Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 844: Dragonfly Detective Robot

In the passage of time, the long night is leaving.

When Li Meng was trapped in the gentle homeland of women, in the Nansha Islands thousands of miles away, a new battle was about to come.

Although the fog has enveloped everything, it has blurred everything on the sea.

But after nearly three days of sailing, the fleet that shuttled in the mist finally arrived at its destination.

In the mist, on the shore of the surging sea, the huge town of Corao stands quietly in the mist.

The silence, absolute silence, makes the time in the town seem to have stopped.

"It's the ship of the Heroes Association!"

In the mist, the fleet is moving slowly.

The huge hull pierced the water and moved in the surging water.

Outside the window, in the mist not far away, a bloated ship's shadow was looming, which attracted the attention of the flagship Nakayama Tianjiro.

As soon as these words fell, Yamada Jiro looked back at the petite figure in the captain's seat, and said, "General! The fleet is about to reach the town of Corao."

The reminder is superfluous, even if there is no Heroes Association ship, Sakiya knows that the fleet has arrived in the town of Corao.

Because in the front of the fleet, in the mist, the outline of the coastline has appeared.

It's land, it's a small island, and it's where the small town of Corao is located.

In the hood, Sakuya looked indifferent, and said: "Stop moving! According to the previous plan, immediately explore the town of Corao."

Outside, the night has gone, and the fog has turned white. This is a good time for action.


Responded, and then Yamada Jiro began to command the relevant battle plan.

In the sound of commands, the fleet sailing in the mist stopped slowly.

When the last engine sound disappeared, the huge fleet was parked on the sea.

Looking ahead, the small town of Corao was on the shore a few miles away.

The outline of the town and the blurred pier are in sight.

"Yes! Understand! Release the Dragonfly Detective Robot immediately!"

When receiving the order from above, the ships immediately took action.

In the mist, many figures emerged from the cabins on the decks of the ships.

Some soldiers carried a large box and placed it on the deck near the side of the ship, while more soldiers stood on the side of the ship, holding large-caliber rifles, monitoring everything around them, and guarding the safety of the deck.

This scene appeared on all large ships. In the fog, the fleet became slightly turbulent due to the shaking of the figures on the decks of the ships.

On the deck of the flagship, a team of soldiers also appeared.

"Set the smart mode, execute commands autonomously, feedback information in real time, automatically search the frequency of the host, and self-destruct after damage."

When the metal box was opened, it was densely arranged with light green small machinery.

It has the shape of a dragonfly and has an appearance that is 90% similar to that of a dragonfly. Although it is small, it is fully functional. It is the new generation of intelligent detection robots in the Rising Sun Empire.

On the side of the metal box, there is a medium-sized touch screen. Under the urging of the sergeant behind him, the engineers are tediously operating on the touch screen and are setting up relevant procedures for the investigating robot.

After a while of operation, a finger was placed on the touch screen for the last time, and the engineer stood up and said: "The relevant programs have been set up, and the control rights of all intelligent detection robots have been obtained, and detection can begin!"

"Explore the town of Corao immediately! Release the intelligent detection robot!"

The above order has already been issued and there is no need to wait anymore.


With the words of the sergeant behind him, the engineer who got up bends down again and touches the screen.

This caused a commotion in the fleet.


In the sound of the machinery, an intelligent detection robot that is only slightly larger than the middle finger, like a bee out of a nest, gushes out of the metal box like a tide.

The blue light on the body makes them flying in the mist like a firefly.

Looking at the fleet, from the deck of each ship, there is a blue fluorescent rising up.

When numerous blue fluorophores spread over the fleet, an extremely beautiful picture was revealed.

However, the beautiful picture is short-lived. In just a few seconds, the sky-blue fluorophore disappears into the fog.

In the sky, the flying dragonfly detection robot instigated the special wings, flying in the mist like creatures. They crossed the sea, over the pier, and plunged into the quiet town of Corao.

When the dragonfly detection robot crossed the city wall, the group of dragonfly detection robots dispersed in an instant, turned into little blue light spots, and scattered around the town.

Some of them fly very low, close to the ground, and some fly very high, flying close to the roof.

Some flew into the building and searched the room, and some flew straight to the middle of the town.

In the First Army, although informatization is not yet perfect, there is no means to control remote communication.

But for small machines like dragonfly reconnaissance robots that can execute commands autonomously, there is also a small amount of equipment in the First Army.

Of course, such equipment as dragonfly scout robots only appeared in Sakuya's army.

However, like similar equipment, Natasha's army and Tan Ya's army are not lacking, and they also have a small amount of equipment.

There are quite a few dragonfly detection robots released this time in the small town of Corao. The dense blue light spots represent a dragonfly detection robot that flies into the fluorophore in the small town of Corao. The total number is probably There are no fewer than a thousand.

Under the search of thousands of dragonfly robots, the peaceful town of Corao is showing its true face to the fleet on the sea bit by bit.

On the head of the dragonfly robot, there are a pair of small focusing lenses, which are their eyes and the eyes of the fleet.

When the reconnaissance robot was released, in the command room of the flagship, the captain received the image transmitted from the dragonfly reconnaissance robot on the main screen.

Through the full-power operation of the ship’s communication tower, the signal from the fleet is sufficient to radiate the entire town of Corao, which also allows the dragonfly detection robot to transmit signals that are stable and smooth.

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