Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 889: bad news

Since the death of His Majesty the King, the vassals outside have basically been in a state of independent control of the territory.

Because they opposed Prime Minister Harandi’s rule, they refused to follow any instructions from Prime Minister Harandi.

Even if Princess Catherine succeeds to the throne, those vassals will not necessarily obey the new regime.

Because Princess Catherine was still young, she had no authority.

Looking up at Harandi, Karina said, "What is your opinion?"

Facing Karina’s gaze, Harandi looked at Catherine and said, "Your Royal Highness! This is the first lesson I will teach you. If you can solve the problem without using force, you must refuse to use force, because once you use force, even If you win, it will be your people who will be hurt, and this will cause your people to hate you."

"What should I do then? Uncle Harandy!"

Catherine asked curiously.

Harandi said: "When you are in a high position, especially the lord of a country, you must think about things comprehensively, and you must know the ideas you can think of, and then sort out and choose the best way. Take this matter as an example. Although the vassals outside have great powers, in the Danlan Kingdom, the royal capital "Melorka" is the main body. It is the economic center of the Danlan Kingdom and controls the country's trade. It is also a transit point for transportation. For the duchy outside, every city is inseparable from the transportation of goods in the "king capital". As long as the trade between the vassal domains is interrupted, the vassal domains will be messed up by themselves in less than a month. As long as we control public opinion, those vassals will have to choose compromise under pressure from all parties."

"Of course, for those who are stubborn, it can only be solved by force."

Karina nodded.

This method is not bad.

However, it takes too long.

Karina reminded Harandi: "Prime Minister Harandi! You should know the content of the agreement. Once the agreement is signed, the First Army will implement all the items in the treaty. If we don’t solve it before the First Army starts to implement it. Contradictions with vassals will be difficult to say by then. In the first legion’s way of doing things, I’m afraid it will directly use force. Although the first legion gave the Danlan kingdom independent administrative power and does not interfere in internal affairs, this It is under the "statute". If there is "resistance" in the country, then..."

Of course Harandi, whom Karina was worried about, understood.

But for the current "royal family", they can only handle everything step by step.

It is impossible for political affairs to go smoothly for everything, and obstacles are inevitable.

With a slight expression, Harlandi said: "We have to figure out our own way. Seven days later, it will be the day when Princess Catherine ascends the throne. On this day, we can invite vassals outside to participate. The new king succeeds. The vassals can't be absent because of reason. We can use this ceremony to find out what the vassals are thinking."

Only so.

The matter of vassals must not be sloppy. Resolving by force is only the next policy. Before the last resort, all possibilities of civil war must be eliminated.

"There is so much more to do!"

In her heart, Karina sighed slightly.

At this time, Harandi said again: "I will leave the succession hall to Lord Karina. I am responsible for drafting an "Alliance" manifesto. Regarding joining the "First Army" camp, the citizens of the kingdom need A reasonable explanation, we need to get the approval of the people!"

Nodded, Karina said: "Leave it to me about the succession hall!"

Karina knew very well that what Prime Minister Harandi did was more important than what she did.

The recognition of public opinion is, in a way, more difficult than the succession hall.

If public opinion does not develop in a good direction, it is likely to cause a disturbance within the Danlan Kingdom.

Standing up from the seat, Harandi said: "I will stop here today, I still need to deal with many things!"

"Everything will trouble the Prime Minister!"

Immediately after standing up from the seat, Karina said to Harandy.

With a slight smile, Harandi said, "This is my duty."

After speaking, Harandi gave Catherine a breast-covering.

Said: "Your Royal Highness! The minister has retired first!"

"Yeah! Goodbye Uncle Harandy!"

Waving her little hand, Catherine said softly.

Receiving the answer, Harandi turned and strode out of the hall.

As the prime minister of a country, Harandi's burden is unclear, especially in this special period, it is even more necessary for Harandi to concentrate on domestic political affairs.

When Harandi disappeared, Karina let out a sigh of relief.

She looked back at Catherine and said, "Your Royal Highness! The day of succession is very close. In these seven days, Princess Catherine must learn the basic etiquette. Once she becomes a "Queen", she must be like a queen, every move she does. You must think carefully to deter the officials!"


Catherine grimaced and responded timidly.

Seeing Catherine's appearance, although Karina was a little unbearable, she did not say any words of comfort.

As the only blood of the royal family, although Princess Catherine is young, she must take the corresponding responsibilities.

Karina knows very well that comforting Catherine at this time will only make her more dependent on herself.

In this case, Princess Catherine will never grow up.

Temporary unbearableness will only hurt the young princess Catherine.

Karina would not make this mistake.


Nansha Islands, in the mist.

The gray mist seems endless and endless.

In the rippling sea, a huge fleet is sailing slowly in the mist.

Wherever he went, he could hear the roar of the engine from far away.

The windless sea was unusually calm, and a series of ship shadows seemed a bit illusory.

Unconsciously, five days passed.

Since leaving the small town of Corao, the fleet has been sailing on the sea for five days.

Since the waters of the Nansha Islands are shallow waters, during the five days, the fleet drove during the day and rested at night.

After five days of sailing, the next target "Moir" town is still far away.

Flagship, in the bridge command room.

"I don't know why, the magnetic field in the sea here is abnormally disturbed, and the electronic compass and the mechanical compass have lost their function, General! We have lost our direction."

In the bridge command room, Ichiro Yamada was reporting bad news to Sakiya.

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