Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 760: Fallen behemoth


With a violent wave of his hand, Luo Rumanfu gave the order to attack.

With an order, the mobilized soldiers who were ready for battle pulled the trigger.

"Da da da!"



The fire flickered and gunfire rumbled.

In the harsh whistling sound of the rockets, the dense bullets and rockets formed large and small red streamers and attacked into the darkness below the tiankeng.

The fiery red light illuminates the darkness, and also allows the giant in the darkness to appear in the mobilization of soldiers.

What a terrible creature.

The huge body is covered with bone armor, making it look like a skeleton creature.

A hundred meters away, the dark tiankeng was suddenly shrouded in a fiery rain of bullets and plunged towards the giant beast that was climbing on the rock wall.

A dense rain of bullets enveloped the behemoth.

"Chih! Chih!"

Countless bullets hit the huge body of the giant beast, sparks splashed and stray bullets fluttered.


In the rain of bullets, the howling rocket plunged towards the target.

A series of explosions suddenly occurred on the monster.

One after another huge fireballs boiled, and the surging flame immediately enveloped the giant beast.


In the flames, the giant beast let out a loud roar.

The pain on his body made it angry, and the impact of the explosion made it gradually slip off.

The claws that pierced the rock wall were loosening, and countless rubble fell into the invincible abyss.

"What an amazing defense!"

Looking at the giant beast on the cliff below the tiankeng, Luo Luomanfu was speechless.

Whether it is the large-caliber heavy machine gun of the Sickle Mech or the rockets, it can't cause much damage to it.

The armor on the giant beast's body was like a bone, and the defense was quite amazing. The bullets of large and small calibers were almost all bounced off on it, causing the stray bullets to dance in the sinkhole.

Even if it hits a place where there is no bone armor, it will not cause effective damage to the giant beast. The bullet is blocked by the thick skin, and can only pierce a little skin and cause pain to the giant beast.


The intensive gunfire was continuous.

In particular, a dozen sickle mechas have amazing firepower.

Under the blast of wheeled heavy machine guns, countless fiery red dragons were formed, and the dense bullets hit the behemoth continuously like raindrops.

Even a giant beast could not withstand the continuous attack.

In the rain of bullets, the giant beast slipped little by little, and every explosion on its body would loosen the claws that pierced the rock wall.

Under the blow of the metal storm, it retreated.

He turned around in a panic, trying to escape.

At this time, two rockets fell from the sky, tearing through the darkness, and hitting the cliff beside the giant beast.

"Boom! Boom!"

As the flame flickered, the explosion came abruptly.

The surging flame swept over everything around, and the shock wave sandwiched between the gravel slammed into the nearest giant beast.

The power of the rocket is limited, and when the shock wave hits the monster, it does not cause much damage to the monster.

But at this moment, an accident happened.

The rock wall under the behemoth suddenly cracked because of the shock of the explosion.

Lost the bearing capacity under his feet, the huge body of the giant beast fell into the dark abyss along with the broken rock.


In a loud roar, the huge figure of the giant beast quickly disappeared into the darkness.

The behemoth fell, and the attack from the ground stopped.

At the edge of the sinkhole, the mobilized soldiers looked at each other, the falling behemoth gave them a lot of pressure.

It's too big, it's too big.

They had never seen such a big polluting beast.

And its appearance, just looking at it gives people a cruel feeling.

Withdrawing his gaze from the sinkhole, Luo Luomanfu was relieved.

That thing should be hopeless to survive, the ground can be 10,000 meters away from the ground, even if there is water at the bottom, the instant shock is enough to make the giant beast to pieces.

Leaving from the edge of the sinkhole, Luo Luomanfu returned to the temporary command center.

After waiting for a while, three figures walked in.

The person who came was the mobilizer, and was also the superior officer of the three hundred people in the Stone Forest.

Three first-class sergeants.

Vanya is among them.

Looking at the three of them, Luo Luomanfu said: "The appearance of that giant beast is no longer safe here. The three of you will stay here, guard the sky hole, and prevent such polluting beasts from leaving the ground. Also, explore The mission is not over yet. Although the underground space has been discovered, we need to understand the underground space."

Shifting his eyes slightly, Luo Luomanfu looked at Vanya and said, "Sergeant Vanya! You already have an experience, and the exploration tasks will be handed over to you. Take a good rest tonight, and continue to the ground tomorrow. Space exploration."


Vanya responded with a military salute.

Nodded, Luo Ruomanfu said to the three of them: "Go! Arrange for camping separately!"


The three of them responded in unison, turned and left.

When the three people left, Luo Rumanfu said to the people in the open-air command center: "Complete the task as soon as possible. I have a feeling that the discovery of the underground space will lead to some unpredictable things. The commander has returned. Now, maybe I have some opinions on this matter."

A mobilizer responded: "The task report is always in progress, and the relevant information has been transferred to the database. Do you want to send a reminder email to the temple?"

After thinking for a while, Luo Rumanfu shook his head and said: "The commander has just returned, don't bother, just report the task to the synchronization terminal."


After staying in the temporary command center for a while, Luo Luomanfu left.

The sky is getting dark, and night will come in about tens of minutes.

Before night falls, Luo Luomanfu must return to the base.

While exploring the underground space, the sealing off of tiankeng must also be handled simultaneously.

Otherwise, the light green gas will destroy the forest, and Nanlin Island will become a dead place before long.

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