Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 807: Sign in

The Tsunami Tank is an amphibious armored unit of the Rising Sun Empire. It can charge on land and move in water.

After leaving the cabin, the tsunami tank that entered the water rode on the blue waves and drove to the side of the dock.

Over there, it is the edge of the pier, where there is a flat sandy beach, which is a good landing point.

Almost at the same time, the "Imperial Warriors" of the tank landing ships began to land on the dock.

White figures rushed onto the deck and turned over from the side of the ship, their heavy bodies dexterously landed on the dock.

In less than a moment, a figure surged on the dock.

In the sky, a black figure appeared, and Saya's slender figure fell from the sky and landed on the dock with a "bang".

When that body became straight, Sakiya had already come to the front of the team.

Looking at the slightly messy port in the mist, Sakiya stepped forward and walked out of the dock.

On the dock, the imperial warriors who had landed saw this, and under the leadership of the sergeants of all levels, they quickly followed behind.

Every white figure followed behind Sakiya and marched into the harbor.

In the fog, everything is blurred, and the visible distance is only less than ten meters.

Amidst the sound of "Zhengzheng" footsteps, Sakuya left the dock.

When you leave the pier, Sakiya sees a road, and on the other side of the road is a market.

In the market, there are many simple wooden stalls neatly arranged.

The goods on the stalls were luxuriantly arranged, and the ground was messy, with dumped debris everywhere.

Walking on a fairly wide road, Sakuya looked at everything in the mist.

The port shrouded in mist was calm and silent, and it had not changed with the arrival of the First Army.

Behind him, the "Zhengzheng" footsteps sounded, and many "imperial warriors" left the dock and rushed onto the road.

They were holding large-caliber kinetic rifles unique to the "Empire of the Rising Sun", and they scanned the fog vigilantly, following the black figure in front of them.

On the road, Sakuya's steps suddenly stopped.

For a moment, a cold word rang from the fog.

"Immediately clear the port and establish an outpost camp."

The cold words sent a signal to within a few mile radius through the miniature communication device in the ear.

Under the order, the "Imperial Samurai" who had been behind Sakiya acted immediately.

The rapid sound of footsteps suddenly sounded, and under the leadership of the sergeants of all levels, the landing "imperial warriors" radiated to all parties in the port, eliminating the threats that might appear in the port.

Due to the purge operation of the First Army, the huge port suddenly became riot.

When the tsunami tank landed on the beach on the side of the pier and smashed through the separation wall into the port, the mist-shrouded port was suddenly filled with "rumbling" engine noise.

In the fog, the huge metal body of the tsunami tank ran across the harbor with its headlights on. In the flashing of the huge beam of light, the tsunami tank crashed and destroyed many obstacles, and smashed a way in the harbor.

When he drove onto the road in the port, he stopped his barbaric act.

On the wharf, large troops from the rear are landing one after another. Over time, more and more troops are landing.

And in the port, with the landing of the first army troops, the mist-shrouded port has long lost its former tranquility and became turbulent.

At a glance, there are trembling figures everywhere in the fog.

The clearance of the harbor was smooth and rapid. When Sakiya's order was given, it only took less than a quarter of an hour to complete the task.

In this quarter of an hour, the scattered troops cleared the port and surveyed all parts of the port.

Everything went well, the gunfire did not sound in the port, and of course there was no fighting.

In other words, there is no enemy in the port.

With the landing of the large troops, the senior sergeant in charge of frontline command also rushed to Sakiya's side.

On a certain section of the road, Sakuya and many senior sergeants stood by the side of the road, looking at the fairly tall city wall in the mist ahead.

"Pay attention to controlling all intersections, no matter where the road leads, to prevent any possible danger from entering the port."

While looking at the city wall in the mist, Sakuya ordered the master chief behind him.


A sergeant responded.

The port is not big, but not too small. One side faces the sea, the two sides lead to woodland, and the last side is a small town.

In front of everyone, at the end of the road, about a few hundred meters away, was a city gate and a not-so-high city wall.

Although the fog has affected the line of sight, it can also make people guess some pictures from the outline.

"We don’t have too detailed information on the Lasva pirate town. However, no matter how big a small town is, it will not exceed the limit we can handle. The devil’s ability is corrupting people’s hearts. Even the town of Lavas All human beings are controlled by the devil, and the number is no more than tens of thousands. We don’t need to be too cautious to clear the town of Rasva, and we can directly sweep with our superior forces, which can save time as much as possible."

Behind Sakuya, a sergeant suggested.

As soon as this word came out, another sergeant also said: "Yes, our target is the four pirate towns. The four pirate towns are far apart, and the time on the road will be a lot. If the general wants to To resolve the incident in the Nansha Islands as soon as possible, we must let go of our hands and feet in the battle."

In terms of time, Sakiya is not in a hurry, but if he can solve the devil in the Nansha Islands faster, Sakiya is still happy to say.

As the sergeants said, the population of Lasva is only tens of thousands. Even if it is completely corroded by the devil, the soldiers facing the first legion can only be wiped out.

Given this condition, Sakuya will of course let the army do it freely.

"As you said, once all the troops land, let go and do it."

This is undoubtedly a reassurance for the sergeants.

Once they let go, they will undoubtedly have more freedom in commanding the army when performing tasks.

This time the mission of the pirates in the Nansha Islands was awe-inspiring. Sakiya brought an army of up to 15,000 people and a large number of armored units.

It can be said to be sufficient in terms of military strength.

There are more troops, and of course it will take some time to land.

Rasvala is just a town. Although the port is not small, no one can accommodate all the troops of the First Army.

When the army's landing was halfway through, under the organization of the sergeants, the vanguard began to march towards the town.

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