Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 912: Oridley Kingdom


Taking a faint look at Eagle, Wendy said coldly: "I don't think the devil of the Nansha Islands will pose any threat to General Sakiya. Your hero "Arran" is very good now. According to the previous report The news is that she is no longer in a serious condition and is recuperating. You can send someone to pick her up when General Sakiya completes the mission to "return."

Really confident...

Seeing Wendy so confident, Iger sighed slightly in his heart.

But then again, the First Army in the South China Sea Islands has a huge fleet. Although the devil is weird and powerful, it can only be eliminated under this force.

Since the First Army is not worried, for Eagle, he doesn't need to worry.

"Why don't you pay attention to the other hero's situation? Her injuries are more serious and more critical."

Wendy was puzzled at this point.

In the previous message sent back from the Nansha Islands, there are two heroes recovering from injuries in the fleet, one is Arran and the other is Clive.

Regarding the injury, Claver's injury is more serious, and it has not been out of danger.

However, the few people in front of him only asked Arran, but ignored the more severely injured Clive.

Another one?

Wendy's words made Eagle and Jerry look slightly stunned.

As if they realized something, the expressions of the two changed drastically, and Iger quickly said, "The other hero is "Clevville"?"


Wendy confirmed.

Wendy's answer surprised the two of them very much, and they couldn't believe it.

They obviously left Clevil in the land of hell, so how could they appear on the ship of the First Legion?

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Iger asked: "Your Excellency Wendy! Is Claver rescued by General Sakiya? It's ashamed to say that the four of us suffered heavy losses in the battle with the devil. Levi had already "sacrificed", so she stayed."

It turned out to be this.

Wendy knew slightly.

When she saw this text message in the data terminal, Wendy was still wondering how the heroes would let the First Army rescue.

It seems that General Sakiya did some unnecessary "nosy".

However, how can Wendy refuse to make others owe favor?

Looking at the three of them, Wendy said calmly: "I don't know the specifics. I only know that the hero named "Crevel" was brought back from the devil's lair by the heroic soldiers of the First Army. "

It turned out to be like this, it turned out to be like this.

It seems that after they left, a lot of things happened in that small town.

Eagle and Jerry looked at each other, and they both breathed a sigh of relief.

Clive is still alive. For Eagle, this is the most fortunate thing in his life.

Looking at Wendy, Iger thanked him sincerely: "Thank you for your help. I owe this favor, and I owe it to the Oridley Kingdom."

Although Wendy doesn't care about Eagle's favor, there are some things that should be accepted, not for nothing.

Nodding lightly, looking at the three of them, Wendy said, "This is the end of the talks. Before the agreement is signed, you are free in Qingcheng. As long as you don’t violate the laws and regulations of the First Army, you can go anywhere. The temple on the back mountain is outside the list, this is a forbidden area, no one can enter."

With a faint smile, Delcha said, "I will understand that this is the territory of the First Army, so naturally it will follow the rules of the First Army."

Without saying much, Wendy turned and left as the three of them watched.

The slim figure strode out of the meeting room.

"A few! Please come with me."

When Wendy left, a soldier came forward and said to the three.

Delcha nodded.

Then the three followed the soldiers and left the meeting room.

Leaving the business building, the three re-boarded the same vehicle.

On the road, a small convoy of three vehicles drove fast on the wide road.

Outside the window, the scenes on both sides of the street kept moving backwards, very quickly, very quickly.

"This time you come with me, it's not a waste of the trip, at least I learned that "Clevville" is still alive."

Iger could not comment on the words of Senator Delcha.

Withdrawing his gaze from the window, looking at Senator Delcha next to him, Iger nodded and said: "It is true. The news that Claver is still alive is indeed a big surprise for us."

Speaking of this, Iger sighed: “I didn’t expect that Clive will be rescued by the First Legion. This favor is owed a lot. Senator Delcha should also know that if Clive really died, I The "Oridley" kingdom is in great trouble."

Delcha understood the meaning of Eagle's words.

With a faint smile, Delcha said, "That's true. The situation in the Kingdom of Liaby has been in chaos for nearly a hundred years. Although this country is a member of the convention country, it has actually been abandoned by the convention country. No matter which country participates in it, only It will cause a commotion. If it hadn't been for Clive's efforts for more than ten years, the association would not give this country any assistance at all."

Thinking of Claver, Delcha thought of Yalan again, and sighed slightly. Delcha said, "It is not easy for Yalan girl. The country behind her has almost lost everything. People say that the hero is Aloof, for her, what she wants most is someone who can support her behind her back, but it is a pity that no one wants to shoulder the responsibility of her motherland behind her."

Although the domestic situation of the country behind Claver is chaotic, it can also be called a "big country" in terms of overall strength. Any warlord is stronger than a medium-sized country.

But Arran’s country is different. Although the country’s territory is vast, its citizens are extremely poor, and wars are raging, and they are flooded with conflict and bloodshed. This situation has been going on for decades, as early as ten years ago. This country has been removed from the convention country.

Although Arran became a hero five years ago, the Heroes Association did not restore Arran’s home country as a convention country, but only provided some non-military assistance in humanitarian terms.

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