Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 854: Surrender or war

The Kingdom of Yassi, Qulantan.

In this bustling city, the calm remains.

Common people without cognition, day after day, year after year, are doing the same thing.

This is life, at least for ordinary people.

The arrival of the First Army Corps was concealed by the government, but ordinary people did not know it.

This is to avoid unnecessary disturbances.

The two-day deadline has expired, and in the end, the country’s highest authority "King Ferrandis" received the envoy of the First Legion.

When the early morning leaves, the sun rises above the sky.

In the Great Hall of the King in Gulantan, which symbolizes the power of the king, a court meeting is underway.

"Your Majesty! The news from the Allied Powers has not been sent back. Is it wrong for us to be the first to meet the envoy of the First Army?"

In the huge hall, a minister walked out of the ranks of the ministers and spoke to Ferrandis on the throne.

On the throne, Ferrandis sat upright, and in response to the minister’s inquiry, he calmly said: "The two-day period has expired. If you don’t receive the envoy of the first legion, the envoy will leave. Among them We cannot ignore the risks. As for the news of the other two countries..."

Speaking of this, Ferrandis sneered: "If we don't take the lead in action, they won't make any actions. We have to pay attention to this matter."

Looking around the ministers in the hall, Ferrandis said: "After many considerations, I still decided to meet the envoy of the First Army. We need to know the purpose of the First Army."

Is this the king's plan?

Indeed, the sudden visit of the envoy of the First Legion must have a very clear purpose.

If you don’t know the purpose of the First Army, the Kingdom of Yassi will fall into a passive situation.

The minister who inquired returned to the team. At this time, no one had any more opinions on the king's decision.

Seeing this, Ferrandis said to the waiter at the entrance of the hall: "Bring them in."

The king ordered the waiter to turn his head and leave the hall.

The waiter left for a short time, a few minutes later...

"The First Army "Emissary Group" is here!"

With a clear shout, the departed waiter entered the hall again.

Behind him, three black figures walked one after another.

The arrival of the Envoy of the First Legion caused the ministers in the hall to look sideways, and they all looked at the people behind the waiter.

this is……


The black robe, the hood, the dress and the rich religious information made the ministers think so. At the same time, the expression on his face changed slightly and became a bit ugly.

The Kingdom of Yassi is a country of unbelievers, and there is no religious organization in the country.

It is also extremely exclusive to religion.

The First Army is actually a religious organization?

This surprised all the officials in the hall.

In the king's hall, only Ferrandis on the throne looked indifferent, because he already knew everything.

Under the stairs, the waiter stopped. He bowed slightly to the king on the throne, and then stepped back.

Looking at the three people in the main hall, Ferrandis on the throne smiled slightly and said: "Your party is here suddenly, and the hospitality has been poor these days. Please forgive me."

"Your Majesty is worrying too much!"

A light voice came from the hood, echoing in the hall, which made the hall's officials look straight.

What a beautiful voice...

There is a touch of softness in the cold, and the fusion of different melodies has become a unique magnetism, which makes people very comfortable to listen to, and there is also an amazing feeling in my heart.

Even Ferrandis on the throne looked curiously at the slender figure of His Royal Highness. He wanted to know what kind of face was under the hood and had such a beautiful voice.

In the face of everyone's attention, Shayue looked indifferent in the hood, and her beautiful eyes had never left the figure on the throne.

Suppressing the curiosity in his heart, Ferrandis looked slightly upright and said, "I don’t know what happened during your visit this time? My Yasi Kingdom is on one side. Except for the neighboring countries, I have always maintained "neutrality". I will not participate in anything. This is the foundation of the country and the law of the Kingdom of Yasi."

As the lord of a country, Ferrandis is undoubtedly smart.

A simple sentence showed his attitude and rejected any request from the First Army in advance.

But it is a pity that the arrival of the First Army this time has a clear purpose.

The role of the mission is not to negotiate peace, but to "declare war."

Looking at Ferrandis on the throne, Sha Yue's soft voice rang again.

"In this era, if you want to survive, you must keep advancing. Anyone who wants to stop will lose the qualifications to survive. Although the land under your feet is on the edge of human society and is far away from conflicts of interests, How long can peace last?"

After speaking lightly, Shayue continued: "To send an envoy to the Three Kingdoms, the purpose of our First Army is very simple..."

Looking at the figure on the throne, Shayue's words suddenly became cold, saying: "Surrender or war, this is the first legion's choice for your country!"

As soon as these words came out, the hall suddenly boiled.

The ministers' expressions changed, they became quite ugly, and they were also very angry.

"Sure enough, it is an aggressive force. This is a declaration of war, a naked declaration of war."

"Take this demon girl and let the First Legion know that my Yasi Kingdom is not afraid of any war."

"In the face of a hungry wolf, we cannot shrink back, otherwise, we will only lose more."

Shayue's words undoubtedly aroused the anger of a lot of ministers, and they let out angry roars.

The hall was also hidden in the riot.

Sure enough...

Looking at the messenger of the First Legion in the main hall, Yerans standing in the crowd thought to himself.

Earlier, he and King Ferrandis had guessed that the first legion must be bad. Now it seems that it is true.

Surrender or war?

Speaking from the first legion, it is really not surprising.

Looking back, Yellance glanced at Ferrandis on the throne.

How will your majesty choose?

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