Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 857: Melorca

At noon of the next day, while waiting, the two envoys of the Danlan Kingdom finally returned to the fleet when they were sent to the Kingdom of Dengsha.

So far, all the envoys sent by the First Army have returned.

"The situation in the Kingdom of Dengsha is fairly stable. Although the deployment of troops is unknown, in terms of overall national strength, this country is weak. As long as the city of Hardas is captured, everything will be a foregone conclusion."

In the flagship combat conference room, a meeting is unfolding, and Tan Ya is listening to the reports of the three envoys.

Around a metal high platform, the nuns sat upside down on the surrounding seats, reporting their tasks to Tan Ya on the high platform.

As soon as the words fell, another nun said: "The political situation in the Danlan Kingdom is quite chaotic. Not long ago, King Kerry died suddenly, leaving only a young princess, and the power fell to the Grand Duke Haran. In the hands of Prime Minister Di, now that the Danlan Kingdom is in chaos due to the change of power, the First Army can open a breakthrough from here. The Danlan Kingdom is located between the Dengsha Kingdom and the Yasi Kingdom. As long as the Danlan Kingdom is captured, The gateway between the Dengsha Kingdom and the Yasi Kingdom was exposed to the eyes of the First Army, and the army can take the capitals of the two countries from the interior."

This is a good way.

No matter how powerful a country, as long as its internal rights become chaotic, this is undoubtedly an opportunity for foreign enemies.

The report of the nun of the Danlan Kingdom made Tan Ya, who was sitting high up, slightly concerned about the Danlan Kingdom.

Moving her gaze slightly, Tan Ya looked at a nun on the other side.

Feeling Tan Ya’s gaze, Shayue sitting quietly whispered: “Among the three kingdoms of Dengsha, Danlan, and Yasi, the national power of the Yasi Kingdom should be the strongest. Although King Ferrandis is already old, He is not faint, and the domestic situation is in a stable state. In addition, the capital city of Kulantan is an ancient city and a fortress. It has four mountains as a refuge, and its defense is extremely amazing. Even if it is the First Army, if you want to take this City, there is also a certain degree of difficulty. It is recommended that the general put the Kingdom of Assi in the final attack, so that he can concentrate his superior forces."

Nodding lightly, the report of the three women gave Tan Ya some knowledge of Three Kingdoms Weiwei.

In terms of national strength, no matter which one of the three countries is weak, the overall strength of the three countries is probably not much different from that of Bentley.

However, although Bentley is a three-point military system, it is a country in name, and it can also integrate its forces when facing foreign enemies.

But the three overseas countries of Austria are different. Although the three countries have a peace agreement, it is only a non-aggression agreement, not a military alliance.

In other words, no matter which country the First Army attacks, the force it has to face is only the power of one country.

In this way, things are much simpler.

Looking at the women in the audience, Tan Ya said, "Thanks for your hard work. This is the end of the matter. Your task has been completed. Please return to Nanlin Island as soon as possible so that the master can feel at ease."

Tan Ya's words moved the women's hearts, and a figure emerged in their hearts.

In silence, the nuns got up and left, leaving the combat room one by one.

After the nuns left, Tanya did not stay in the meeting room much, but walked towards the bridge with Davis.

On the road, in the wide channel inside the ship.

"Does the general have a goal in his heart?"

Davis's question in the ear made Tan Ya slow down.

As he walked, Tan Ya said: "Davis! You and I are all soldiers with rich combat experience. Although they are all staff officers in military deployment and command, they fight snakes and fight seven inches. You should be aware of this. Since one of the three countries has exposed its weaknesses, how can we ignore this?"

"What the general said is that I asked more!"

Davis clearly recognized the mistake for his knowledgeable question.

"In the military system of the First Corps, you are now a tenth-level sergeant commander, the highest officer under the general. In this position, you must have the ability to stand alone, otherwise, the veteranship does not Maintain your current identity."


Davis listened to Tanya's teachings and advice from heart.

Unconsciously, during the conversation between the two, the bridge command room had arrived.

With Davis, Tan Ya walked into the command room.

Just sitting on the captain’s seat, he said to Davis: "Send a destroyer to **** the envoy back. In the vast sea, strong power cannot guarantee their safety. For their safety, we must do something. To be foolproof."

"Yes! I will let the destroyer "Kleeway" **** them back."

Davis responded to Tanya's order.

The time has come...

After drifting on the surface for a few days, it is time for the fleet to leave the sea and set off for a new destination.

With a wave of his hand, Tan Ya said solemnly: "The order is passed down, and the fleet set sail immediately. The goal: King Dengsha is "Melorka""

In this way, under Tan Ya's order, the fleet embarked on a journey again.

The huge fleet moved slowly amidst the sound of the siren, and battleships lined up in a neat formation, riding the wind and waves on the sea, aggressively, and marching towards the destination indefinitely.

In the opposite direction of the fleet, the three requisitioned iron-clad ships, plus an **** destroyer, were heading north, farther and farther from the fleet. Soon, on the vast sea, no one could see both sides. Ship shadow.

For the fleet, a distance of several hundred kilometers will not take too long.

In this remote place, war is about to begin.


Dengsha Kingdom, the royal capital "Meloka".

According to legend, in an era long, long ago, it was an era of great unification.

At that time, the Dengsha Kingdom was only a duchy under the powerful Ogerian Empire.

According to legend, the Duke had a very beautiful lady. When the new city was established, she took the name of the Duchess as "Melorca".

And that lady eventually became the princess of the founding king of the Dengsha Kingdom.

As the name suggests, Melorca is a very beautiful city.

Although there are many high-rise buildings here, there is another color in the city.

Green surrounds the green of tall buildings.

It is a harmless plant, a towering tree without pollution.

In the city of Melorka, such big trees can be seen everywhere, and sometimes even tall buildings are shielded under the shadow of the canopy of the big trees. From a high altitude, Melorka is like a city in the forest.

It's beautiful and looks magnificent.

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