Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 918: New battle

On the phone, he sighed slightly: "Whether you rebel or our revolutionaries, the biggest purpose is to change this country. Since destiny does not give us revolutionaries enough time, we can only obey destiny. For this country, but also for the poor and poor people."

The words on the phone made Lockes' eyes light up, could it be...

This was just a guess, Lockes did not interrupt the person on the phone, but continued to listen.

"Please tell the First Corps. If the First Corps can agree to some of the conditions of our revolutionaries, our revolutionaries are willing to bear the infamy of the first generation and assist the First Corps soldiers to take Bentley without blood."

With a low expression, Lockes said, "My lord! Are you ready? Once the revolutionaries launch a mutiny, a lot of "blood" will be shed in the civil war."

"But it's better than "a river of blood." You should understand that if the top leaders decide to fight to the death, how many soldiers will die in the battle of the three capitals, and how many civilians will die innocently?"

Lockes was silent on what the person on the phone said.

War is cruel, and the battle in the city is even more cruel.

In the rain of bullets, soldiers on both sides will not take into account the comfort of civilians. In densely populated cities, civilians can easily become victims.

With a slightly relaxed expression, Lockes said solemnly: "Let’s talk! What conditions? I will truthfully tell the First Army, but I can’t guarantee "results" because when the Resistance Army requested cooperation with the First Army, the First Army did not Without showing much interest, the First Army only agreed to cooperate with the Resistance after giving up all the conditions."

"This is not an excessive requirement. First, after the war is over, it is required to retain the name of the "Bentley State". Second, as the ruler, the First Army should recognize the nation of Bentley and wait for justice. Third, the regime. After the war, Bentley needs a reasonable "regime", and the core of this regime must be held by "Bentley people."


The words of the person on the phone made Lockes hesitate.

The conditions of the revolutionaries can be said to be far beyond the imagination of Lockes.

Although the "strength" of the revolutionaries is not comparable to that of the previous rebels, can the First Army agree to such conditions?

Lockes cannot guarantee this.

After a little hesitation, Lockes said: "I can't guarantee the result. I can only convey your words to the First Army. Wait for my news."

"Do whatever you can."

When the "beep" on the phone rang again, Lockes put down the phone.

Behind the desk, Lockes frowned and groaned.

If the First Army can really agree to the conditions of the revolutionaries, it will undoubtedly be beneficial to Bentley.

Although the First Army is the real "ruler", if the regime can be controlled by the Bentleys, this will undoubtedly realize the aspirations of the "Resistance Army", and the meaning is completely different.

But will the First Legion agree?

Although there was some hope in his heart, Lockes also knew that the possibility was very small.

Although under the "insurrection" of the rebels, the First Army actually controlled four-fifths of Bentley's territory, and the remaining one-fifth were three capitals.

In fact, the outcome of the next battle is already clear.

Even if the First Army maintains the status quo, it can take time to bring down the three capitals.

In a few years at most, the resources in the capital will be exhausted. At that time, waiting for the three commanders will either fight back or open the gates to surrender.

But Lockes also knows that the First Army is arrogant. They disdain to use time to bring down the three capitals, but will use battle to win the last obstacle head-on.

"Let's just look at the situation!"

Behind the desk, Locks sighed in his heart.

In any case, the adult's words still have to be conveyed.

No matter how small the possibility is, it is possible. If nothing is done, there will be no possibility.

Time is passing and will not stay for anyone.

In an instant, three days passed.

November 26, 347 in the new calendar.

On this day, in Bentley, a new battle began.

When the darkness had just faded and the sun had not risen from the east, it was already boiling at the North Gate Barracks in Amway City.

The machinery was roaring, and the metal figure was surging.

Under the order of departure, nearly 10,000 troops were driving out of the camp one after another.

The huge hammer tank, the dexterous "sickle armor", in the company of the infantry, "rumbled" towards the north gate, looking aggressive and incomparable.

On the street next to the barracks, countless soldiers and armored units appeared from the street, passed the gate, and drove outside the city.

For a while, on the road near the north gate, black figures surged.

There are soldiers, and there are huge armored machines.

In Amway City, most of the troops of the First Army were stationed in two barracks at the North Gate and the West Gate.

For the West Gate's army, they will pass through the city of Amway and rush towards the North Gate.

For a time, the army's crossing of the city caused a different change in Amway City.

The movement caused by the army marching on the street was too great. When the huge armored unit passed by the street, in the residential buildings on both sides of the road, even very clear vibrations could be felt.

In this case, how can the civilians not be alarmed wherever the army passes?

When many eyes were secretly watching the situation on the street from behind the curtains, some news spread to all parts of Bentley through wired communication.

Bentley's communication is wired communication. In order to keep in touch with the "resistance" in various cities of Bentley, the First Army did not cut off the communication line between Amway City and the outside world.

Although knowing that there must be a lot of eyeliners in Amway City, in the view of the First Army, any military action does not need to be concealed, just be fair and honest, so why not care too much.

Through those eyeliners, sending out the actions of the First Legion can also deter some people.

Under various factors, the First Army chose to ignore the eyeliner in the city.

The army is leaving the city, and Natasha in the city hall is also preparing to go with the army.

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