Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 813: High-end combat power

The movement on the street did not make the devil on the square move. They remained still, just staring at the army in the street with scarlet eyes.

Under the scarlet gaze, the "imperial warrior" on the street increased their vigilance, shook hands with the guns, and was ready to fight.

At this moment, amid the roar of the "rumbling" engine, the troops from the other two small streets also arrived at the square one after another, and stopped at the exit of the street just like the troops on the main road.

No one dared to look down upon the demons in the square. The First Army was waiting, waiting for the gathering of troops.

From west to east, there are three streets leading to the central square. When troops from the three streets arrived one by one, the atmosphere in the central square suddenly became tense.

"All teams pay attention, once the attack order is issued, the tsunami tanks charge forward, and the imperial warriors cover and shoot."

Against huge monsters, only heavy armor can withstand its sharp edges. With the shield of the tsunami tank, the First Army can fully utilize its firepower advantage and strike against enemy targets.

This thing is too scary.

In an armored command vehicle in the fog, Jiro Yamada looked very solemn when looking at the picture returned from the front line.

For the Devil, the First Legion does not have much knowledge. This battle can be said to be the first real contact between the First Legion and the devil.

Faced with an opponent whose information is unknown, one cannot be too careful.

After giving the order, Yamada Jiro asked the sergeant next to him: "Have you seen General Sakiya?"

Not long ago, General Sakiya was like him, commanding frontline warfare in an armored vehicle.

But in a blink of an eye, he disappeared. In the still wide carriage, General Sakiya was no longer visible.

Facing Yamada Jiro's question, the senior sergeant who was questioned replied: "After that "roar", General Sakiya left. I don't know where he went. I think, I should rush to the front line."


Yamada Jiro is slightly clear.

He watched the battle at the front intently, and didn't even notice when General Sakiya left.

Thinking of this, Yamada Jiro quickly connected to the dedicated channel with General Sakiya.

"General! You don't need to take action in this battle. Please leave it to us."

Yamada Jiro had already guessed the purpose of Sakiya's departure.

Regardless of whether it was General Sakiya in the "El" world, or the current General Sakiya, his own abilities are terrifying, with high-end combat power, it is not difficult to do what General Sakiya wants to do. Guessed.

When Jiro Yamada called, and at this moment, Sakiya was jumping forward in the fog.

On the roof on the side of the street, I saw a dark shadow falling from the sky with a "bang" crash on the roof. Amid the broken sound, the dark shadow rose to the sky again and disappeared into the mist.

The wind was turbulent, the hood was buzzing, and the surroundings were covered in mist, unable to see anything clearly.

But in the hood, Sakiya looked very confident.

When the rising momentum disappeared, Sakuya, who was tens of meters high in the sky, began to fall, throwing a line and falling forward.

There was a mist under her feet, but no matter where she ended up, there was no problem for Sakiya.

She just needs to do her best to jump higher and farther.

Shi Ji possesses power, and its body structure far exceeds that of humans.

The body's endurance and resilience are far from being comparable to human beings.

Under this premise, it will naturally have amazing jumping power.

The higher the jump, the faster the falling speed, and the faster the speed, the heavier the falling force.

At this moment, the fog in front of him suddenly disappeared, everything became clear, and a huge square below was reflected in Sakiya's eyes.

In the sky, at the edge of the blank area, I saw the disturbance of the mist, and a petite figure rushed out of the mist, fell from the sky, and fell like a meteorite toward the square.


When the petite black shadow touched the ground, there was a loud noise.

In the loud noise, rubble flew horizontally and dust rose.

When the flying dust dissipated, a large hole with a diameter of several meters and a depth of half a meter suddenly appeared in the square in front of the main road.

In the pit, the petite black body stood upright.

This scene stunned the "Imperial Warriors" on the street, but the next moment they knew who the owner of the figure was.

It's General, General Sakiya.

However, how could General Sakiya fall from the sky?

When the fog of the sky disturbed, many "imperial warriors" were spotted.

The height of where the figure appears is probably no less than 100 meters from the ground.

At this time, Jiro Yamada, who was on the armored vehicle at the rear, saw a figure falling from the sky in the video when his voice just fell.

At first glance, Jiro Yamada guessed the owner of the figure.

At the same time, Sakiya's response rang from the communicator.

"I want to test the power of the devil myself. This time is also a good opportunity to gather information about the devil. Leave this battle to me."

The response from General Sakiya made Yamada Jiro silent.

This is an order, he can only exhort: "General! Please be careful, if you cannot do anything, please return it immediately."

"I will."

In the hood, Sakuya looked cold, and when the words fell, he stepped forward and walked out of the big hole.

Looking ahead, three huge figures are clearly visible under the huge boulder not far away.

Its hideous, terrifying outside made Saya in the hood frowned slightly.

Really ugly species.

There is nothing in the whole body that can be called "beautiful".

When God created them, it seemed to be purely for disgusting people. No matter what kind of intelligent beings, they might have instinctive rejection when facing them.

Although Sakuya is a corpse girl and a family of undead, none of the family members under the master's command are ugly.

Whether it's a corpse girl, a ghoul, or a ghoul, it's commendable in appearance.

However, Sakiya did not relax his vigilance over their ugliness.

They seem to be very strong. Sakiya can feel a kind of "powerful" aura from them.

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