Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 940: Battle at the crossroads

it's over?

Looking up slightly, Natasha glanced at Yevrich with some surprise.

Before Natasha asked, Jevrich added: "The revolutionaries in the city have been eliminated, and the military government is searching for remnants throughout the city."

It turned out to be like this...

Natasha knew slightly.

It seems that the power of the revolutionaries in Voda City is a bit weak, otherwise how could it be so vulnerable.

Speaking of this, Natasha thought of Voda City.

Natasha had a hunch that this city might become the "last battlefield" of the First Army in Bentley.

Looking at the silent Natasha, Yevrich said: "General! Do you want to deploy some troops? This Voda City, I am afraid we will solve it personally. Although the situation in Marani City is not obvious yet, If the battle continues to stalemate, the revolutionaries occupying the arsenal will have the upper hand. Sooner or later, it will be a matter of ending the battle. This city can be resolved by the revolutionaries. Even if the situation changes, the rebels in nearby cities can be timely. To respond, the troops of the First Army need not be deployed outside the city of Marani."

As Javrich thought, how could Natasha know.

It is nothing more than to shift the target and put the main target on "Voda City".

The revolutionary faction in Voda City has been destroyed, and this final battle can only be ended by the First Army.

But then again, if Opo Aron and Marani are both fallen, what is the use of Voda City alone?

The fish died and the net broke?

Well, it is very possible.

Natasha knew that the commander of Voda and the First Army had a feud.

On Yelin Island, the only son of the army commander was killed by Sakiya.

Under hatred, what else is impossible?

After thinking for a moment in her mind, Natasha said, "Relocate the army outside Marani city. Without making arrangements, the fleet will be transferred to Voda City to deter it. Since it is the last battle, keep it. At the end."

Outside the city of Marani, the army has been stationed for more than a month.

After all, camping in the forest is inconvenient, not only from geographical inconvenience, but also from the threat of polluting beasts in the forest.

The forest is a paradise for polluting beasts. It is fine during the day, but it can be very annoying at night.

As long as it is not a large-scale pollution herd, the First Legion is not afraid, but the harassment in twos and threes is the most disturbing thing.

Over the past month, the city has been lively during the day, but outside the city at night.

Natasha knew about this situation.

However, because they do not know the roots of the revolutionaries, the First Army must have an army outside the city to prevent it.

Once the revolutionaries in the city lose, the First Army can enter the battle in time.

Over the past month, the First Army has clearly understood the foundation of the revolutionaries.

Knowing the basics, I feel more at ease with the Revolutionary First Army.

At least the revolutionaries in Marani can be reassuring.

In this case, there is no need for the troops outside the city to continue to be stationed.

As for entering the "Voda City", it is still too early for now.

By the time Opo Alon City and Marani City all fall, it is not too late to enter Voda City.


Since it was an order, Jevrich could only obey it.

Time is passing, and the morning fog in the forest is gradually dissipating.

At this moment in Marani City, with the sound of intense gunfire, the rare peace was broken.

After a month of fighting, the city of Marani was devastated by war.

The streets are full of craters and messy, and there are countless collapsed houses.

Even tall buildings have become a pile of standing debris.

The multi-day war caused the city's cleaning system to be disturbed. The streets were littered with rubbish, and the scene was very messy and hideous.

In the city, where the two main roads cross.

The billowing smoke was billowing, and it was also the place where the gunfire sounded.

At the north and south ends of the main road, with the crossroads as the center, on the main road, layers of defense lines are spread all over.

This is true on the Southern Main Road, and the same on the Northern Main Road.

The defense line is piled up by sandbags, and behind the sandbags are soldiers one after another, as well as the tall and bloated guard.

On the line of defense closest to the crossroads, the lines of defense at the north and south ends are fiercely engaged in fire.

Over the street, bullets were flying, shells were roaring, and the "rumbling" explosion sounded deafening.

The battle is not only on the street, but in the buildings on both sides of the road, there are many soldiers hiding in them and shooting at the buildings on the opposite side.

Bullets, cannonballs, you come and go, it's so lively.

Obviously wearing the same uniform and holding the same weapons, but like a deadly enemy, fight to the death.


In the roar of the shells, a "guard" was hit.

The shell pierced the guard's armor with a piercing "hit" and then exploded.

As a ball of flame soared, among the torn metal fragments, the huge guard "crashed" to the ground.

This caused the soldiers at the feet of the "guards" to panic and flee in all directions to avoid being crushed by the fallen guards.


The fallen guard fell heavily to the ground and made a metal tearing sound.

The flame is still burning.


Within a few seconds, there was only one explosion, and the guard who fell to the ground suddenly exploded again.

This explosion was even more powerful, and the entire guard was torn apart and turned into countless metal fragments.

A huge cloud of flame mushrooms rose slowly, and the powerful impact swept away with metal fragments.

Splashing metal fragments are like bullets, baptizing this little line of defense.

When the shock wave hits, sandbags fly horizontally and sand particles fly all over the sky.

Countless soldiers were blown out, and those who did not leave the "guard" in time were blown up and wailed on the ground.

For a time, there was a riot on the defense line.

The destroyed guard was smashed and the front line of defense was destroyed.

This is what happened in the northern frontier position, and it is also a party under the military government.

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