Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 893: shoot down

Although the imperial samurai didn't know what General Sakiya was going to do, the only thing they could do at the moment was to wait.

Waiting, time passed every second.


Suddenly, in his hood, Sakiya's eyes moved slightly.

She noticed the change from the sky.

The wind was turbulent, and in an instant, black energy swept out of Sakuya's body, and the power of death was like a wild storm, like howling.

The dark power of death enveloped Sakuya with a dark glow, and the surge of energy also dispelled the fog on the deck. The dense fog seemed to be attacked by a strong wind and was instantly pushed away.

The scene before him shocked the imperial samurai behind Sakiya.

The energy brilliance visible to the naked eye was something they had never seen before.

In the gaze of many "imperial warriors", under the entanglement of the power of death, Sakiya stepped forward and made a throwing motion with the harpoon in one hand.

At this time, in the sky, in a sky that is easily overlooked, in the mist, a little light of fire is flickering.

It's this time...

After a fierce stature, Sakiya clasped it hard, using all his strength to throw the harpoon in his hand.

At the moment it was shot out, the force of death swept up and entangled the harpoon.

"call out!"

In the harsh "whistling" sound, the harpoon rose into the sky, turning into a huge black glow and rushing into the sky.

The speed is extremely fast, unstoppable, and the fog disperses wherever it passes.

The harpoon that rushed straight into the sky seemed to have pierced the sky, and the strong wind caused the sky to form a vortex stacked one after another.

Everything happened in a flash.

When the black light flashed, the harpoon disappeared into the fog. When the fog dissipated, a hole appeared in the sky. At the end of the hole, only a little red light flashed. In an instant, a huge burst of red was seen. Fireworks suddenly appeared.

Amidst the "rumbling" explosion, a red sun appeared in the sky.

The brilliance produced by that instant burst turned the world into a red glow.

In the flames, a floating boat was burning and falling.

The unknown enemy turned out to be a floating ship?

The wreckage falling from the sky like a meteor shower, let the First Army know who the unknown enemy is.


The huge explosion resounded through the world and was deafening.

The burning floater suddenly exploded.

The bursting flame turned into a huge fireball in the sky.

Countless burning debris spread out, forming a shocking meteor shower.

"Boom! Boom!"

The burning wreck fell into the water amidst the whistling sound, and suddenly splashed water columns after another.

Under the impact of the wreckage, the sea suddenly disturbed.

In less than ten seconds, the debris of the sky fell into the water one after another.

At this time, the hole in the sky was being filled by the fog, and it was getting smaller bit by bit.

After a few minutes, the sea calmed down and the hole disappeared.

The sea returned to calm again.


Sighing lightly, turning around, Sakiya left the deck and walked to the bridge command room, leaving behind the long-awaited "Imperial Warriors" on the deck.

The scene just now will never be forgotten by the "Imperial Warriors".

They cannot understand what power this is.

"Okay! The mission is over, everyone returns to the cabin!"

The command from the senior sergeant awakened the "imperial warriors" on the deck.

Amid the sound of "Zhengzheng" footsteps, and the shaking of the white figure, the deck was quickly emptied and became empty.

"General Sakiya! What kind of "power" is this? Please also tell General Sakiya!"

As soon as Sakuya stepped into the command room before the night, Yamada Jiro was very excited to greet him.

His words also caused everyone in the command room to look slightly and secretly listen.

In the First Army, it is no secret that the generals have extraordinary "power".

But the soldiers didn't know where the "power" came from. More precisely, they knew nothing about this "power".

Passing by Yamada Jiro, Sakiya sat down in front of the captain's seat.

Facing Yamada Jiro, who had a strong desire to detect, Sakiya did not hide anything.

In the future, the power of the "Temple of Death" and the "Dead" will be recorded in the data terminal.

At that time, by entering the data terminal, the soldiers will know everything.

At that time, soldiers will also have a choice, a choice between life and death.

Informing Yamada Jiro in advance can be considered as a preparation for him.

Speaking slightly, Sakuya said indifferently: "Our power comes from the "commander", and the commander's power comes from the "dead". This may be a bit magic for you, but you have to learn to accept it, because in this world Human beings have learned to use energy and elements to strengthen themselves, and naturally there will be various strange abilities."

"I wonder what "general" thinks of this power?"

In order to confirm what was in his mind and make himself more clear, Yamada Jiro asked.

"The power of death is a kind of elemental power, and the power of death is born from the death of all things. The commander has gained the power of the power of death, and has absolute control over the power of death. Everything in the world is born. Death, and death is not the end, but a new beginning."

The words paused slightly, and Sakiya said calmly: "Whether it is me, Tanya, or General Natasha, in a certain sense, we are all dead. We no longer belong to "humans", but are the dead. , Which is the legendary "dead"."


Sakiya's words made Yamada Jiro's expression slightly changed, and everyone in the command room also did the same, their expressions were quite shocked.

General Sakiya is dead?

is this real?

"You don't need to worry too much. You are "humans" here. If you don't want to, the master will not force you. You only need to use flesh and blood to serve the master according to the contract. Although we are "dead", we are in form. Shang and human beings are no different."

As if sensing the fluctuations in everyone's heart, Sakiya gave a few words of comfort.

After a short pause, Sakiya continued: "Moreover, for you, the power of "death" is also a guarantee. On the battlefield, if you die in battle and have a strong desire for "life", you will get " "Resurrection", "Ghoul", "dead" like us."

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