Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 778: From the Heroes Association

The arrival of the Heroes' Association was a complete accident for the First Army.

A completely unexpected thing.

When the message from the Heroes Association came to the temple, Li Meng in the pavilion was quite surprised.

"Heroes Association?"

Seeing Qin Qian reporting the information in front of him, Li Meng looked a little surprised.

"Yes, the message from the port, the Heroes Association sent an emissary to meet with the owner, saying that there is something to discuss."

Qin Qian confirmed again.

Want to discuss something?

Li Meng's face was thoughtful.

At this time, the Heroes' Association visited, which made people think a lot.

And I don't know much about Li Meng of the Heroes Association, it can be said that no one has ever heard of it.


Li Meng called to Wendy who was beside him.

Hearing the master's call, Wendy whispered: "Does the master want to know what the existence of the Heroes Association is?"

"Yes, is there any information about the Heroes Association?"

Li Meng asked.

Looking at the owner, Wendy said softly: "For so long, after deliberate inquiries by the First Army, I have already understood the human world very well. There are many outstanding people in the human world. This type of person not only possesses high strength. There is also a noble character. For this kind of people, ordinary humans admire them very much and call them "heroes". In the era of chaotic human society, people who can be called heroes are the backbone of all countries. Over time, after human civilization has gradually returned to normal, the existence of heroes is very weak. In order to allow humans to believe in, and not to let "heroes" disappear, several human powers have jointly formed the Heroes Association to solve the problem between humans. Disputes. Today, the Heroes’ Association is like a media organization, and those heroes are like "stars" and have great reputations in various countries."

After a short speech, Wendy went on to say: “There are many heroes in the Association of Heroes. There is a ranking. The higher the ranking, the higher the ranking, the more resources will be obtained in the Association of Heroes. The resources are not only beneficial to themselves, but also It brings great benefits to the mother country behind the “heroes”. In this ranking, strength is only one point, and fame is the most important. The higher the fame, the higher the ranking in the Hero Association. Therefore, those heroes will often He "has fun" with the people, likes to make everything public, and do things under the camera."

Interesting, after listening to Sakuya's words, Li Meng became very interested in this hero association.

Unexpectedly, there is still such an organization in human beings.

It is conceivable that the people of those big countries are not boring on weekdays. There is a lot of entertainment to pass the time.


Li Meng thought of another point.

Since the Association of Heroes has the obligation to resolve human contradictions, the purpose of this visit to the Association of Heroes is not difficult to imagine.

"Is it here to reconcile?"

In his mind, Li Meng thought to himself.

If it is, then the Heroes Association may be disappointed.

For Bentley, Li Meng is determined to win, and no external factors can stop the First Army.

At this time, Qin Qian in the pavilion spoke. She looked at her master and said, "Master! The heroes' association ship is parked in the sea outside the East Estuary. Can you meet them?"

see? Still missing?

Li Meng was a little uncertain. Now that he knew the purpose of the Heroes Association, rejection was inevitable. Now, it is best to avoid it and reduce some disputes.

If you do not explicitly refuse, there will be room for many things, and it will be of great benefit to future changes in the situation.

"Master! The purpose of the Association of Heroes is very clear. Since they come to us, since there will be a statement, we may as well listen to what they say. If they avoid seeing it, maybe a third party will join under the operation of the Association of Heroes. In this war between the First Army and Bentley, the situation in Bentley is now very good, and we should try our best to maintain this situation."

Beside Li Meng, Wendy suggested softly.

After her words were paused, she continued: "Furthermore, as a big country in the future, we should also pay attention to some aspects. For foreign envoys, we can’t stay behind closed doors. If the master does not want to see them, just send them. That's a general, isn't General Sakiya in the city? Let General Sakiya go to meet them!"

In the pavilion, Li Meng was thinking.

Wendy was right. The Heroes' Association came all the way, and if you didn't see it behind closed doors, the first legion was too stingy. This was undoubtedly a very rude thing.

Moreover, Li Meng was very interested in what the Heroes Association said.

With a slight expression, Li Meng made a decision.

Looking at Qin Qian standing straight in the pavilion, Li Meng said, "Bring them to see me, I will meet them in the main hall of the temple."


Responding softly, Qin Qian walked away quickly, and the slender figure quickly disappeared into the courtyard.

After Qin Qian left, Wendy next to Li Meng asked softly: "His Royal Highness! Is there something wrong with meeting them in the temple? They are ordinary people. If they are corroded by the power of death, they might become a thing. Bad diplomatic events, the First Army will also have one more enemy."

Li Meng smiled slightly, and said casually: "Wendy! What kind of people do you think the Heroes Association will send this time?"

what kind of person?

Without much thought, Wendy said: "In the style of the Heroes Association, the missions of foreign missions are generally performed by heroes."

"That's not enough. If those heroes can't withstand the power of death, how can they be called "heroes"? Without strong power, no matter how great their reputation is, it's just a mere mere appearance."

This is too capricious.

Wendy looked at her master quite speechlessly. Didn't the master make fun of the lives of those heroes?

This joke is not small, as the dead, Wendy knows the horror of the power of death.

This negative and deadly power is no less than a deadly poison to a stranger, and if you are not careful, you are very likely to lose your life.

But this was the master's order, what else could Wendy do.

You can only say softly: "Master! Since you are going to meet them in person, you should not be too casual in dressing. Master, you are the head of our First Army. You represent the entire First Army. In front of outsiders, you must show absoluteness. authority."

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