Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 836: Senator Izumi

The congressman's speculation changed Kaios' expression.

As the president of the Heroes Association, his qualifications are large enough and he has experienced more things than everyone else. As long as some things are slightly raised, he can fully expect the next things.

Keos is not familiar with the three overseas countries of Austria. Therefore, Keos did not expect that the purpose of the First Army would be the Arafus Strait. But now, after the congressmen’s suggestions, Keos understood.

He can confirm that the purpose of the First Legion is Arafus Strait.

Frowning slightly, Keos said in a low voice: "This First Legion is really bold. The war in Bentley is not over yet, and it has attracted the attention of the three countries of Austria."

As soon as Keos’ words fell, a congressman took it and said, “I’m afraid we’re forced to do so. The First Army should have known that the Heroes’ Association is about to intervene in the Bentley’s war, so I’ve made preparations in advance. The guess is correct. In the case of Bentley’s war, the First Army probably won’t clashed with us head-on. Although the First Army’s approach was a bit reckless, it must be said that they brought us together."

The words paused slightly, looking at Keos in the high position, the congressman continued: "President! If this matter is not handled properly, there may be a big war in this East Asian region. You should know that in the intelligence we have obtained Although the First Army is only an armed force, its maritime power is extremely powerful. In this East Asian region, any country may not dare to say that it can defeat the First Army. If we want to defeat the First Army, we must unite more. power."

Yes, once a full-scale war with the First Army, it is not a small-regional conflict, and the East Asian region may be caught in a great war.

This will undoubtedly have disastrous consequences for the upcoming expedition.

At this time, in the silent parliament hall, another member of the Council said: "Bentley is just a small place. Since it does not want to have an all-out war with the First Army, why doesn't a certain country give up that small plan? In any era We respect the strong. Since the First Army is capable of annexing Bentley, why should we intervene in this war? Compared to the chaotic regime of Bentley, I think the First Army has greater potential. It’s also a good thing to say."

When the congressman finished speaking, he looked at a congressman at the round table with a slight sarcasm.

The ridiculed congressman immediately retorted: "What is the purpose of our Heroes Association? The purpose of our Heroes Association is to reconcile the contradictions between humans. Where there is war, there will be our Heroes Association. The war in the South China Sea is between humans. The involvement of our Heroes’ Association is a matter of course."

"Justice that is not mixed with benefits is justice, and justice driven by benefits is hypocrisy."

"You are arrogant, huh, the plan has already been implemented, and the envoys have arrived in Bentley, only one step away from the day when the troops were dispatched."

The intense dialogue made the atmosphere in the conference hall tense.

The reverberation of speech in the conference hall also shows that the Heroes Association is also full of contradictions.

"Okay! Quiet."

Seeing that the two people's words became more and more intense, Kaios stopped them with a loud voice to prevent the conflict from deepening.

Due to Keos's voice, the huge assembly hall was quiet again, and the two quarrelling also remained silent.

As the president of the Heroes Association, Keos undoubtedly has absolute authority.

Under absolute authority, anyone must think twice before him.

Looking over the two quarreling two, Keos said solemnly: "Member Izumi! The battle plan for Bentley is made by the Heroes Association, and of course it has the right to take back the plan. Your country actively responds to the Heroes Association Call, I am sincerely grateful for this, but our Heroes Association bears the future of mankind as a whole, not the interests of one country. If necessary, please also ask your country to withdraw all action plans."

Keos’ words changed the expression of Quan San, who was sitting here, and quickly said: "President! The battle plan has been formulated, how can we change as soon as possible? And our country is ready for war, and now we are waiting for news from the mission. In response to the call of the Heroes Association, the association cannot withdraw all plans just like this."

At the round table, Quan San's expression was very ugly. He looked expectantly at Keos in the high position, waiting for the President's response.

The Kingdom of Orleans is very prepared for this intervention battle. If the Heroes Association withdraws its combat plan at this time, it will undoubtedly be a huge blow to Orleans.

Because the financial resources spent on war mobilization are huge, once the combat plan is withdrawn, who will bear the loss?

Looking at the nervous Izumi, Keos suddenly laughed and said, "Representative Izumi! Please don't be nervous. Even if the Heroes Association wants to withdraw all its combat plans, the loss of your country will of course be borne by the Association. President of the Heroes Association, I can assure you of this."

Hearing this, Quan San finally let go of his heart.

Although he is still a little unwilling, he wants to expand the territory of the Kingdom of Orleans more than the compensation of the Heroes Association.

But Izumi also knows that although he is a member of the Association of Heroes, he does not have the right to be a deacon, only one veto.

The will of the Heroes Association is the unity of all the members. He alone can do nothing.

Putting away the smile on his face, Kaios continued: "Whether the battle plan for the First Army will be cancelled is still to be discussed. Now, let's sort out one thing, sort out all the causes and effects, and right and wrong."

Speaking of this, Keos spoke slightly. He raised his head and glanced at the congressmen where he was looking. He continued: "Two months ago, on August 14th, the First Legion launched a confrontation. The invasion of Bentley’s homeland, let’s not talk about the cause of the war. The first legion’s invasion of Bentley’s homeland is the biggest fact. After the war, the first legion’s offensive was unstoppable and within just one month. It captured a large area of ​​Bentley, making the military government of Bentley can only defend the three major capitals."

"Just 45 days after the war, our Heroes’ Association began to intervene in this war. Regarding our intervention, the First Army clearly detected relevant information. Although the Heroes’ Association and the First Army have not clashed yet, the first The Legion understands it, and we also understand it, if we continue to implement the combat plan against the First Army, the war with the First Army is inevitable. After that, the various actions of the First Army, especially to the three overseas countries of Ogeria The behavior of dispatching the envoys is quite clear. The First Army knew that our biggest purpose of intervening in the South China Sea War was to clear the way for the upcoming expedition and clear all obstacles on the expedition route."

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