Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 958: The ending is pretty good

She was not exhausted. When she fell from her side, Li Meng reached out her hand, grabbed her neck with lightning speed, and pushed her to the wall.

Li Meng is very good at close combat, after all, he is a killer in a memory.

"let me go!"

In terms of body shape, Li Meng is much thinner than Chen Nannan.

But in that thin hand, Chen Nannan, who was pressed against the wall, had no room for struggle.

Because the hands on the neck were tightly pinched, any resistance from her would only make her feel more uncomfortable and suffocated.

Looking at the thin man in front of him, Chen Nannan's face was reddened, and the strong restraint of her neck made her breathless. There was anger in her pupils, and she was still not convinced.

She was careless. She originally thought that he was just an ordinary person and did not have too much caution. This led to her being easily caught. Otherwise, how could she be defeated so easily?

"My lord! Don't hurt her, please."

Wang Weiwei on the operating table asked Li Meng in panic with tears.

The sound in his ear made Li Meng let go of his hand, ignoring the savage woman in front of him.

The shackles of the neck were gone, so Chen Nannan let out a sigh of relief.

Seeing the thin figure, she looked ruthless, ready to make another move.

Although I don't know who he is, he is definitely not a good person, perhaps the person my sister said.

It is the enemy, there is no doubt about it.


Wang Weiwei kept watching Chen Nannan's look, she knew what Chen Nannan wanted to do.

But she also knew that it was useless.

She whispered and shook her head to Chen Nannan.

Wang Weiwei's restraint made Chen Nannan hesitate and unwilling, but in the end she still did not take action, looking at the thin figure with complex expression.

How did he appear?

This is what Chen Nannan puzzles most.

She has been outside the operating room and has never seen him before. How did he enter the operating room from under her nose?

Confused, puzzled, and confused thoughts filled Chen Nannan's mind.

The small episode did not affect Li Meng's mood.

Li Meng took the baby from Wang Weiwei, who was reluctant and weeping.

Regarding Li Meng's move, Wang Weiwei shed tears and her eyes were full of dismay, but she did not resist.

Looking at the baby "daughter", Li Meng's expression was pale, not as happy as he had imagined.

Why is it so?

Because something went beyond Li Meng's expectations.

At this moment, the "she" in the baby moved.

The little eyelids trembled slightly and opened his eyes with difficulty.

A pair of pupils that were like black jewels appeared in Li Meng's eyes.

It seemed to be an illusion, from the depths of the black pupil, a flash of gold flashed past.

The baby's first eyes are pure, her eyes are very smart.

Those little eyes stared at Li Meng.

Suddenly, she giggled, and those little hands grabbed and grabbed Li Meng.

The behavior of the baby boy made Li Mengle happy, temporarily giving up the question in his mind.

He smiled slightly, teasing his little hands.

On the operating table, Wang Weiwei watched Li Meng teasing her daughter.

While tears were streaming silently, he opened his mouth and stopped talking.

After teasing the little guy for a while, Li Meng stopped.

At this time Li Meng had changed his mind.

Bend slightly, Li Meng put the little fellow in her arms back into her mother's arms.

Facing Wang Weiwei's joyful and puzzled expression, Li Meng said calmly: "She has a great relationship with me, and it is natural to stay by my side. However, children cannot live without their mother, so let her live with you. ."

"But..., five years is too short."

While rejoicing, Wang Weiwei's face was also worried.

She is not afraid of death, but when she thinks that there is only five years, she is a little scared.

Five years later, her daughter is only five years old. How can she be willing?

"Relax! I won't let you leave her side so quickly."

Looking at the tearful face, Li Meng leaned down and reached for the rosy lips.

What is he going to do?

Li Meng's behavior made Wang Weiwei very puzzled. When the face got closer, she seemed to realize something, and her face became slightly ruddy.

When the lips were forcibly occupied by the person, Wang Weiwei blushed.

She wanted to resist, wanted to refuse, but the body accepted it.

Seeing Wang Weiwei being kissed, this sudden change in situation made Chen Nannan stunned.

While wondering, his face was a little hot, this scene was too embarrassing.

On the ruddy lips, Li Meng only paused for a moment, then got up and left Wang Weiwei.

From beginning to end, the look on Li Meng's face was very indifferent.

For "Wang Weiwei" as an ordinary person, mouth contact is necessary.

Because only in this way can the death force in Wang Weiwei's body be prevented more gently.

If it comes into direct contact with the skin, Li Meng's power will destroy Wang Weiwei's body, which will not achieve the result Li Meng wants.

After a few months of pregnancy, Wang Weiwei's body was invaded by the force of death. It has penetrated into the bone marrow and cannot be removed. The only thing Li Meng can do is to make the active force of death in Wang Weiwei's body become gentle and no longer aggressive.

Looking at Wang Weiwei who looked blushing and red, Li Meng did not explain too much, but said calmly: "Although the disease in your body has not been cured, you will be able to live well when I am there. I will visit you and she was."

After speaking, Li Meng's body began to dissipate, turning into a little bit of death power.

Suddenly, as suddenly as when Tathagata came, a big living person disappeared in three pairs of eyes.

Looking at the place where Li Meng was before he disappeared, Wang Weiwei's expression was very complicated.

The tears no longer flowed out. Although things changed suddenly, the final result was God blessed her.

Who is he?


A good person, disappears when he says disappear?

Not far away, Chen Nannan looked at the place where Li Meng had disappeared, looking like he had seen a ghost.

There was surprise on his face, some anxiety, and a little suspiciousness.

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