Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 746: came back

On the wide two-way four-lane road, the convoy galloped all the way towards the temple.

Through the black car window, Li Meng looked at the scene outside.

After many days in Shibei, Qingcheng has changed a lot. Although the old buildings still exist, looking into the distance, the tall apartment buildings have been stretched. Although they are still under construction, once the reconstruction of Qingcheng is completed, Qingcheng The city will complete the transformation and become a brand new city.

In Li Meng's line of sight, the most conspicuous thing was the towering quantum communication tower in the city.

It is too high and too big. Although only one-third of the construction has been completed, the height has exceeded two hundred meters. It is impossible to imagine how magnificent it will be when it is built.

Perceived that His Highness’s gaze noticed the quantum communication tower under construction in the city, Sakuya lightly said on the side: “The quantum communication tower under construction is a large-scale communication device and a comprehensive signal transfer base station. The amount of engineering is very huge. Although it has been listed as a priority, it will take a lot of time to complete the construction. If the First Army wants to enter the information technology, it still needs to wait.

The voice of Sakuya in the ear did not make Li Meng look away from the window. Looking at the retreating scene, Li Meng looked calm and said: "The construction of the territory is not an easy task. The small Nanlin Island Let us spend so much energy, spend countless time, money, and manpower. As the territory expands, the burden on the shoulders of the First Army will become heavier."

It is easy to start a war, but the reconstruction after the war is a headache for all the victors.

In Bentley, with the victory of the First Army, the First Army will also encounter this situation.

Looking at His Royal Highness, Sakuya said softly: "This is because the foundation of Nanlin Island is too thin, and there is almost nothing. The construction of Nanlin Island is equivalent to building a new city, and the great effort is also expected. The Bentley country is different. Bentley has a complete urban system. Even if the war is urbanized into ruins, the First Army can quickly rebuild in the ruins."

This is also true, Li Meng can't deny Sakuya's words.

The situation on Nanlin Island is indeed different from that of Bentley.

Therefore, during the war against Bentley, Li Meng told Natasha to avoid fighting as much as possible without fighting, because the destruction of the city is equivalent to burning the money of the First Army, because the funds for reconstruction after the war It is counted on the head of the First Army.

Turning Bentley into ruins is not a good thing for anyone.

Speaking of this, Li Meng thought of one thing.

Looking back at Sakuya next to him, Li Meng said, "How is Qingcheng's business going?"

Nodded lightly, Sakuya said: "The development is not bad. Many lucky people made a fortune in the first trade. Through the increase in loan amount from the Soul Language Bank, some unnecessary industries in Qingcheng were carried out by the First Corps. They were sold to merchants. Farms outside the city, logging yards, and shipyards were all within the scope of the sale. There are a few merchants who have high potential, at least in terms of vision. If you are lucky It’s good enough, and perhaps a famous commercial capitalist in the future."


Although this name is very harsh, but the prosperity of business is inseparable from those capitalists.

As long as they are properly controlled and restricted by the law of interest, there is no problem with the existence of capitalists.

Although Li Meng does not understand politics very well, he also knows that the exchange of interests is an indispensable part of human society and the existence of capitalists is necessary.

When the convoy entered a shadow, looking out, the convoy was passing through the city gate.

When the convoy left Qingcheng, you could see a straight road extending to the temple on the back mountain of Qingcheng.

The temple is here.

Galloping all the way, the convoy stopped in the square halfway through the mountain.

"Let's go!"

Speaking to Sakuya beside him, Li Meng opened the door of the car and walked out first.

When the foot stepped on the ground, the huge temple was caught in Li Meng's eyes.

Compared with the changes in Qingcheng, the changes in the temple appear to be very small, and there are almost no changes.

The same as when he left, still as magnificent, full of darkness.

"Your Highness! Welcome your return!"

Under the stairs, three slender figures have been waiting.

When they saw Li Meng walking out of the car, they hurriedly greeted him.

Looking at the three people in front of him, Li Meng knew who they were.

A member of the guards who stayed behind the temple.


Responded, Li Meng said, "Fortunately for so many days, nothing has happened to the temple, right?"

Among the three, one said: "Everything is normal, only one accidental discovery requires instructions from the owner."

Li Meng did not immediately ask what he discovered by accident, but said: "Let's go! Go back to the temple and talk about it!"


In response, the three of them moved aside, giving way to the road.

Seeing this, Li Meng took a step forward, stepped onto the stairs, and walked to the temple gate at the end of the stairs.

Everyone followed closely behind.

"the host!"

Wherever they went, the nuns on guard all bowed their heads and whispered softly to show their respect.

Except for Mu Ling, there are no living people in the temple, and the guards of the temple are also replaced by nuns.

Although the temple is located outside Qingcheng, it is not isolated from the forest outside.

But since the temple stood on the top of the mountain, the forest within a few miles has become a dead place.

No polluting beast is willing to step into this forbidden zone, because the instinct in their genes warns them to stay away from the forbidden area that exudes the breath of death. Faced with the fear of death, all creatures choose to stay away.

It can be said that the temple is the safest on the entire Nanlin Island, and the possibility of being invaded by contaminated beasts is infinitely close to zero.

"finally come back!"

Go through the door of the Skeleton Temple and walk in the wide corridor.

Looking at the sky above his head, Li Meng couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Compared with the air full of pollutants outside, the environment in the temple made Li Meng feel more comfortable.

The strong power of death is like touching the skin and comforting the soul like a lover. For any undead creature, the temple is a holy place of death that the undead desires.

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