Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 802: Night is coming

Speaking of this, Iger's words paused, and then he said: "The First Legion knows the existence of the devil. Their task is to clear the Nansha Islands and restore the Nansha Islands to normal. They will eliminate the devil in one town by town. The action plan takes too much time, which undoubtedly gives the demon **** incarnation time to grow stronger."

Everyone is silent, so it seems that it is not easy to find the incarnation of the devil in a short time.

"Don't you tell them that the Demon God's incarnation is powerful?"

Clive asked.

"Of course there is."

Speaking of this, Iger smiled helplessly, and said: "But the person who talked to me said that if we can't solve it, then they will solve the demon incarnation by themselves, and we can leave at any time."

"It's a big tone. Without us, even if they could eliminate the incarnation of the Demon God, they wouldn't know how many people would die. They really don't know good or bad."

Upon hearing this, Jerry said in disdain.

When "power" reaches a certain level, the role of modern thermal weapons appears to be very small.

This is not to say that the power of modern weapons is not strong enough, but the existence of strong individual strength. There are many ways to deal with the threat posed by thermal weapons, so that the power of thermal weapons cannot be used well.

Regarding Jerry’s irony, Yalan didn’t think so, she said calmly: “In Nanlin Island, there is a temple, that temple, I have been to Clive and we feel a strong feeling in the temple. Perhaps there is no shortage of powerful people in the First Army."


For this, Eagle did not deny, only hope so.

"Then what should we do? Follow the First Army? Or alone?"

Clive asked.

"What do you think?"

Iger threw the question to everyone.

Everyone is silent, how to choose, this is too difficult to choose.

After thinking about it, Arland said: "If we separate from the First Army, we cannot guarantee that the First Army will find the incarnation of the Demon God first. Just in case, it is best to follow the First Army. In terms of time, since the first The first legion doesn’t care, and we don’t need to worry too much. You have to know that this time the first legion has brought an army. No matter how powerful the demon **** incarnation is, it will be consumed alive under the accumulation of numbers. When a legion is fighting against the incarnation of the demon god, only if we can help, the statue of the demon **** may belong to us."

To Yalan's words, the three nodded slightly in agreement.

Nowadays, they don't have too many choices. If they want to get the statue of the devil, it is the most sensible way to fight with the first legion.

Seeing this, Iger said: "Then be prepared. When the First Army begins to move, we will follow."

At this point, things have been settled.

Everyone was silent, looking at the white fleet in the distance.

When the First Army will act is still unknown. For the four of them, they can only wait.

The change in the Nansha Islands was unexpected by the First Army, and the appearance of the devil was also unexpected by the First Army.

The devil is not an ordinary enemy, and the changes in the Nansha Islands must be reported to Nanlin Island.

However, Sakiya didn't plan to just wait for the master's order here.

For the South China Sea, the First Army has strong ambitions and will never allow the devil to disturb the peace of the South China Sea.

The battle with the devil is inevitable.

Reporting to the owner is more just to inform him of the changes in the Nansha Islands.

Sakiya knew exactly what to do.

"Soon, the night will come, and the fog will cause great obstacles to the navigation of the fleet. The soldiers on the long journey will also need a certain period of rest to restore the state of the heyday. Tonight is still good. It’s not too late to leave tomorrow morning."

In the bridge command room, Yamada Jiro suggested to Sakiya.

Night is coming soon, and now is not a good time to enter the mist and face the devil.

Sakiya did not refuse Yamada Jiro's proposal, saying: "Order to go down. From now on, the fleet will remain silent. Tomorrow morning, the fleet will move into the mist!"


In response, Yamada Jiro immediately came to the side of the correspondent and issued a "quiet" command to the fleet.

Under the order, the fleet, which maintained its momentum and was ready to set off at any time, gradually calmed down.

The engine shut down, and there was no "rumbling" roar, and everything was quiet on the sea.

Only the sea water continuously washed the hull, making a slight impact.

On the rippling sea, the fleet rippled gently with the sea.

On this endless sea, in the deeper seas, we can only pray for the storm not to come, otherwise, it will be no small trouble for the fleet anchored on the sea.

The silence of the white fleet in the distance, how could the four in the iron-clad ship not understand that today, the First Army would not be able to act.

"Get a good rest and recharge your energy. The fleet of the First Legion should set off tomorrow morning. By then, the battle we face will not be easy."

After exhorting the three of them, Igel turned and left.

Seeing Eagle leaving, Jerry nodded to the two women, and then left the bow.

Eagle, after Jerry left, seeing Arran looking at him, Claver leaned against the ship's side and shook her head: "It's still early, there is no comfort outside in the cabin, I will stay here for a while. "

Nodding lightly, Arland said, "Yes, it won't make people feel bored outside, and you can feel the sea breeze."

While speaking, Yalan also leaned lazily against the ship's side, looking into the distance unconsciously.

In the distance, there is a blue sea and a towering cloud wall.

Regardless of the danger in the mist, the scene in front of you is not a beauty.

In the bow of the ship, two slender figures, raising their eyes to look into the distance, this scene is not another kind of beauty.

Time is passing, and night falls soon.

The last glimmer of light on the day disappeared, and darkness quickly occupied the world.

The sea was rippling, and on the dark sea, only the shadows of the ships stood, looming in the darkness.

Perhaps it was the blessing of the **** of luck. In the long dark night, the sea remained calm.

There were no storms, no heavy rains, and no big waves. The fleet spent the night in peace.

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