Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 765: The return of the ghoul

When seeing the rubber boats in the distance starting to return, Wanya was relieved.

The mission went smoothly unexpectedly, and there was no pollution beast, which can be said to be a blessing in misfortune.

"Sergeant Chief! This underground space is very large. We have been exploring the east for nearly seven or eight kilometers, and we have not seen the end. It is still water. However, four kilometers to the east, the stone pillars disappeared, and there is endless water outside. It's like an underground sea."

The returning exploration team began to report everything they had seen to Vanya.

When the exploration teams returned one by one and obtained information from the nine exploration teams, Vanya finally had some basic knowledge of the underground space.

The range of the stone pillars is about five kilometers, and there is an endless underground sea outside.

From the surface of the water to the zenith, the range of the stone pillars is relatively low, about 400 meters, while the zenith outside the stone pillars climbs all the way up, and at the extreme edge of the exploration, it has exceeded a thousand meters.

It is no wonder that the exploration team did not encounter any polluting beasts. Compared to the vast underground sea, this place filled with stone pillars is only a small place. Of course, the probability of encountering polluting beasts is not high.

With the return of the exploration team, the exploration mission can be said to have ended.

Looking around the boats, Vanya gave the order.

"The mission is over, start to evacuate!"

With an order, the exploration team on the rubber dinghy began to return.

Each mobilized soldier hung up the rope and evacuated one by one.

The riot lasted only half an hour.

After half an hour, the water under the tiankeng was empty.

The last figure just disappeared in the sinkhole.

The exploration troops began their return journey in the dark.

After three hours, the exploratory force returned to the ground.

At this time, just after noon.

"Is it something found in a plant?"

Next to the tiankeng, in the temporary command center.

Looking at two things in his hands, a glass bottle filled with orange liquid, and a half-fist-sized pearl emitting orange light, Luo Ruomanfu asked Vanya.

Vaniya nodded and said, "Yes! The liquid is taken from spherical plants, and the orange pearls are also found in spherical vegetation. They are all things that are bred by spherical plants."

"This thing is very strange. It seems that there are still many secrets in the underground space."

Withdrawing his gaze from the object in his hand, looking up at Wanya, Luo Luomanfu said: "This time the exploration mission is very fortunate, take a good rest. Before the test results come out, there should be no more in a few days. task."


After a military salute, Vanya turned and left.

As Sergeant Roboman said, he needs rest, and all his subordinates also need rest.

In the underground environment, the pressure of being entangled in danger can make people tired, and enough rest can get rid of the negative emotions.

After Vanya left, Luo Rumanfu was also ready to leave.

He must return to Qingcheng and use the equipment in the base to detect the composition of the two things in his hands to see what they are.

Qingcheng, in the temple of Houshan.

In the pavilion surrounded by a sea of ​​purple flowers, Li Meng on the seat is waiting.

Not long ago, a stranger wanted to meet him.

She is a stranger, but she hasn't seen it before. She is not a stranger.

After all, in this world, the root of the dead lies in Li Meng, so the dead are all descendants of Li Meng.

Even if it is a branch, the aura present on its body is easy to distinguish.

It was precisely because of this that even if she was near the temple, the nuns outside the temple did not drive her away, but chose to report to Li Meng.

Li Meng did not wait long.

As the figure swayed in the corridor, a nun brought a strange woman into the courtyard.

In the courtyard walkway, she wore a black exquisite long dress. When she walked around, she perfectly showed the beauty of being a woman, and she looked slender and slim.

That cold face was white and clean, with the beauty of a perfect oriental woman.

Between every move, it gives a sense of elegance.

When entering the pavilion, she in a black dress, half kneeling in front of Li Meng.

She lowered her head and said softly: "Master! Come to see you by the order of her father Chen Qi!"

She knelt quietly, waiting for her master's response.

The waist-length black hair was almost dragging to the ground.

The posture is uneven and looks pretty.

Hearing her words, Li Meng in the seat didn't seem surprised.

When she entered the courtyard, Li Meng already knew her identity.

As his descendant, although it is a branch, Li Meng's breath of ghoul can be said to be fresh in his memory.

After all, the species of ghoul was created by Li Meng unintentionally. Compared with ghouls, ghouls, ghouls have a greater self-modeling ability. Although they are not as powerful as ghouls, they are Smart, it's Shi Ji, and the ghouls are far behind.

Looking at her kneeling on the ground, Li Meng asked, "What is your name?"

"Chen Yan!"

She lowered her head and replied softly.

Chen Yan?

The name is pretty good.

With an indifferent expression, Li Meng continued, "It's been so long, and you haven't heard from you. I even think you have sunk in the sea."

Chen Qi has been gone for a long time, nearly a month and a half.

In such a long period of time, it has been possible to run a dozen back and forth between Nanlin Island and the No. 4 Acropolis of Kyoto.

But Chen Qi, who had left, did not return any news in this more than a month.

This made Li Meng almost forget that there is a descendant of ghouls among his descendants.

"Master! Please calm down your anger. There is a reason for it, but my father didn't mean it."

She was quite frightened, and she fell lower.

Seeing her look so frightened, Li Meng waved his hand: "Okay! You don't need to be afraid. Since I said that ghouls have the greatest freedom at the beginning, I won't blame you for it. Now, look up at me. speak."

"Yes! Thank you Master for forgiveness!"

While talking, she raised her head, her white face facing Li Meng.

The expression is full of joy, and the expression is very rich.

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