Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 772: Important matter?

It is precisely because the original crystal is very convenient that the First Army is also considering using the power furnace as the engine of the car.

The power furnace is not too sophisticated technology. The only thing needed for its production is a good industrial foundation.

However, there is also a big gap in the manufacturing process of power furnaces between countries.

In the power furnace, there are two major categories, one is the internal combustion engine, and the other is the direct injection engine.

There is only one type of direct injection machine, which operates like a rocket. Through a special excitation device, the ability of the original crystal is released, and power is obtained by compression and then ejection.

Direct injection machines generally appear on flying mechanical units, and they are also toys for major countries.

Poor countries in the third world do not have the capacity to manufacture direct injection power furnaces.

Internal combustion engines are divided into two categories. One is the steam engine. This kind of power furnace is simple in structure but larger in size and is usually used on ships. This type of power furnace can be manufactured in countries with a little industrial base. The most commonly used power furnace in the country.

The second category is internal combustion turbines. This kind of power furnace requires a very high industrial basis. It is directly driven by energy and obtains power through a circulation device. The manufacturing process is quite sophisticated, and there is no qualified metal and no ability to manufacture.

On the "Al" side, the power furnace has been included in the research scope, but Wendy knows that there does not seem to be much interest in the power furnace.

For the human beings on the side of "Ayre", the power furnace is very backward due to the different levels of technology.

In "Ayre", energy has changed to "electricity" again.

Because electric energy is full of shaping, it can become a "omnipotent" energy source.

"Really! I really hope that Qingcheng will become a metropolis as soon as possible."

Looking at the person next to him, Chen Yan said softly: "Captain Wendy, what does the master want from the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce?"

any request?

With an indifferent expression, Wendy said coldly: "Although the Soulspeaking Chamber of Commerce is an industry under the name of the First Army, the owner's intention is that you want your ghouls to take over completely, and use the Soulspeaking Chamber of Commerce to break into the human beings. The Legion earns benefits. What you want to do and what industry you want to involve is your own business."

Chen Yan nodded softly. She didn't understand this, but just wanted to confirm it.

After all, Chief Guard Wendy is a person next to the master, and he might know some of the master's thoughts.

It would be of great benefit to the ghoul clan to know the thoughts of some masters.

The base in the city was not far from the headquarters of the security team, and the black car quickly came to the building of the headquarters of the security team along the main road.

When Wendy and Chen Yan got out of the car, at the gate of the security team headquarters, Sun Haiwang, who had already received the news, was waiting.

When he saw a black car coming from a distance, his eyes were on.

When Wendy got out of the car, he looked straight, and hurriedly greeted him.

"Welcome, welcome, I have already received the news and am waiting here, two, let's go to the meeting room to talk!"

Looking at the two slender figures, Sun Haiwang said with a smile.

There was some surprise in his eyes.

Wendy knows the two girls in front of him, but Sun Haiwang doesn’t know her status in the First Army. He only knows that from the above documents, there will be her signature occasionally, and sometimes she will come to the security team in person. Headquarters confessed some things.

To outsiders, the First Army is still too mysterious, not even knowing the basic system.

Until now, Sun Haiwang did not know who the leader of the First Army was.

The young commander?

But in Sun Haiwang's view, the title of the commander should only be one of the top ranks in the First Army.

As for another young girl who looked rather beautiful, Sun Haiwang didn't know him, and there was no information at all.

Wendy didn't say much to Sun Haiwang, but just nodded gently.

Today's affairs, the security team is indispensable, it is necessary to trouble the leader of the security team.

There are a lot of things about him today, and many things must be discussed with him.

Sun Haiwang has already taken offense to the coldness with Wendy.

In the eyes of Sun Haiwang, the people in the First Army were all weird and weird.

It is also very puzzling in terms of dressing.

Not to mention the soldiers wearing armors, even the nuns and the generals of the First Legion wear hoods and shield themselves so tightly that outsiders can't find out.

Without saying more, Sun Haiwang took the two women to the security team headquarters building.

When the three of people entered the gate and walked in the busy hall, they immediately greeted countless eyes.

His eyes were mainly focused on the two slender figures.

Whether it is Wendy or Chen Yan, they are all beautiful, not only beautiful, but also very temperamental.

For any male, there is not much resistance.

Wendy and Chen Yan maintained their natural looks at the surprised, unexpected, and fiery eyes, and followed Sun Haiwang coldly and disappeared into the stairs.

For Chen Yan, she has never experienced the scene of being watched. In Kyoto, she often attends banquets organized by businessmen with her father, knowing when and what expressions to respond to.

And Wendy is much simpler. As the corpse girl, she will not think too much, except in front of the master, she will not show off to anyone, but will treat each other coldly.

"What do you want to drink for the two of you? The security team has limited conditions, only coffee and water."

Entering the meeting room, Sun Haiwang asked like two women.

"No need!"

Wendy's answer was clear.

Seeing this, Sun Haiwang could only sit behind his desk, pointed to the side, and said, "Please sit down!"

In the guest seat next to the desk, Wendy and Chen Yan sat side by side, while Sun Haiwang sat in the main seat behind the desk.

The three sitting down did not chat, but went straight to the subject.

Looking at the two girls sitting by the table, Sun Haiwang said in a puzzled way: "I wonder where the two of you need the service of the security team? Your Excellency Wendy visited in person, this must be very important, right?"

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