Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 901: Giant tree

At this time, the main brain said: "The development of weapons in this world is mainly used to deal with the threat of polluting beasts. Compared with traditional weapons, the humanoid weapon "guard" has extremely strong adaptability and can fight in any harsh environment. This is incomparable with traditional weapons. Humanoid weapons. Both the Sauville Empire and the Rising Sun Empire have related technologies. As for the weapons of the "Ferocious Beast", the First Army can equip a small amount of "Guardians" to deal with the "Ferocious Beast" Threat."

The main brain said that Li Meng had also thought about it.

Humanoid weapons can be said to be a "trend" of weapon development in the future.

Dexterous mobility and powerful firepower are the inherent advantages of humanoid weapons.

Although the weakness is fragile "armor", this can be compensated by driving skills.

Today's First Army, the development of weapons is geared towards "people". Although traditional weapons have a great advantage over "people", this advantage will disappear with the development of "guards".

In the previous battles, the steel torrent of the First Legion overwhelmingly destroyed the enemy.

However, the "guard" owned by the enemy is only the first generation of guards. The first generation of guards cannot be called a "humanoid weapon" at all. It is just a turret that can walk upright without any mobility at all.

If the enemy had a second-generation "guard", the battle of the First Army would be much harder and not so smooth.

Because the second-generation "Guardians" have been fully humanized, with feet and hands, and the weapons in their hands are also enlarged versions of firearms. Of course, they fired large-caliber shells instead of bullets.

It can be said that the second-generation "guard" is the "humanoid" weapon in the real concept.

Traditional weapons will not have obvious advantages over the second-generation guards.

In his heart, Li Meng said: "Then let "Ayre" design several "guards" for emergencies. Even if the First Army does not use them, they can also earn "money" outside. Such high-end weapons can be used. Brings us a lot of "funds."

"Leave it to me! I will let "Al" prepare early, and the corresponding units will appear in the data terminal in about three months!"

To design a new weapon, three months can be said to be extremely short, and only the "Al" with advanced technology can have such a wealth of technical background.

Having said that, the communication with the mastermind can be said to have ended.

Slightly recovered, Li Meng put down the palm computer in his hand.

A trip back, Li Meng fell into thinking.

As the supreme commander of the First Army, although Li Meng will not do everything himself, he must be in control of the future of the First Army.

Now the situation of the First Army is not "good" because Bentley, the biggest battlefield, is full of unknowns due to the emergence of the Heroes Association.

Although the Association of Heroes has not really intervened, the possibility of it is worrying.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Meng put the question behind his head.

In this matter, the First Legion is passive and can only see tricks and tricks, thinking too much will only make oneself bothered.


Looking slightly, Li Meng called to Wendy beside him.

The master's call made Wendy turn her eyes to the master of the voice.

"Master! What do you want?"

Looking at the master, Wendy responded softly.

"Go out with me!"


Wendy said in a puzzled way: "Where does the master want to go?"

Where to go

Li Meng really didn't think about this, but there was something to be solved.

Moving slightly, Li Meng got up from the seat.

At the same time, he said: "Let's talk about it!"

"Master! Then I'm going to prepare a vehicle for traveling!"

After speaking, Wendy planned to walk outside the pavilion.

"No need to!"

Li Meng stopped Wendy.

Taking a step forward, Li Meng walked out of the pavilion.

Although she doesn't know where the master is going, Wendy can only follow.

Before leaving, Wendy said to the women in the pavilion: "You stay here, and I will just follow the master."


The women responded in unison.

After giving some advice, Wendy quickly turned and chased the figure on the walkway in the garden.

With Wendy, Li Meng left the temple.

He did not go to Qingcheng, nor did he have a "destination", but entered the forest behind the temple from the foot of the mountain.

When I entered the gloomy forest, everything in front of me changed.

Although the space under the forest is humid and dark, it is full of green and occasionally a touch of other colors.

Stepping on the soft wetland, among vines and green vegetation, one after the other, two bodies in the forest walked unhurriedly.

The silent silence made the space under the forest quiet.

Near the temple here, everything seems to be in a dead silence.

Li Meng in the forest walks all the time, without speaking or talking, aimlessly, but he seems to have a goal.

I don't know how long they have been walking, when the line of sight in front of them became empty, the two of them came under a giant tree unknowingly.

In the forest, this giant tree is the largest one. Its height is more than two hundred meters, which is several times that of ordinary trees. Its thick torso is like an Optimus pillar, and its diameter is probably no less than 40 meters.

Looking up, the dense tree canopy covers the clouds, like a giant umbrella.

Under the giant tree, Li Meng stopped and scanned the ground around the giant tree, as if looking for something.

Behind Li Meng, Wendy looked confused.

She was puzzled by the master's behavior.

The master seems to be looking for something, but what will exist here?

"Master! What are you looking for?"

In the end, Wendy couldn't help asking.

Li Meng didn't have any extra explanations, but just said: "Come down and feel carefully, and tell me your findings!"

The place the master came here really had a purpose...

In her mind, Wendy thought secretly.

Although I don't know why the master came back here, Wendy still obediently calmed down and felt everything in the air.

There was no wind and no sound. The only movement was the "groan" from the trees. Although small, it was clearly visible to Wendy.

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