Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 926: White "Mars"

Since entering the pothole, everything seems to have died out.

Except for the footsteps made by the soldiers as they walked, everything in the cave was still.

Except for the tactile corpse on the ground, there were no foreign objects.

As it deepened, the passage became larger and wider, and there were more and more corpses on the ground.

At the entrance of the mine, the corpse was only covered with one layer, but here, the body was covered with several layers.

If these corpses weren't moved by something, it would be that the cave was quite crowded before they died.

Although her eyes were shrouded in darkness, the darkness was not an obstacle to Sakiya.

Sakiya could see the corpse on the ground clearly.

They died, and they could no longer die. Among them, there were children, young people, and old people. They seemed to die peacefully. At least on their faces, Sakiya did not see any pain.

As Xinye reported, the corpses on the ground were very fresh.

It looks like it has just died.

But Sakiya knew it was impossible.

"Check the content of various elements in the air."

In order to confirm the guess in her heart, Sakiya ordered to Shinno ahead.


After a while, Sakiya got the answer.

"General! Everything is normal, and the air quality in the cave is no different from the outside."

This answer made Sakuya's heart move slightly.

If the guess in your mind is correct, then things are much simpler.

It now appears that things are far from as simple as they thought.

"General! Look."

With the advancement, the passage became larger and larger, and the width had exceeded five meters, and the soldiers also discovered a new vision.

There were more corpses under her feet, layered on top of each other, and there was no place to go under one foot, only to step on the hard corpse.

Looking at the corpse under her feet, Sakiya's brows were slightly frowned in her hood.

The body was burning, being burned by a pale flame.

It is wrong to say that it is burning, because there is no flame on the body, only sparks.

Little white sparks spread all over the corpse, flashing and flashing, very conspicuous in the dark.

All the corpses covered by white sparks did not appear to be scorched by flames, but withered.

The pale sparks seemed to have taken away all the water and life from the corpse, turning the corpse into a skeleton with skin, which looked terrifying.

The most surprising thing is that a corpse covered by white sparks can see a gray fog rolling out of the corpse, into the sky, and into the air.

Mars is spreading, spreading to the outside of the cave. Although the speed is very slow, it is almost imperceptible, but this can be seen from the traces of the Martian margin.

"General! These sparks are non-metallic and pose no threat to us, but the general must be careful."

The soldiers all have powered combat uniforms, but General Sakiya does not.

Xinye is worried about this.

Kneeling down, Sakiya touched a few sparks with his fingers on a corpse.

The danger did not happen. The Mars at Sakuya's fingertips looked like a dead object, without temperature, but rather cold.

Sakiya was lost in thought as she looked at the thing on her hand.

To say that "it" is Mars is just a kind of feeling, but "it" is not.

Compared to Mars, it is more like a very fine crystal. Although it is not crystal clear, it should also be a gem-like substance.

It's also interesting.

With a light flick, Sakuya flicked the "spark" off his fingertips.

Standing up from the ground, Sakiya said calmly: "It's okay! Go ahead."

Under Sakuya's urging, the team that had stopped for a while continued to set off.

Lifting his head slightly, Sakiya looked at the top of the passage while walking.

At the top of the channel, the mist formed a river, which was flowing, flowing towards the deepest part of the pothole.

Thinking of the scene just now, Sakiya thought of a possibility in her heart.

If this possibility is true, this trip to the Nansha Islands should be over soon.

This is just a sulfur mine, no matter how big it is, there are limits.

Shortly after walking in the passage full of corpses, when the space in front of him became vast, a group of people came to a huge space.

Although the mist covers everything, everything is visible in the haze.

"Distribute search, remember, don't run far."

In Xinye's cries, the imperial warriors dispersed and disappeared into the mist one by one.

The fog here seems to be thicker, the visible distance is closer, and the distance a little farther seems to be white.

When the imperial warriors dispersed and searched, Sakiya also stepped forward, moving straight in one direction.

Since coming here, the devil's breath has become stronger and clearer.

It's as if it's close at hand, at a tangible distance.

"where is it?

In the mist, Sakiya walked unhurriedly on the dry corpse.

Here, time seems to be static, only the fog is flowing slowly at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

If you look carefully, you can also perceive that the direction of the mist is the same.

As Sakiya walked around, a dark figure appeared in the fog ahead.

It seems to be a high platform, or perhaps just a stone.

You will always know what it is.

When Sakiya approached the black shadow and the terrain under his feet suddenly became convex, Sakiya also saw what the black shadow was.

A stone, a stone nearly half a person high.

On the rock, Sakuya also saw something.

A black devil statue lying quietly on the stone, its appearance is hideous and terrifying.


Looking at the devil statue on the stone, Sakuya muttered to herself in her heart.

It stands to reason that where there is a statue of a devil, there should be a strong "devil", but in the pothole, Sakiya did not find the existence of a devil.

Sakiya did not forget what the heroes said before.

Those heroes seem to be very jealous of the statue of the devil. This is enough to show that there is a devil guarding the statue around the devil.

But the current situation is that the pit is empty, only corpses all over the floor, and no trace of the devil is found.

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