Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 755: Evacuate

Seeing the calm water surface below, Vanya groaned for a while, and then released the restraint device around his waist, and the slight trembling power suddenly disappeared.

"You are waiting here, ready to evacuate at any time!"

After speaking, Wanya released the restraint device around his waist and slowly slipped to the surface of the water below.

Above Vanya, the exploration team looked nervously at the surface of the water, the rifle in its hand was loaded, and the muzzle of the black hole was aimed at the bottom.

"Sergeant Chief! Please be careful!"

Seeing Vanya who was sliding down to the surface, a certain mobilizer couldn't help but reminded.

It is too dangerous to take risks like this. No one knows whether there is a certain type of polluting beast hidden in the water. Once they get close to the water, they may be attacked.

With a focused expression, Vanya controlled the restraint device around his waist and slipped to the surface of the water little by little.


Vanya certainly knows this.

But he must take risks. There are obviously things in the water under his feet, and those things that exude brilliance are definitely not ordinary things.

Now that he has reached the ground below ten thousand meters, of course he can't leave without gaining anything.

It is not enough to just discover this huge space, and some exploration must be done.

With the fall, the surface of the water was very close.

The water is very clear, and the closer you get to the surface, the clearer the looming things in the water.

The water was swaying, and when it was parallel to the surface, Vanya couldn't help looking into the distance.

Water, endless water, this underground space is like an underground sea, very vast.

Putting the rifle on his back and grabbing the rope with his right hand, Vanya's body slowly sank into the water.

When the water spread over his head and looked down, under the clear water, Vanya finally saw what it was that glowed.

The depth of the water is not bottom, but some plants are floating at a depth of several tens of meters from the surface of the water.

The plants are like jellyfish, with a huge body size and a diameter of no less than 20 meters. Under the plant is a root like a rope, one end is connected to the plant, and the other end disappears into the deep water.

Under the water, there are countless plants of the same kind, and at a glance, they are densely packed.

They exude the same brilliance, an orange fluorescence.

Looking towards the deeper water, the end of the gloomy sight was like a night sky, exuding various colors.

There is no doubt that in deeper places, there are more different types of vegetation.


The scene before him made Vanya who sank into the water amazed.

Such a wonderful scene can be said to be the most beautiful place he has seen in his life.

"Sergeant Chief! Come back soon, the behemoth is back!"

From the communicator, an exclamation from the exploration team suddenly came.

This caused Vanya's expression to change, and his left hand slammed the restraint device on his waist.

With the sound of the power machinery running, Vanya, a few meters below the surface, rose rapidly.


In the stirring water waves, Vanya's figure rushed out of the water.

As his body rose away from the water, Vanya looked around.

Not far to the west, the surface of the water was wavy, slightly bulging upward, coming all the way towards the Tiankeng.

Under the water, the huge black shadow loomed.

"Sergeant Chief! Will you evacuate?"

When Vanya returned to an altitude of 100 meters, an exploration team leader asked.

Taking a deep breath, looking at the behemoth approaching not far away, Wanya said, "No hurry! What will it do?"

Vanya was quite curious about this.

Those small black polluting beasts have escaped, and the prey is not there. What will it do when it comes back?

It was close, and the huge black shadow was swimming back and forth in the water under the feet of the exploration team.

After a while, its slightly bloated body suddenly stopped cruising while the exploration team was watching, and its huge head gently protruded out of the water.

This move made the exploration team at a height of 100 meters nervous.

What is it doing?

Heads comparable to two buses, just so still on the water.

On the skull, those two meters in diameter, with light red pupils staring at them.

No, it's not watching them, watching the exploration team.

Vanya could feel that the giant beast in the water was not looking at them, but at the sinkhole above them.

"This guy……"

Looking at the giant beast in the water, Wanya looked solemn.

That guy's gaze was too clever, unlike the gaze that was filled with slaughter like the polluting beast on the land.

Vanya actually felt curiosity from those pupils.

It is curious and wondering, curious about the existence of Tiankeng.

Not long after, it moved in the water. Under the gaze of the exploration team, it retreated. Under the disturbance of the water, the huge head retracted into the water.

The body under water began to swing, and the huge body slowly disappeared into the deep water.

it's over?

Watching the disappearance of the behemoth in the water, Vanya breathed a sigh of relief.

But this is not the end.

Before the exploration team had time to take a deep breath, the figure of the behemoth in the water reappeared.

I saw the huge black shadow in the water swaying by, and its huge body was rapidly approaching the water surface.

The water was turbulent, and as the giant beast approached, the surface of the water raised slightly.


In the surging water column, it rushed out of the water.

The huge body broke away from the water, rushed to a height of more than ten meters, and slammed into the water column.

It was not a bump, but a jump.

It leaped on the stone pillar and stabbed into the rock wall with its strong hind paws.

Just with the hind legs, it supported its huge body to stay on the vertical rock wall.

It moved, and its two hind paws alternated. It looked like a gecko, climbing on a vertical stone pillar.

This scene changed Vanya's expression drastically.

Obviously, the target of this behemoth is the sinkhole, and it wants to leave the underground space.

"Evacuate! Evacuate immediately!"

It is too big, climbing on the stone pillars looks like a big moving mountain, probably no less than 70 meters in length, and a height of about 50 meters.

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