Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 775: The situation of a weak country

Under Sun Haiwang's gaze, the black car slowly disappeared at the end of the street.

When the black car completely disappeared, Sun Haiwang withdrew his sight, turned and walked towards the security team headquarters.

On the wide road, the black car was driving fast.

The two said nothing on the way, and remained silent in the car.

Chen Yan is thinking about the establishment of a chamber of commerce. The establishment of a chamber of commerce is not difficult to say, and easy to say. It takes a certain amount of energy to think about the details. In the next few days, she will be busy. Up.

And Wendy, her task has been completed, and everything that should be said has been said before, and she has nothing to say to Chen Yan.

After sending Chen Yan back to the small villa, Wendy went straight back to the temple.

At this time, noon has passed.

Qingcheng, Houshan, in the temple.

The huge courtyard is still so dazzling, filled with purple flowers.

The weird colors make all colors dim.

For the dead, everything in the courtyard will make people feel comfortable.

But for the stranger, the pressure is still too great, and just staying there might make you feel uncomfortable.

In the pavilion, Li Meng and Sakuya sat opposite each other.

Not long ago, Li Meng sent someone to call out Sakuya from the reincarnation tower.

It seemed that it took a lot of time, until after noon, just now, Sakuya was just enough to arrive.

It stands to reason that if Sakuya is in the reincarnation tower, it will not take such a long time.

There was only one result, and that was, Sakiya was not in the temple at all.

"When did you leave?"

Sitting lazily on the recliner, Li Meng asked Sakuya beside him.

On the stone bench beside the round table, Sakiya was sitting with her petite figure.

In response to her Highness's inquiry, she whispered: "In the early morning two days ago, I received a message from the port that there was some change in ASEAN, so I hurried back to the port to take charge of the situation."

"What happened?"

Li Meng asked curiously.

It shouldn't be a major event. If it was a major event, Sakuya's caution would have already reported it to him.

Shaking his head lightly, Sakuya said: "It's not a big deal. Three days ago, a fleet of five warships entered the port of Yamami Castle. This attracted the attention of our warships patrolling the ASEAN coastline. After some inquiries, I found that it was just a simple visit."


"who is it?"

Who will visit ASEAN?

ASEAN is a loose polity, with power concentrated on parliamentarians.

If there are visits from country to country, it will be interesting, because ASEAN does not have the highest authority.

If you want to visit, you must visit every member of the Council, and none of them are indispensable. Otherwise, the visiting mission will only end up in a thankless situation.

"The specific news is temporarily unknown, but that fleet belongs to the Kingdom of Sidu."

Kingdom of Sidu?

Li Meng has never heard of this country.

Seemingly aware of His Highness’s doubts, Sakuya continued: “The Kingdom of Xidu is to the west of ASEAN and is a territorial country of ASEAN. It has a vast territory, countless people under its rule, and powerful national power. It is one of the world’s powers.”

Powerful country?

This made Li Meng a little curious.

Li Meng asked in a puzzled way: "Why does a powerful country visit a third world country? Is it a private visit?"

Although ASEAN’s national strength is good, it still belongs to the third world countries.

The gap between the rich and the poor in the country is too wide, and there are countless slaves. At the same time, ASEAN is also the largest slave trade in the Eastern Hemisphere. Such a country cannot enter the scope of a powerful country.

Looking at Li Meng softly, Sakuya said softly: "The Kingdom of Sidu is a powerful country, and ASEAN is a loose political system. According to the information we have collected, the Kingdom of Sidu has always been prying at ASEAN and wants to Turning ASEAN into a subsidiary country is only due to issues of interest, and it is impossible to reach an agreement with the members. This visit should be to convince the members of ASEAN."

It turned out to be so, Li Meng knew it.

In this era, countries with weak national strength are in a really difficult situation.

Be spied by the great powers all the time.

Take Bentley as an example. Although it has been stable for a hundred years, many countries have spied on it.

Not to mention those powerful countries, even some third world countries have a peek at Bentley.

"His Royal Highness! You call me so anxiously this time, what's the important thing?"


Staring at Sakuya, Li Meng smiled and said, "I didn't call you in a hurry. Do you think I am very anxious now?"

This is also true, Sakiya breathed a sigh of relief when Li Meng said.

After receiving the urgent message, Sakuya thought something was wrong.

Hastily put down the things in his hands and rushed back from the coastline of ASEAN.

Thinking of this, Sakiya asked incomprehensibly: "Then what is the matter when your Highness calls me back?"

His body moved slightly, and he posed a comfortable posture on the recliner.

Looking back at Sakuya, Li Meng lightly said: "We can relax surveillance on ASEAN. Since they have no idea of ​​dealing with our First Army, our First Army should not be boring and nervous about them. Just keep a certain amount of patrol in the sea area, and there is no need to pay special attention to the movement of ASEAN."

To His Highness, Sakiya nodded.

What His Highness said was what Sakiya was about to do.

Now, as His Highness said, surveillance of ASEAN is indeed unnecessary.

Although Nanlin Island is very close to ASEAN, the small sea area provides great convenience.

But one thing is that, after a long investigation, Sakiya has gotten an overview of ASEAN.

As ASEAN’s government is scattered, it is a city-to-city complex, and there are only three port cities, which results in the lack of a decent fleet in ASEAN.

To be precise, there is no decent warship.

Perhaps because it is a continental country near the sea, ASEAN has given up on developing its navy.

In maritime military power, ASEAN is not as good as Bentley.

Without a decent fleet, how can you trouble the First Army?

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