Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 931: The power of the army


Somewhat serious.

There are many factors in the poverty of a country, and it is not possible for a certain person or a certain political system to change it.

Tan Ya said indifferently: "After all, it is an autocratic "country". The rise and fall of a country is entirely under the thought of the "king". Under this privilege, the destiny of a country is completely controlled by the "king". In the hands, this is a good thing, but it is also a bad thing, because there are also gaps between people."

Everyone has different abilities and different styles.

If you meet an almighty king, it is a blessing for any country, but what about a "king" with worrisome abilities? For a country, that would be a tragedy.

Autocratic monarchy, such a political system has its advantages and disadvantages.

Of course, no matter what kind of government, there are advantages and disadvantages. This is not clear in a few words.

When the army of the First Legion marched into the city with their heads high and marched towards the palace.

On the tower of the south gate of the palace, a figure was already surging at this time.

There are soldiers, ministers, and the king of this country, Queen Catherine.

Soldiers lined up on the wall, standing guard, straight bodies looking up and facing the outside of the city.

On the tower, a group of ministers were waiting. They stood behind the guardrail, staring at the end of the main road outside the city.

"come yet?"

"I'm coming here. It is said that the scale is not small."

"This time the Queen's signing ceremony was held with great fanfare. What do you say is the reason? It stands to reason that the more low-key the matter, the better."

"Isn't it? I guess it must be the meaning of "Prime Minister Harandi". How old your majesty is, you may not pay attention."

"Isn't this nonsense? The Queen is young, and the affairs of the kingdom are of course left to Prime Minister Harandi."

Upstairs, while waiting, the ministers were talking, whispering and whispering.

This signing ceremony was too grand.

The royal family not only called on the civilians in Melorka to participate, but also spread the news to the whole country.

Today's major events, I am afraid that every city in the kingdom has already learned about it.

Looking at the dense crowds of civilians around the city square, even the ministers who had seen the big scene couldn't help but feel numb.

The city of Melorka, with a population of nearly 700,000, two-thirds of them, participated in this grand event today.

The civilians around the square occupies only a small part, and most of the civilians are watching on both sides of the main road.

"Your Majesty! Please stay calm, see the time is almost up, they will be there soon."

Realizing that Catherine on the throne next to him was a little restless, Harandy on the side comforted.

Karina on the other side heard Harandi's words and looked down at Catherine beside her.

Catherine on the throne seemed to be nervous, looking around.

With a slight smile, Karina said softly: "Don't worry, just leave everything to Prime Minister Harandi. Your Majesty only needs to follow my previous instructions."

In such a big scene, it is not a surprise that the young Queen Catherine has stage fright.

Queen Catherine has lived in the palace for a long time, and has a big flaw in her perception.

This can only be done slowly.

Karina's comfort seems to have played some role.

Catherine's tense expression was slightly loose, her eyes no longer looked around, but quietly looking in one direction.

While waiting, the First Army finally arrived.

At the end of the main road, the army of the Danlan Kingdom appeared first, followed by the silver-gray figure.

The machinery was "roaring", and the footsteps of "Zhengzheng" were deafening. Under a neat rhythm, the whole army merged into one, exuding infinite power.

Looking at the main road, the imposing and incomparable army, the ministers on the tower took a breath.

Is there more than 10,000 people?

not much.

The ministers were shocked by the military weapons installed by the First Army.

Not to mention the soldiers wearing armors, in the team, the "roaring" war machinery that shocked the ministers.

That heavy armor, that huge body full of streamlined metal texture, and that thick barrel, just looking at it from a distance, gives people a feeling of infinite power.

As the army on the main road approached, the ministers' eyes fixed on the main road, full of complex colors.

The emergence of the army also made the "noisy" crowds on both sides of the main road silent, staring blankly at the army passing by on the main road.

On the tower, only Karina and Harandi's expressions were still calm.

Karina has been to the fleet of the First Army, and the huge warship Karina has seen it with her own eyes, and has a great ability to accept war machinery on land.

As for Harandi, although he was also horrified by the strength of the Armaments of the First Army, the prime minister who had been sitting for decades, in terms of determination, he had reached the point where he could not change his face at the top of Mount Tai. Will show it.

As for Catherine.

She didn't know much when she was young. Compared with the shock of the war machinery of the First Army, more of it might still be novel.

After all, the weapons of the First Army, even ordinary firearms, are extremely beautiful and can be said to be flawless in appearance. Anyone will have a heart of "love" and hope for them.

"So lovely!"

Looking at the silver-gray army in the distance, Catherine on the throne praised.

The little face was full of "desire". At this moment, the tension in her heart seemed to have completely disappeared.

It's almost time.

Withdrawing his gaze from the main road in the distance, Harlans said to Catherine next to him: "Your Majesty! You can set off to get ready to meet."

"Yeah! Then let's go down."

After speaking, Catherine moved slightly and got up from the throne.

Seeing this, Harandi turned to the ministers in the tower and said, "Princes! Follow your Majesty to meet him."


The ministers responded in unison.

Under the leadership of Harandi, the group left the tower and walked towards the gate.

The venue for the signing of the agreement was chosen on the tower.

The tower is big enough and the sight is wide enough, so it can be said that it is a very good place.

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