Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 898: pale

For a country captured by war, Li Meng does not intend to retain its country name, but will make the country disappear completely

There will be resistance, but Li Meng doesn't care.

In some places, the First Army will implement a strict "rule of law", and any resistance is not allowed.

Chen Yan doesn't care whether Bentley keeps the "country name".

Lazily moved in the owner's arms, this movement caused Li Meng to take another breath.

Chen Yan said lightly: "Master! The "car dealership" will be established soon. The owner should pay more attention to the choice of models. The world's "primitive energy" is a new energy source, and it is also the most commonly used energy source. It’s best to use the power furnace as the main power for the car. In this way, it will be able to connect with the world, and in the future, the soul language car company can also go out."

After a short speech, Chen Yan continued: "I heard that the quantum signal tower is about to operate. Once the signal is smooth, electronic products can also be sold. Only the advanced electronics industry can show the strength of a country. In this industry The First Legion must choose the most important thing. Under the First Legion’s rule, electrical appliances should exist in every family."

"You can do it yourself! In the data terminal, you have a high level of authority, and you have everything you want in the database. Just give me a list afterwards!"

Li Meng completely trusts Chen Yan. In terms of talent, Li Meng does not doubt whether Chen Yan has this ability.

Not everyone can think of what I said just now.

With a slight smile, Chen Yan responded softly: "Hmm!"

Li Meng gently embraced the squeezable waist in his arms, and Li Meng said softly: "Let's talk! What are you looking for this time, it shouldn't be just for "car dealership"!"

The establishment of a "car dealership" is only a trivial matter. For today's "Soul Language Chamber of Commerce", the car dealership is only one of the businesses, it is very important, but there is no need to pay too much attention to it.

Wen Er smiled and saw her own thoughts at the master, Chen Yan's expression became slightly ruddy.

Although the changes in the body are more embarrassing than anything else, there are some things that, once you experience more, you won't make people feel too much.

He took a deep breath and calmed down his emotions.

Looking at the ordinary face close at hand, Chen Yan said softly: "Master! The members of my ghoul clan are still too rare. Although I have been outside for a period of time, the laws and order in Kyoto are strict. This has created a great obstacle to the development of ghouls. Can the master let the ghouls develop their descendants in the territory of the first legion?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Chen Yan looked expectantly at the face close at hand.

So it was for this...

Li Meng did not immediately respond to Chen Yan's request, but was thinking about the powerful relationship in his heart.

Seeing Li Meng did not respond for a long time, Chen Yan's expression changed transiently.

With a pitiful appearance, he said: "If the master doesn't agree, then forget it. The ghoul family is slowly developing outside, please don't get angry!"

Seeing Chen Yan's panic look, Li Meng smiled slightly, and touched the white cheek with his hand.

In Chen Yan’s pitiful gaze, Li Meng said lightly: "Although we are the "dead", but we are attached to human beings. Without humans, there would be no "dead family". There must be a relationship between humans and the dead. There is a balance. This balance must be maintained by our "dead clan". The prosperity of mankind will also promote the prosperity of our "dead clan". Therefore, our deceased clan must have a certain degree of accommodation to humans."

The words paused, stroking the face, Li Meng continued: "The existence of the dead must be a secret. We must not let mankind be afraid, nor let them reject us, let alone let mankind know our existence and development. The descendants are understandable, but they can’t act recklessly."

Putting down his hand on that white cheek, Li Meng patted back gently and lay lazily on the seat.

The touch on her face disappeared, leaving Chen Yan in a trance and regret.

Looking at Chen Yan who was still sitting in his arms, Li Meng said lightly: "It is okay to develop descendants, but I hope you have a proper degree in your heart."

Speaking of this, Li Meng's expression suddenly became very cold in Chen Yan's joyful eyes.

The darkness and depth in her eyes caused Chen Yan who was in contact with Li Meng's eyes to shudder and her face instantly turned pale.

Speaking slightly, Li Meng said calmly: "If one day I think that your "ghoul" clan will disrupt the order of mankind, I will personally erase your existence."

Li Meng's words seemed to frighten Chen Yan. She sat blankly in Li Meng's arms and didn't move. She seemed to be stiff and her face pale.

Seeing Chen Yan's appearance, Li Meng suddenly became softened again.

Putting away the cold expression, stretched out his hand to the waist that could be gripped.

Embracing Chen Yan's waist, Li Meng pressed the stiff and delicate body in his arms, making the pale face close to his chest.

Feeling the touch coming from that broad chest, Chen Yan gently closed her eyes and felt it carefully.

At this moment, neither of them said much.

Wendy, who was on the side, stood there from beginning to end without speaking.

She saw the ridiculous things about the host and Chen Yan just now, and she heard what the host and Chen Yan said.

For Wendy, she is just the captain of the guard next to the master, and the master's close attendant.

She might be jealous of her master's relationship with other women, but that's all.

Whether she was alive or now, she understood a little bit.

Neither Sakiya-senpai, General Tanya, nor General Natasha will get the real "love" from the master.

As for the fiancee who is thousands of miles away, it goes without saying that it is just a transaction, a "bargaining chip" to keep the two parties in touch.

The master is not ruthless, but "true love" is unique to one person, and there is only one person who truly loves.

And other women can only share the feelings left behind by the master.

From the two people hugging each other in the seats, Wendy withdrew her gaze, looking quietly at the dark garden outside.

Time passed by one minute and one second.

For a long time, Li Meng patted Chen Yan on the back, and said, "Go! You can't do anything by my side. Do what you should do. Don't think too much or worry about it. The ghoul family was created by me. For me, you are my "children". Go ahead and do it!"

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