Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 822: Deadly

No humans exist anymore?

In the hood, Sakiya thought slightly because of Yamada Jiro's words.

The task given to her by the master is to eliminate the pirates in the Nansha Islands and bring back the humans living on the Nansha Islands.

Because of the existence of the devil, her mission can be said to have failed, or it can be said to have been successful.

In the task, there are two important points.

One is to eliminate pirates, and the other is to bring back humans on the Nansha Islands.

Although the pirates have been annihilated now, the humans on the island are also destroyed in the hands of the devil.

Even if the First Army cleared out the entire Nansha Islands and eliminated the devil, for Sakuya, she would get nothing but return empty-handed.

However, even so, this war against the devil still needs to be fought.

If the First Army does not give up on the strategic policy of the three overseas countries of Austria, the South China Sea must be controlled by the First Army.

Moreover, the Nansha Islands are on the route between Nanlin Island and the three overseas countries of Austria. Once left alone, it is likely to pose a threat to the route.

Under this premise, Sakiya knew very well that this war against the devil, regardless of whether it could bring benefits to the first legion, the first legion must fight to eliminate the threat of the devil.

Thinking of this, Sakuya said: "The battle plan remains unchanged. Now our only goal is to eliminate the devil in the Nansha Islands. The South China Sea must be in the hands of our First Army. Within the control area of ​​our First Army, we must eliminate any threat The presence."

This answer is not what Yamada Jiro expected.

Because from beginning to end, the First Army's attitude towards the "devil" was very clear.

That is annihilation, complete annihilation.

An evil species, a bloodthirsty species, a species that loves to play with souls.

To such a species, no one will show mercy to them, nor will they have any sympathy or compassion for them.

This is true for humans, and of course so is the First Army.

Nodding lightly, Yamada Jiro said: "If the next cleanup task goes well, the cleanup of the Nansha Islands should be completed within one month."

In the fog, the battle against the four towns is not a problem, the biggest problem, and the most time-wasting is the "road".

The Nansha Islands are very large, and the four towns are separated from each other, and the nearest distance between each area is several hundred kilometers.

In addition, the fog has enveloped everything, making it impossible for the fleet to sail at full speed, and it will take longer.

A month?

In the hood, Sakuya's expression changed.

If possible, Sakuya certainly wants to end the unrest in the Nansha Islands sooner.

Today’s First Army has opened up too many battlefields. The Bentley’s war has not yet ended, and now it has begun to advance to the three overseas countries of Ogeria in the south.

If you want to win on the battlefield between the two sides, you need more strength.

If she can complete the task as soon as possible, she can join the frontal battlefield and open up the territory for the First Army.

Whether it is joining the battlefield of Bentley or the upcoming war in the South, with her joining, the power of the First Army will undoubtedly be stronger, and it will also be able to obtain a greater advantage in the war.

However, Sakiya also knew that her task at the moment was useless in urgency, and could only be carried out step by step.

In the hood, Sakiya opened his mouth slightly and said, "Hurry up, we can't spend too much time on this matter. Outside, there are many things waiting for us."

Sakiya understands the current situation of the First Army. Several sergeants in the armored command vehicle also know that, outside of the mist, the First Army is preparing for battle.

Around the South China Sea, a great battle is coming.

The mist covered everything.

The world has become gray.

Being in it can make people become depressed unconsciously.

Once the depression in the heart reaches its limit, it will make people crazy.

The greatest weakness of mankind is not a fragile body, but "loneliness".

As long as we are alone, human beings will not survive for long.

The ability of the devil is to corrupt people's hearts. This method may seem evil and magical, but in the eyes of the devil, is this not a kind of "technology" that belongs to them?

To humans, the devil is weird and unpredictable, but in the view of the First Legion, the devil is just a species with a rather strange existence.

As long as the species living in nature, no matter how peculiar they are, they have their own conditions and reasons for existence.

On earth, in this evolution-themed paradise, no one can deny anyone.

The struggle between species is only for survival, but also for the continuation of fire.

In the past, mankind was the overlord, but in the future, mankind will not restore the glory of the past.

Because of the current earth, human beings are just one of the intelligent races.

The "technology" advocated by mankind has not allowed them to regain their supremacy.

In the future, the planet is just a gestation room. One day, intelligent species on this planet will step out of the planet and explore the endless starry sky.

It may take a long, long time for that day to come, but as long as the civilization on earth still exists, this day will come sooner or later, and when fate comes, the earth, the mother who gives birth to all life, will quietly wait and wait for her child We walked towards the stars.

In the mist, the huge town of Lasva became quiet for some time.

No more troops in action can be seen everywhere in the street.

When the riots in the town disappeared, the town of Lasva became quiet and silent.

The night was approaching, and at this time, not long ago, the last force had just left the small town of Lasva.

The search for Rasva, the army of the First Legion has been completed.

The final result was not unexpected. The soldiers searched every room in the town and found no survivors.

And the tens of thousands of humans in the small town of Lasva are lying on the streets west of the city.

For those dead bodies, the First Army did not deal with them, but directly evacuated the town of Lasva.

When the First Army destroys the devil, the Nansha Islands will become a dead place.

In this deserted archipelago, the lack of human population is the result the First Army wants to see.

To become a dead place was also intentional by the First Legion.

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