Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 864: Woke up

As the Duke, the prime minister of a country, and the parent of the Jefstein family, Harandi knows how difficult it is for the Jefstein family to develop to the present level.

This is half a century of accumulation. Of course, Harandi does not want this family business to be ruined in his own hands.

"Can it be the only way?"

Harandi's expression is very complicated, muttering to himself.

"This is the only way!"

Yago was very sure.

Waved baldly, Harandi said baldly: "Go! Leave this to you, remember, don't leave any traces."

Harandi's words made Yago look happy, and he said excitedly: "Yes! The subordinates know what to do, and there will be no traces."

After speaking, Yago got up and walked away, stepping on the stairs and quickly walking outside the hall.

In the huge hall, when Yago left, only Harandi sat alone on the throne.

But Harandi did not know that he was not alone in the hall at this time.

In the gloomy hall, behind a huge pillar, a black shadow quietly retreated, hiding in the darkness.

No one knows her existence.

But she heard what Harandi and Yago had said in the hall just now.

The outer hall of the palace, somewhere in the corridor.

"How to do how to do?"

In the corridor, Karina walked back and forth nervously, the cold sweat on her cheeks flowing down like a stream.

She gritted her teeth tightly and muttered to herself in her heart, with a look of trepidation.

The accidental eavesdropping on a whim made her know an amazing thing.

In panic, Karina was also a little grateful.

Fortunately, she went to the King's Hall today, otherwise, thinking about the result, Karina would have a shuddering feeling.

Not only did Prime Minister Harandi have a conspiracy, he even wanted to take the life of Princess Catherine.

This makes Karina somewhat incredulous.

In her eyes, Prime Minister Harandi was not only a courtier of the first king, but also a brother.

Karina originally thought that with this friendship, Prime Minister Harandi would assist Princess Catherine.

Now it seems she took it for granted.

Right really makes people degenerate.

"No! If this continues, Catherine will soon be in danger."

Karina muttered to herself, her cold face was full of anxiety.

She knew that there was not much time left for her.

Karina knew about Yago, who was beside Prime Minister Harandi, who was a neat person, and he would not give her too much time.

Before he did it, if she didn't think of a way to deal with it, Princess Catherine would be in danger.

But what can she do?

The Royal Guards would not follow her orders, even if she said that an assassin was going to assassinate Princess Catherine, no one would believe it.

"and many more!"

With a heart move, Karina thought of a way.


Stopped walking back and forth, leaning on the guardrail on the side of the corridor, Karina fell into contemplation.

Is this method really feasible?

Karina could not confirm.

Although Princess Catherine is the only heir to the throne, there is no guarantee that the First Legion will choose Princess Catherine. After all, the power of the kingdom is now in the hands of Prime Minister Harandi.

Even if the First Legion chooses Princess Catherine, Harandi, who holds the power, may be dead. By then, the beautiful city of Melorca will be caught in the flames of war.

There is no choice...

Taking a deep breath, Karina recovered from the confusion in her heart.

In any case, she must try it.

This is the only way, the only way to make Princess Catherine survive.

In Melorca, there is no one to believe, but hope is placed on outsiders.

When she looked straight, Karina turned around and strode away, her slender posture was the only beauty in the long corridor.


White lights, white ceilings, everything in my eyes is white.

Of course, there is also the familiar feeling of shaking.

"Where is this?"

Yalan didn't know that the pain in her lower abdomen disturbed her thoughts.

She wanted to sit up, but she was weak, so she turned her head slightly and looked around.

There was nothing, she was in a room, except for the bed under her, only the white metal bulkhead.

As Yalan was observing the room, the door was suddenly pushed open.

A middle-aged man in a white coat walked in.

When he saw Yalan lying on the bed with his eyes wide open, he was a little surprised and admired: "Your martial artist's recovery ability is amazing. You woke up so quickly. If it is an ordinary person, it may take ten days."

"How? How do you feel?"

Looking at the person in front of the bed, Yalan was a little confused.

He looked like a doctor, but Yalan didn't recognize his appearance.

In response to his question, Yalan whispered: "The whole body can't work hard, and there is some slight pain in the lower abdomen."

"This is normal. Only two days have passed since the operation, and the effect of the anesthetic has not completely dissipated. This is also to save you from pain. Don't worry, you will regain your strength tomorrow.


Yalan was puzzled and puzzled.

Standing by the bed, looking at Yalan on the bed, he replied: "Yes, we performed an operation on you. Your lower abdomen was severely injured, many internal organs were severely traumatized, and there was heavy bleeding. We can only cut off the victim. Severe organ damage, so as to guarantee your life."

"Cut off the organs?"

Hearing this, Yalan reached out and touched her lower abdomen.

Although she didn't feel much, she didn't seem to feel what was missing in her body.

Seeing Yalan's appearance, the middle-aged medical officer knew what she was thinking.

He comforted: "Don't worry, the most important vein of the martial artist has not been removed. Although it has suffered a lot of damage, it is not a major problem. What is removed is your uterus.

Speaking of this, the medical officer apologized: "Sorry, this is the only way to save you. You will lose fertility in the future."


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