Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 800: Connect

Looking back at Sakuya in the seat, Yamada Jiro said solemnly: "General! If the devil is really making trouble, you can't let them go. The devil is extremely aggressive. They occupy the Nansha Islands and they will definitely expand outward. Their weird abilities are overwhelming. If they are allowed to grow, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for the humans around the South China Sea. Even our First Army cannot be immune."

Sakiya didn't understand what Yamada Jiro said?

Sakiya couldn't make a decision on this matter, and needed the master's decision.

Now in the Nansha Islands, the threat of pirates is no longer there and has become a devil.

If the goal is to eliminate the devil, the plan of war must be changed.

"Ship? What ship? Heroes' Association? Can you see it clearly?"

Yamada Jiro seemed to have gotten some news, and muttered for nothing.

When the call was over, Yamada Jiro first searched the sea in the distance. When he determined something, he looked back at Sakuya and reported to him: "General! In front of us, in the sea beyond the mist , Found a ship, which has been confirmed to be the ship of the Heroes Association."

Heroes' Association?

In the hood, Sakiya frowned slightly.

How did those guys join in?

"General! Do we need to do something? With the current situation in the South China Sea, our war with the Heroes Association should be unavoidable. Since it is an enemy, we don't need to be polite."

Yamada Jiro on the side suggested to Sakiya.

Sakiya didn't respond, and simply rejected it.

A cold voice came from the hood, and Sakuya said: "Before the war broke out, we had no conflict with the Heroes Association. Their appearance must have something to do with the changes in the Nansha Islands, and it was just an unarmed ship. If the ship is sunk rashly and goes against the purpose of our First Legion, you must remember that our First Legion is not killing innocent robbers indiscriminately. If you want to stand firm in this world, you must obey the rules of this world."

To Sakiya's rather harsh words, Yamada Jiro responded solemnly with a military salute: "Yes!"

In the hood, Sakuya solemnly said: "The changes in the Nansha Islands need to be reported to the master immediately. I need clear instructions from the master. The devil is not an ordinary enemy, and you must be treated with caution when fighting with it."

Yamada Jiro: "Yes! I will send a message to Nanlin Island immediately!"

The sea is boundless, but it is divided into two by a cloud wall.

The huge white fleet also seemed so small under the cloud wall.

With a long trail, the fleet approached the cloud wall.

"Woo! Woo!"

After only a few long siren sounds, the speed of the fleet changes from fast to slow.

Finally, he stopped in the sea less than one kilometer from the cloud wall.

More than a dozen warships make the warships look steely and majestic.

To the east of the fleet, in the sea a few kilometers away, the ships of the Heroes' Association were quietly anchored, and everyone on the deck was watching the fleet that had stopped not far away.

"They stopped! Arran, what do you think they will do next?"

Looking at the steel-lined fleet in the distance, while marveling at the powerful naval power of the First Legion, Claire said to Arran next to her.

Shaking his head gently, Yalan replied: "No matter what they will do, we must make the necessary contact with them."

Speaking of this, Arran said to Eagle who was aside: "Igel! As the highest ranked and most famous hero here, you should not refuse this contact with the First Army."

Facing Yalan's gaze, Igel smiled helplessly, this woman said so, how could he refuse?

He can only say: "Leave it to me!"

After speaking, Eagle turned and left, and walked to the bridge control room.

In the main control room, he will use the communication buoys in the sky to call the fleet of the First Army.

The White Fleet, in the heavy cruiser bridge command room.

"General! There is an external public message requesting to connect with us!"

The correspondent in front of the instrument suddenly reported to Saki Yehui.

External message?

There were no other people around here except the ship of the Heroes Association.

"Is it the Association of Heroes?"

Sakuya confirmed.

"Yes! The other party claims to be a hero of the Heroes Association!"

The correspondent's answer made Sakuya twilight, and it was indeed the person on the ship.

Without too much hesitation, Sakuya said to the correspondent: "Come on!"


When the correspondent turned his head, he did not know what operation was performed on the instrument. For a moment, a blue gloom suddenly appeared, forming a three-dimensional picture not far from Sakiya.

In the picture, a young man appeared.

At the sudden appearance of the scene, the young man’s expression was slightly stunned, and he immediately reacted, introducing himself: "My name is "Igel", I am a hero of the Heroes Association, ranked ninth, it is an honor to meet you, unknown Your Excellency!"

The person in the picture is really strange. She seems to be sitting, wearing a black blood-striped armor and a hood, making it impossible to see her face. The whole person looks like a very dark feeling. People can't help feeling a little depressed.

"What's the matter?"

In the hood, Sakiya looked at the young man on the screen and said coldly.

Its voice was a little blurred when it reached Eagle's ears through mechanical conversion.

But from the vague voice, the identity of the other's female can also be heard.

Is it a woman?

Looking at the figure on the screen, Eagle said inwardly.

Putting away the thoughts in his heart, Igel looked slightly upright, and said: "The Heroes Association is very concerned about the changes in the Nansha Islands, so they sent me to wait for the resolution of this incident. I don't know what the purpose of your army came here. ?"

"Of course! What does your army want to do? This is the freedom of your army. The South China Sea is a sea area for free navigation. The Heroes Association will not deny this."

In order not to cause misunderstanding, Eagle added a sentence specially.

Sakiya does not want to argue about whether the South China Sea is a free navigation area.

In the future, who owns the sovereignty of the South China Sea will have its own conclusion, and now it is undoubtedly said.

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