentley country well, at least not worse than when the military government ruled."

"Third, as compensation for the dissolution of the Resistance after the war, the First Corps should give preferential treatment to the employment of the members of the Resistance. They have been running for this country for a lifetime, and they cannot be allowed to do nothing."

The words paused slightly, and looking at the black figure, Lilos breathed a deep sigh of relief and said, "These three conditions should not be considered excessive."

It is indeed not excessive, it can be said that the First Army has given up everything.

Looking around at the people around the square table, Natasha said, "What do you think about this?"

What do you think?

When Natasha asked, a sergeant immediately said: "The conditions are reasonable, and the details still need to be considered. The Bentley war commander has given the general the full power of agency. Whether he agrees, the general can call the shots."

"Yes! We have been thinking of ways to quickly resolve the war in Bentley. If there is the assistance of the rebels, the future battle will be much easier. I think this is feasible.

Another sergeant also agreed and agreed with Tao.

The opinions were unified. Although the other sergeants did not speak, at least they did not object.

Seeing this, Natasha's gaze in the hood looked at Lelos, and said: "Under the rule of our First Legion, the government is free. Whoever is in power has the final say. In the election of hundreds of positions, I You can give priority to the rebels, but whether you can be elected depends only on your own abilities."


Lelos' eyes lit up. This political model can be said to delegate power to civilians.

Under this regime model, even civilians may climb to the summit of power.

Isn't this a kind of fairness that they believe in the resistance army?

Lilos was a little excited. He didn't expect that the First Army, which has a strong military force, would be so fair and free in political choices, which was unexpected.

At this moment, Lilos became a little anxious. He deeply realized that he must immediately inform the instructor of this news, and the future strategic direction should be changed immediately.

Members of the rebel army with status in each city must conceal the identity of the "rebel army", use the identity of the businessman to do some good deeds, gain popular support, and prepare for future elections.

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