Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 910: Stunning

Entering the courtyard, opening the door of the villa, the three of them walked in.

"This place is great!"

Entering the villa, a hall was greeted by the three of them, and the clean environment made Delcha speak.

"I will go shopping and get familiar with the layout of this villa."

Jerry on the side spoke, and walked to the second floor after speaking.

When Jerry's figure disappeared at the end of the corridor, Iger said: "I'll go see what is available in the kitchen."

As a hero, life skills are indispensable. Sometimes when performing tasks alone, you will spend several months in the forest. The food and water you need during these months are all heroes. Acquired in the vast forest with life skills.

There is ready-made food, which of course does not trouble Eagle.

Seeing that both of them were busy with their own affairs, Delcha could only sit down on the sofa in the hall, thinking about tomorrow's "talk" alone.

The clock is ticking.

Early the next morning, a meeting was about to take place in a business building in Qingcheng that was not yet in operation.

Early in the morning, at eight o'clock on time, Delcha and his party were picked up by soldiers of the First Army to their destination.

The destination is an eight-story commercial building.

In a meeting room on the eighth floor, which is also the topmost floor, Delcha and the three men led by soldiers of the First Legion are waiting.

They are here, but the Lord has not yet arrived.

This made Delcha's heart quite a bit of criticism, but he represents the Heroes Association.

It is quite rude to let him wait as a "guest".

But Delcha also knows that the leader here is the First Legion, and this meeting is also required by the Heroes Association. In order to complete the task, it is worth to suffer a little grievance.

At the square table, the three of them sat quietly, waiting.

At this time, in the conference room, not only the three of them, but also a few soldiers of the First Corps, were standing in several corners of the room.

They stood upright, motionless, like a total statue.

"Iger! Who was the last time you met?"

Turning his head to look at Eagle beside him, Del Inquiry asked.

Facing Senator Delcha’s question, Iger shook his head and said, “I don’t know this. It seems to be a young man. The last time we talked was Arran and Clive. I and Jerry did not participate."

Delcha asked again: "Do you know the location of the meeting?"

Although I don't know why Senator Delcha cares about this, Iger still answered truthfully: "Yes! According to Arran who came back, they were taken directly to the "temple" to meet the young man."


Delcha's expression was a little surprised.

Seeing Delcha's unexpected expression, Iger was puzzled: "Did Senator Delcha not check some information about the First Army?"

Iger's words made Delcha a little embarrassed, and he shook his head.

Because of the sudden incident, before he had time to prepare, he was asked to set off immediately by the President of Parliament. As for the First Army, most of what he knew was hearsay.

Shaking his head helplessly, Iger said: "Congressman Delcha is really careless. He doesn't have the slightest understanding of the First Army, so he dares to act as an envoy."

The words were paused, and Eagle did not say anything more, but explained: "As everyone knows, the First Legion is a new force. No one can know where they came from. Only half a year ago, they appeared in After the South China Sea and the occupation of Nanlin Island, it was followed by a series of external expansions. Although the Association does not have much information about the First Army, one thing can be confirmed. That is, the First Army is a religious force. They The heart has faith and believes in a "god" who is biased towards darkness."


Speaking of this word, Delcha felt a headache.

Delcha had personally experienced the religious lunatics of the Order Empire.

With that group of lunatics, the slightly more normal people will not feel comfortable.

For this "meeting", Delcha felt a little bad.

"Don't worry, according to Arran, the behavior of the First Legion is no different from ordinary people, and it is not as fanatical as religious people. Senator Delcha only needs to stay normal."

Delcha didn't hear a word of Iger's comfort, frowned slightly, and looked a little ugly.


At this moment, the door of the conference room was opened.

The sound of opening the door made the three people look for reputation.

In their sight, the first thing they saw was the soldier pushing open the door, followed by a slim figure walking in.

She was wearing a black and white dress with an extremely delicate style, which formed a sharp contrast with that flawless face.

That silky black hair danced lightly behind her shoulders as she walked.

She was a little cold, but this cold brought out her temperament even more.

Seeing her entering the conference room, the three of them showed amazing eyes.

It was not someone else who entered the meeting room, but Wendy.

As usual, Wendy didn't change what she wore, she was still in the gothic dress that intersects black and white.

Entering the conference room, Wendy sat indifferently in the eyes of the three people at the table and sat on the main seat.

Wendy's move caused Delcha to be slightly taken aback.

Is she the one responsible for presiding over this meeting?

A woman?

Looking at Wendy on the main seat, Delcha said with a slight expression: "This lady..."

Before Delcha finished speaking, Wendy interrupted him.

With a cold expression, Wendy said coldly: "My name is Wendy, and I will be in charge of this meeting."

With an embarrassing smile, Delcha hurriedly said: "It's nice to meet you, Your Excellency Wendy! My name is Delcha. I am a member of the Heroes Association and the messenger of this mission. The two beside me are Yige. Er, Jerry, they are the heroes of the Heroes Association."

Upon hearing Delcha introduce themselves, Jerry and Eagle on the side nodded to Wendy who was in the main seat.

The scene of the first meeting is over, the next step is to enter the topic.

Looking at Wendy, Delcha said: "Your Excellency Wendy! The various actions of your legion in the South China Sea have disrupted the calm of the South China Sea. Now the Southern Expedition of the Order Empire is approaching. For the future of mankind, please ask the First Legion to be able to Focusing on the overall situation, let the South China Sea return to calm and let the route of the South Expedition unimpeded.

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