Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 826: Backlash

Although the working principle of the statue is still not clear to Li Meng.

But who is better at spiritual things than Li Meng.

Some things can be understood at the first thought.

"Come on, what's going on with Natasha?"

After the conversation, Li Meng turned his attention to the situation in Bentley.

The war in Bentley has been going on for a long time, although the situation now has a bias towards the First Army.

But the final result is still hard to say. With Bentley’s own strength, it is difficult to resist the First Army.

The only change in this war is the Hero Association.

In the North, the Heroes' Association is ready to move, which is a big threat to the First Army.

With a slight expression, Wendy whispered: "General Natasha seems to be a little dissatisfied with the master's plan to evacuate. General Tasha's meaning is clear, he wants to fight a third-party force at sea."

Are you facing the enemy?

Li Meng was not surprised by Natasha's reaction.

Natasha is a soldier, the purest soldier, the most intolerable thing is to retreat when encountering an enemy.

Natasha had this idea for granted.

It's not that Li Meng has not considered this point in a head-on fight with the third force.

However, in the end, Li Meng gave up.

The reason for giving up is simple, because the Heroes’ Association is not a country, nor is it a power organization, but a huge coalition in the human body.

The will of the Heroes' Association is also the will of the powerful nations in mankind.

Even if the First Army defeated the Heroes' Association, after that, it would probably attract greater revenge.

Maybe the Heroes Association will unite all the countries in this East Asian region to attack the First Army. This situation is something Li Meng does not want to see.

Although today's First Army has grown to a certain level, it is enough to be called "strong", but it is also very irrational to want to be the enemy of the "common consciousness" of mankind.

The reason why the Association of Heroes intervened in the war in Bentley was simple. Perhaps there was a conflict of interests, but the bigger reason was "stability."

In Yunan Continent, the former Orland Asia continent, was plundered by demons, and human civilization almost disappeared.

Today's human beings have gained a firm foothold in this new world, and naturally they will focus on the lost ground.

Although the expedition this time was organized by the sect empire, it was not the common will of mankind?

Driven by interests, mankind will unite.

When humans are united together, it will be an astonishingly huge "power."

Under this force, even Li Meng had to give in.

Frontal conflict is unwise, and at this juncture, conflict with the Association of Heroes is even more unwise.

Because it is easy to be put on an anti-human hat.

Humans attacked the Southern Continent to get rid of the demons, but the First Legion blocked them on the way. In this case, some things are difficult to tell.

In any case, the First Army also belongs to the "human" side, at least for now, Li Meng does not intend to withdraw from the "human" camp.

Therefore, there are some things that Li Meng must care about.

Natasha wants to fight head-on. This is the most correct "duty" for her as a soldier.

But as the highest "leader", Li Meng must see the situation clearly and cannot take advantage of his courage.

Therefore, Li Meng said very clearly: "Definitely reply to her, must obey the order, once the third party appears, immediately withdraw from Bentley."


Wendy answered softly.

For Wendy, she didn't understand military affairs, but in her position, as the leader of the guard, her only task was to convey the meaning of her master to the following.

Wendy could not express any opinions on this matter.

His expression was slightly relaxed, Li Meng looked at Kleilia beside him, and said, "What do you want to say?"

Not long ago, Kleilia looked like hesitated and stopped.

Those watery eyes, looking at him with a stark look, how could people not know what she meant.

Raising his hand, Li Meng waved to Wendy.

Wendy retreated silently, and her slender figure gradually disappeared.

When Wendy left, looking at Li Meng’s oncoming gaze, Clarelia said calmly: “I just want to tell you, you have to be careful when facing the devil. Those guys are not normal creatures. It’s weird and has smarter wisdom than humans."

Cleilia's warning made Li Meng smile, and her pale right hand stroked the blue hair again.

"There is no need for you to worry. The devil is terrible, but if you know our true colors, you might not think so."

Life and death are originally two different planes. If human beings represent "life", then the first legion in the future will be "death." Although the devil is terrifying, it also belongs to the scope of "creatures". It is just a little peculiar. .

The undead is different. The undead is the opposite of "life", it is attached to and opposed to "life".

Not a "creature", but a more magical and magical species.

true colors?

At this, Kleilia was obviously taken aback, and looked suspiciously at the man beside her.

The man in front of him is indeed a bit unusual, and the women around him.

Not only does he possess powerful "power", the aura on his body also gives people a strange feeling.

That feeling is a little unpredictable, and the sense of violation is extremely strong.

Perceiving Cleilia's suspicious look, Li Meng reached out and knocked on the little head, and said: "Don't think too much, if you know, the agreement between you and me is not only ten years old, I'm afraid this You will stay by my side for the rest of your life."


When she heard this, Kleilia gave Li Meng a white look and snorted coldly: "We mermaids have a long lifespan. Your life is only a short time for us. Don't try to fool me, I won't be fooled. "

Li Meng just smiled at Kleilia's words, and said nothing.

He just stroked the blue hair in his hand and fell into silence.


How can their undead have a lifespan, as long as they don't die, they can live forever.

It's really better than life span, the long life span of a mermaid is just a moment in the eyes of Li Meng.

Of course, these can't be let Krelia know.

Because once knew, Li Meng didn't know what to do with her.

There are no undead in this world, and Li Meng certainly won't let the undead species appear in this world.

Otherwise, he who holds the power of death in his hand, when he returns to this world, he can let this world naturally give birth to undead.

But Li Meng did not do that.

Because of the rules, in the rules of this world, the undead are not allowed to appear.

If Li Meng is good at changing the sequence of death elements in this world, he is likely to be backlashed.

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