Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 785: Spratly Islands

The only purpose of doing these troublesome things is to alleviate the brutality of this war.

Not a pure invasion, but for justice.

Although this is just an excuse, what the First Army needs is this excuse.

Since we are in human society, some unwritten rules must of course be taken care of and cannot be ignored.

Nodded, Li Meng said, "It should not be too late. The dispatch of the envoy to the three southern countries will be left to you, as well as the recruitment of the army. In the past half month, a lot of crystal coins have been shipped back from Bentley. The Legion’s funds are fairly sufficient, and there should be no problem in recruiting another army."

After thinking for a while, he estimated in his mind, Li Meng continued: "Now that several major projects in Nanlin Island are under construction, a lot of funds are needed. I can only give you the authority of one billion funds."

One billion is already the limit, and the benefits plundered from Bentley are not ideal and cannot make the First Army's finances sufficient.

If another army is recruited, the financial pressure will be even greater.

But Li Meng also understands the current situation.

Fighting on both sides is a must, and Li Meng has never underestimated the behemoth of the Heroes Association from beginning to end.

After all, the background of the Heroes' Association is among the great powers of mankind. Even if Li Meng is confident, he will not expand his self-confidence to the extent that he can defeat the entire mankind with the strength of the first legion.

When it's time to take a step back, he must retreat cleanly, and Li Meng will not hesitate at this point.


After thinking for a while, Tan Ya nodded and said: "Enough, one billion is enough to recruit an army!"

After speaking slightly, looking at the master, Tan Ya continued: "Master, when we enter the three countries off the coast of Austria, the problem of the Nansha Islands must be solved, otherwise, the logistics transportation routes will be in danger."

Spratly Islands?

After thinking about it for a while, Li Meng did not get any information about the Nansha Islands. Looking at Tan Ya, Li Meng asked, "What kind of place is this?"

With a slight expression, Tan Ya replied: “In the sea area 1,500 kilometers away from our southwest, there is an archipelago. In this archipelago, there are no fewer than hundreds of large and small islands. Among these islands, Many islands are rich in land resources. Without the threat of polluting beasts, these islands have become homes for refugees and pirates."

Speaking of this, Tan Ya looked serious and continued: "In the Nansha Islands, the pirate power is extremely prosperous, and there are countless well-known pirate groups. If the pirates in the Nansha Islands are not eliminated, it will hinder us in the future. The regiment’s rule over the South China Sea."

It turned out to be the land of pirates.

Li Meng nodded.

Pirates are indeed a trouble in one sea area.

It is a big threat to commercial routes.

Just like a time bomb, it will affect the order in the sea.

After thinking about it, Li Meng said with a resolute expression: "Then get rid of this malignant tumor, your task is still on the three overseas countries of Austria, and the group of pirates in the Nansha Islands will be solved by Saya!"

Right now, although Sakuya is in charge of building the palace, this matter can be handed over to his subordinates.

The reason why Li Meng handed over the task of building the palace to Sakiya, his only purpose was to keep Sakiya by his side.

Now, there are important things that Sakuya needs to do, and of course Li Meng can't tie her to her side willfully.

Thinking of this, Li Meng sighed in his heart.

In the First Army, the number of generals was still too small.

Until now, there are only three of Natasha, Sakiya, and Tanya.

For the huge First Corps, the number of generals is seriously insufficient.

However, as a general of the First Legion, in addition to the accident of the dead, he also needs sufficient strength.

Right now, neither the guards nor the nuns have the strength to meet the requirements of the "general".

"How many generals will come out?"

Facing the dilemma of the scarcity of generals, Li Meng couldn't help but think so.

No, the only problem is the power of faith. It’s not easy to give birth to a "general". The power of death is a trivial matter. The vastness of the power of death in Li Meng’s body is unimaginable. All are, the only thing lacking is the power of faith. Without enough power of faith, the power of death in Li Meng's body cannot become something for others.

The power of faith is equivalent to a neutralizing thing, which can erase the mark of Li Meng in the power of death, so that it can be integrated into the body of others. If not, with the corrosive nature of the power of death in Li Meng’s body, even if the target is the dead, Will be turned into ashes.

The power of faith is still too little.

Although in the endless void, the power of faith from the world of Adras continues and grows continuously, but most of the power of faith that has poured into the body is robbed by the mastermind glutton and left to Li There is not much left.

After returning from the world of Adras, Li Meng has never had enough time in the power of faith.

Every time, I barely squeeze out a little bit, the taste is uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, Li Meng sighed secretly, and he didn't know what the mastermind was doing. It was mysterious.

"Master! Now that the matter has been set, I will prepare it first!"

Looking at the master who was in deep thought, Tan Ya said.

Tan Ya was about to leave.

Li Meng didn't hold back. He knew that there were a lot of things to be dealt with by Tan Ya one by one.

The recruitment of the army alone is not an easy task.

Nodded, Li Meng said, "Go! When you encounter something that you cannot make a decision, remember to report to me as soon as possible!"


In response, Tan Ya stood up from the stone bench.

The slim figure walked outside the courtyard under Li Meng's gaze, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Withdrawing his gaze from outside the pavilion, Li Meng fell into contemplation again.

The arrival of the Heroes' Association envoy a few days ago has changed many things.

Although the war in Bentley has not changed for the time being, changes will come sooner or later.

For that day to come, the First Army had to open up a new battlefield.

Fighting on two sides, maintaining two armies, is not a small pressure for the current First Army.

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