Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 848: died?


The devil's fist was printed on Yalan's belly.

Hearing only a dull impact, a black shadow flew out, flying out more than ten meters before rolling to the ground.


Seeing that Yalan was knocked into the air, Jerry roared, his dexterous posture leaped from the top of the devil's head, wrapped in a brilliant blue fist, and punched the big sword on the devil's neck.


When the fist was imprinted on the sword, the air flow suddenly emerged. In the bursting sparks, under the powerful force, the big sword was pushed.

Under the cutting of the blade, only a piercing sound was heard, and the big sword fell from the devil's neck and fell to the ground with a "clang".

A huge gap appeared in the devil's neck.

The armor broke, and red blood rolled out from the ruptured neck.

After the blow, Jerry backed away, away from the devil.

The stillness of the battle caused the three of them to look at the devil.

Under Jerry's blow, the devil stopped moving.

But it did not fall, but stood in a strange posture.

Red blood?

On the ground, Yalan curled up holding her lower abdomen, her face was strangely pale, and when the severe pain came from her lower abdomen, Yalan was also watching the battle.

When he saw the billowing blood flowing from the broken armor, Yalan's pale face changed slightly.

Is it a fallen one?

Real demons have no blood. There may be red liquid in their bodies, but once they are separated, they will burn and turn to ashes.

However, the devil in the field did not, and the blood that was flowing rolled out, forming a dazzling blood pool on the ground.

Only the fallen, eroded by the devil, and the human being transformed, will have the same blood as human beings.


At this moment, the standing devil finally fell down. The huge body seemed to have lost all its strength in an instant and fell to the ground.

This scene made the hearts of several people in the hall a little loose.

They knew that this short and cruel battle was finally over here.

Before a few people had time to be happy, not far away, the crumbling Cleville finally fell down. The delicate body touched the ground with a "bang", and there was no sound.


This scene happened to be seen by Yalan, she endured the pain and shouted.

Her cry caught the attention of Eagle and Jerry.

When the two of them looked at Cravel who fell on the ground, their faces suddenly changed.

Eagle hurriedly said: "Jerry! You go to see Arran's situation, I'll go to see Claver!"

After speaking, Eagle hurried to the figure who fell to the ground not far away.

And after Jerry was stunned, he quickly approached Yalan.

After a few steps, Jerry came to Arran's body.

"Are you OK?"

Seeing Yalan curling up on the ground, Jerry seemed a little at a loss.

Glancing at Jerry with a pale face, Arran gritted her teeth and shook her head, and said with a slight difficulty: "Go..., help Eagle, Clive needs help, I'm fine. I need to slow down, just a while."

Jerry hesitated looking at Yalan, who looked pale and seemed extremely painful.

But the hesitation only lasted for a moment, he nodded, and said: "Okay! I'll pass."

Turning around, Jerry walked closer to Clive.

At this time, Iger had already arrived in front of Clive.

Looking at Claver lying silent on the ground, Igel looked a little ugly.

The blood at the corner of her mouth has dried up, and her expression is no longer painful, very peaceful.

Humans are really fragile!

Looking at the petite figure under him, Iger sighed inwardly.

"Iger! How is Clive?"

Behind him, Jerry walked over and asked Eagle.

He looked back at Eagle, and then at Yalan who was still lying on the ground not far away.

Before Iger could say anything, Jerry said helplessly: "The eldest lady is very arrogant. Even at this time, she won't need my help."

Jerry's words made Eagle slightly clear.

Looking at Jerry, Iger shook his head heavily.

This shaking his head made Jerry startled, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"It won't be! How could it be..."

While muttering to himself, Jerry came to Claver's side.

Looking at the silent figure on the ground, Jerry's expression stiffened.

Jin pulse has stopped beating.

As a martial artist, the most important part of the body, except for the heart, is the veins.

Jinmai is the source of power for martial artists and the lifeblood of martial artists.

It is also a symbol of martial artists, because among martial artists, you can clearly feel the pulse of each other.

Once the Jinmai stopped beating, it also showed that death had come.


He took a long breath. Although he couldn't believe it, Jerry could only accept reality.

She is dead, and Clive has already sacrificed in this battle.

Looking at Eagle, Jerry said: "Let's go! This is not a place to stay for a long time."

After speaking, Jerry looked at Cravel on the ground again and said: "We can't keep her here. Her ultimate destination should be in her home country, not in this foreign land."

What Jerry said is of course taken for granted.

Eagle never thought of keeping her.

The same heroes, even if they have no friendship, they are also comrades in arms and companions at this time.

Eagle never considered himself a good person, but he also had a bottom line in some things.

In Jerry's gaze, Iger lightly tapped.


At this moment, the abnormal change emerged.

Waves of strange roars came from outside, and the fierce movement caused the expressions of the two in the hall to change.

Obviously, the battle in the main hall attracted all the humans in the town of Corao who had been eroded by the devil.

Considering the open space around the building, Igel glanced at Claver on the ground with shame, then turned and left without hesitation.

He strode to Yalan and squatted down. Before Yalan could react, he hugged Yalan and fought against his shoulders.

When Eagle accidentally Arran did not resist, he realized that Arran had fainted.

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