Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 867: Recognized

With a cold expression, Tan Ya said coldly: "Let's start! Since your country has chosen the "peace talks", you should know the requirements of our First Army."

Seeing that the topic had entered the topic, Yago looked slightly upright.

Said: "If our country becomes a subject of the First Army, can the adults elaborate on how much "rights" our country has? The adults should know that our nationals belong to the same nation and have a great sense of belonging to the nation. Outsiders There is a lot of rejection. If the government of the country does not act, the government will not be able to gain a foothold, and then there will be a rebellion."

On this issue, Tan Ya only explained four points to Yago.

"One, for countries of the same nation, the First Army will grant independent administrative freedom."

"Second, politically, the First Army will not interfere in the internal affairs of the subject country without involving the interests of the First Army."

"Three, to become a subject of the First Army, the First Army is obliged to establish basic industries for the dependent countries, to upgrade the national economy of the dependent countries, and to supervise the business and trade of the dependent countries."

"Four, the First Corps has the right to station military in the territory of the subject country."

Tan Ya's words undoubtedly made Yago slightly relieved.

It can be said that the treatment given by the First Army has been very superior.

The independent and free administrative power alone was enough to make Prime Minister Harandi give up the war.

With a slight smile, Yago said: "I have seen the sincerity of your legion. I believe Master Harandi will not refuse. If the agreement is signed, please return to the legion to find another day. At that time, Master Harandi will attend in person. Only Master Harandi can make the final decision on such major events."

Tan Ya was not surprised at this point.

When he saw Yago appearing alone, Tan Ya knew that the man in front of him was just the vanguard of the power, just to explore his mouth.

Regarding the talks, Tan Ya never thought that they could be resolved all at once.

After all, this is a meeting to resolve major issues in a country, and it will take time to resolve it perfectly.

Taking a document on the desktop, Tan Ya pushed it to Yago.

Said: "This is the agreement. It contains all the rules. Show it to your host. I hope that it will be signed by your host's name at the next meeting."

It's really tough.

Do you want to solve all the problems in the next meeting?

Without thinking about it, Yago picked up the agreement from the desktop.

When Yago picked up the agreement book on the desktop, Tan Ya suddenly received a message.

Using the miniature communicator in the ear, Tan Ya is communicating with someone.

"The royal family?...Well, bring her here!"

what language is this?

Although Yago heard Tan Ya's voice on the opposite side, he didn't know what it meant.

What the adult opposite said was a language he couldn't understand.

"Do you know the royal clerk "Karina"?"

Tan Ya's sudden question made Yago's face change.

He was very nervous and said: "My lord! Prime Minister Harandi is the power in the Danlan Kingdom today. If your army wants to gain the allegiance of the Danlan Kingdom without bloodshed, you must cooperate with Lord Harandi."

Damn, damn, how could that woman appear here?

Yago's expression was rather ugly, and he roared in his heart.

How to do?

While panicking, Yago was also gritted his teeth thinking of a way.

For Karina's purpose, Yago couldn't think of it.

Obviously, Karina is here for the royal family and for Princess Catherine.

"Damn it, if I knew this, we should get rid of the royal family first."

Careless, careless, Yago deeply regretted that he didn't get rid of the royal family beforehand.

Originally, his idea was to explore the first legion's tone first, and then solve the problem of the royal family.

He didn't expect that the royal family would jump in at this time.

If the First Legion chooses the royal family as its collaborators, it would be bad.

"My lord! This talk will end here. I need to tell Master Harandi the good news as soon as possible, I believe Master Harandi will be happy to accept it."

After speaking, Yago stood up, ready to leave.

At this moment, the two allied soldiers took a step forward, came behind Yago, and held Yago's shoulders.

At the same time, the opposite Tan Ya said coldly: "Don't worry, since you are all messengers from the Danlan Kingdom, you should have something to say. No one can leave until things are clear."

The strength on his shoulders let Yago know that now, he can only face Karina, working hard to make Lord Harandi become the partner of the First Army.

Sitting down again with an ugly look, Yago could only wait quietly.

Before long, along the deck, an allied soldier brought Karina over.

She looked so beautiful in a light purple court dress.

The sound of footsteps made Yago look back at the owner of the voice.

"That woman..."

Looking at Karina behind the soldier, Yago's expression was full of stern expression.

He stood up abruptly, and said with an extremely ugly look: "Karina! Why do you, as the royal clerk, intervene in political affairs? Leave immediately, you are not eligible to appear here."

Glancing at Yago coldly, Karina sneered: "In terms of qualifications, I represent Her Royal Highness Princess Catherine, the first heir to the throne. Who can be more qualified than me, you?"

"Yago! Please remember this. The "royal family" of this country is the real master, not your master, Harandi "Prime Minister."

After that, Karina didn't pay attention to Yago, but looked at Tan Ya opposite Yago.

She stooped slightly, bowed her breast, and said softly: "Your Excellency! The royal family of Regodas is the real master of the Danlan Kingdom and the only "king" in the hearts of the people of this country. Here, I "Karina ", on behalf of Her Royal Highness Princess Catherine, the first heir to the "throne", requesting a "talk" from your legion."

Things seem to get interesting.

Waved slightly, Tan Ya motioned to the soldier on the side.

The soldier on the side turned around knowingly, brought a seat from the side and placed it not far from Yago.


Tan Ya invited Karina.

This is also a recognition of Karina's identity.

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