Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 781: Wolves and pack of wolves

After passing a corner, the corridor ahead can finally see the end.

At the end of the corridor is a huge door. On the door, the huge skull carving is clearly visible. The black pupils seem to be looking at you in all directions, no matter which angle you are in, you can't avoid it.

Seeing this, how could the two women not know that the destination has arrived.


As the three of them approached, the huge door opened automatically in the sound of "creaking".

With a tense expression, following the slender figure ahead, the two women entered the hall.

After leaving the wide corridor and entering the main hall, there was a huge space in the eyes of the two women.

In this huge space, the ground is as smooth as a mirror, and countless stone pillars with carved patterns are erected neatly, looking ancient and magnificent.

In the front of the main hall, there is a long staircase. On the staircase, the two women can see many figures. They stand on both sides of the staircase. Their slim figure and black skirt are as similar as the one leading the way. two.

And above the stairs is a platform with a throne.

A figure sat on the throne.

A young man with a thin body and a pale face.

At this moment, he was looking at them, and the two women could feel the line of sight on them.

There seemed to be some curiosity in his eyes, and he was visiting them.

Is this the highest authority of the First Army?

Cravel couldn't believe it, he was too thin, his face was pale as a patient, and such a figure, no matter where he looked from it, didn't seem to be a person who could hold power.

Ordinary, too ordinary. In him, Claver did not feel the compelling temperament of any superior.

Before the stairs, Qin Qian stopped.

The leader stopped, and the two women behind him could only stop.

Looking at the master on the throne, Qin Qian knelt down and said: "Master! The messenger of the Heroes Association has been brought here!"

the host?

Seeing the slender figure half-kneeling on the ground, the two behind Qin Qian's expressions were indescribably surprised.

So beautiful and full of temperament, she is actually the subordinate of the person above?

This is a pity too.


Looking at the three people in the main hall, Li Meng responded and waved to Qin Qian.

In the master's gesture, Qin Qian, who was half kneeling on the ground, stood up, stepped onto the stairs, and stood with the guards on the stairs.

After Qin Qian left, there were only two people in the main hall, Claver and Arran.

Seeing this, Arran looked at Li Meng on the throne, bowed slightly and bowed his chest, and said loudly: "Your Excellency, Yaerqin. Arran is honored to see you. This is Kelei next to me. Weier, this time I am waiting to meet you on behalf of the Heroes' Association. Thank you very much for the interview!"

When she heard Arran say her name, Claver also gave a breast-covering ceremony to the young man on the throne.

Whether it is words or actions, the two seem to be very formulaic.

Looking at the proficiency, he should be familiar with this scene.

Looking at the two women in the palace, Li Meng said calmly: "I don't remember the intersection between our First Army and the Heroes Association."

The voice from the throne echoed in the hall, and it also reached the ears of the two women in the hall.

Wei Wei stood up straight and looked at Li Meng on the throne. Arran said solemnly: "The mission of our Heroes Association is to resolve disputes between humans and urge mankind to put aside their disputes against foreign enemies. Wherever there are disputes, our Heroes Association will Where will it appear."


Li Meng smiled faintly and said: "So, are you here for Bentley this time?"


Yalan simply admitted.

Looking at him on the throne, Arran continued: "War will bring hatred, hatred will bring killing, and killing will be full of irreconcilable contradictions between people, sir! Please stop your army from Bentley. National invasion."

Really righteous.

Looking at that beautiful but solemn face, Li Meng thought to himself in his heart.

Of course, Li Meng would not give up the war against Bentley for her words.

That is absolutely impossible.

Li Meng did not immediately answer Yalan, but said calmly: "Do you know who caused this war? In a way, our First Army is just self-defense."

Hearing this, Yalan looked downright and said, "I know that Bentley was the first country to invade, but your Excellency, the cause of this war was not Bentley's first invasion, but on Yelin Island. "

After an unexpected look at Yalan, Li Meng said calmly: "The intelligence of your Heroes Association is really amazing!"

Regarding Li Meng's words, Yalan couldn't comment, and said solemnly: "It's no secret that the First Legion's behavior on Yelin Island."

This is also true!

Li Meng knew that when the First Army left, the pirates and merchants were all released by the First Army.

As soon as the pirates and merchants left, what happened on Yelin Island would certainly not be a secret.

Li Meng shook his head and said: "That incident cannot be called a state matter. It can only be regarded as a private matter. The state matter is used to solve the private matter. The current situation of Bentley Country is theirs."

The words paused, and Li Meng chuckled: "I am afraid of trouble. There is a wolf peeping at me all the time in the dark. Of course, I must completely eliminate this threat. This wolf, I heard that it lives in groups There should be more than one animal, but if one can be eliminated, the second can naturally be eliminated, and the second can be eliminated, and of course all wolves can be wiped out, right?"

Facing the gaze from the throne, Claver, Arran felt quite a headache for a while.

How could they not understand the words of the young people on the throne.

Obviously, his words are a warning, a warning, and a threat.

Bentley is a wolf, and the third party joining this war is another wolf. He clearly means that the First Army will not give up a wolf that must be killed for a wolf pack.

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