Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 788: Sakuya's meeting

"General! Do you have any ideas for the candidates for the mission?"

At this time, Davis asked aloud.

Who is the messenger?

Tan Ya is still thinking about this issue and hasn't settled yet.

"What is your opinion?"

A cold voice came from the hood and floated into Davis' ears.

Davis said: "We are from "Ayre". We are not human beings on this planet, and we cannot adapt well to the environment of this world. This messenger group is best served by the aboriginal people of this world. What happens can be handled well."


In the hood, Tan Ya looked thinking.

She hadn't thought about this, but the loyalty of the aborigines cannot be guaranteed. Moreover, this messenger group is not something that everyone can serve. Eloquence is one of them, and a smart mind is required.

The most important thing is the language. The language spoken by the three overseas countries of Austria is South Asian. If the language is not clear, communication will have big problems.

In Qingcheng, Tan Ya couldn't think of anyone who could take up this task.

"Language and loyalty cannot be guaranteed by the aborigines of this world. This matter must be handed over to the internal members of the First Army."

Tanya rejected Davis' proposal.

Only the internal members of the First Army can guarantee loyalty and language.

Because of the existence of data terminals, the First Army recorded multiple languages ​​in this world.

The longer the time, the more languages ​​the First Army will be good at.

Today's First Army has recorded the most commonly used Chinese, South Asian, and West Asian languages. It can be said that in the areas surrounding the South China Sea, there is no obstacle for the First Army in terms of language.

Davis did not refute Tanya's veto, but asked, "Can someone choose the general?"


Tan Ya answered very firmly, she had already thought of the candidate.

In the hood, Tan Ya's words rang again: "This time the members of the envoy group are held by nuns and black knights. The nuns in the temple are slaves during their lives. The rich experience must make them understand the warmth of the world. The insight of, acting as a messenger, is more than enough, while the black knight is a guard. Even if there is an accident during this mission, their ability can protect the nun from retreat."

The nun and the black knight?

In the helmet, Davis' expression was slightly correct, and he had to admit that this was a very wise approach.


Looking at Tanya in the seat, Davis said, "I don't know whether the commander will agree. The general still needs to ask the commander about this matter."

"I will!"

Those nuns in the temple, Tan Yake has no right to mobilize, and Davis need not say about this, she will also go to the temple and ask for the owner's consent.

Getting up, Tan Ya got up from the seat.

Before leaving, Tanya said to Davis: "The recruited army will arrive today, and you will be responsible for the relevant matters. I will meet with the host and discuss the matters of the mission!"


Holding the military salute, Davis responded loudly.

Turning around, under the gaze of Davis, Tan Ya in black bloodstained armor left, and his figure quickly disappeared in the bridge command room.

And at this time, when Tanya was busy, Sakuya was also busy with her own affairs in the bay.

In the huge bay, the warships parked are not only silver-gray, but also another color, that is, the white fleet under Sakuya's command.

Since the surveillance of ASEAN was relaxed, most of Sakiya's fleet and warships patrolling abroad have returned to the bay, leaving only a small number of destroyers to continue patrolling.

In the bay, the number of white warships is much larger than that of silver-gray warships.

The total number is up to more than ten, and white warships account for most of them.

Those mighty and majestic hulls seem to float on the surface of metal mountains, and at first glance, they are not spectacular.

early morning.

The port and bay were shrouded in mist.

Looking towards the sea, everything becomes hazy.

Those huge sea ships and warships can only see the upper part of the bridge.

The existence of mist makes everything quiet.

On a white heavy cruiser, Sakiya was holding a meeting.

In a relatively wide conference room, in the rows of seats, countless soldiers in white powered combat uniforms were sitting upright.

The meeting room is just like a classroom. There is a podium. Under the podium are neatly arranged chairs. The sergeants attending the meeting sit on the chairs like students listening to the lecture. On the podium, It was Sakuya in a black bloodline skirt and armor.

On the podium, Sakuya wears a black skirt and a hood, and holds a slender black stick.

Behind her is a huge screen on which a map is displayed at the moment.

A map of the surrounding South China Sea, with the South China Sea, Bentley, Kyoto, ASEAN, and many countries in the South.

Holding a slender black rod, pointing the tip to a certain point on the silver screen, Sakuya said coldly: "Our task is very simple. That is to eliminate all pirates in this archipelago, whether it is a pirate camp or a settlement of refugees. These are our goals. When we complete our mission and leave the Nansha Islands, we must ensure that there will be no human beings in this island."

When Sakiya's words fell, one of the crowd in the audience raised his hand to express his intention to speak.

Sakuya saw it and said coldly: "Say!"

The sergeant who raised his hand stood up. He looked at Sakiya on the stage and asked, "What should I do with those pirates and refugees? Eliminate them all?"

This question is what everyone wants to know, dozens of pairs of eyes looked at Sakuya in unison.

Faced with this question, Sakuya did not hesitate, and said coldly: "The resistance will be killed without mercy. The refugees will be transported back to Qingcheng for settlement, increasing the population of Qingcheng. The pirates depend on the situation. When they fail, there will be a battle. The trial awaits them."

While on Yelin Island, the handling of pirates by the First Army seemed gentle, but in fact it was extremely harsh.

The true pirates will not follow good, especially the kind of evil pirate group. Although the first group of pirates did not go deep into their past crimes, but everything has been sued by the people of Qingcheng, the first group has not. Let it go, all those in the criminal law have been sentenced.

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