Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 962: Outpost

At the end of the road, a blank area was cleared.

In the open space, a glass cover is particularly conspicuous.

The cover is transparent and slightly blue, like an inverted bowl.

On the side is a camp with military tents.

In the camp, you can see soldiers patrolling, and in the construction site, you can also see some workers on duty.

The arrival of the team attracted some attention.

And Darley, who had already received the news, had been waiting on the side of the road for a long time.

When Li Meng left the car, Darley quickly greeted him.

Raising his head and chest, holding a military salute, Daerui said: "Commander! First-level Sergeant Daerui will report to you!"

After speaking, Darrei turned around again, and said to Sakiya who walked down on the other side: "General Sakiya! Welcome to you."

Looking around, Li Meng looked at the construction site ahead.

When he retracted his gaze, Li Meng asked Darri next to him: "Darri! After the strange creature returned last time, was there any "extraordinary movement" in the crypt?"

The last battle against strange creatures was led by Darrei.

Of course he knew what the commander was asking.

In the helmet, Daerui looked slightly upright and said: "In the last battle, according to the commander's order, we just followed "them" and did not attack them. After half a lap on Nanlin Island, , They returned to the crypt again, and there hasn’t been any movement in the crypt until now."

Li Meng was not too disappointed with this result.

The reason why Li Meng asked, just wanted to confirm it again.

And I also want to know if there are any other "always" in the crypt.

"Take me to the Crypt!"

Now, I can only go there in person.

"Commander! General Sakiya! Please follow me."

Turning around, the ordered Dal Rey led the way in front.

Sakuya and Li Meng followed behind.

This place is neither big nor too small, and soon Li Meng followed Daerui into the glass cover.

Walking in the slightly messy corridor, only the three people's footsteps were "clank".

At this time, Darley's voice rang.

As he walked, he said: “According to the instructions of the construction task, the entrance of this crypt will be closed by a small outpost, and it will be militarized. We have also explored the crypt. The vertical part It's only over a hundred meters away, and there are some winding caves below. There are many caves. I don't know where they lead. The terrain is complicated and we dare not go too deep."

It seems that during this month, Darri is not just guarding this crypt.

Some exploration of the crypt was also carried out.

Although only a little contact, but from this point, it can be seen that the soldiers of the First Legion are flexible and not rigid in executing orders.

When executing commands, they also do what they think they should do.

"Can you find out the geological conditions below? Are the caves formed by natural collapse or human factors?"

Behind Li Meng, Sakuya asked.

To General Sakiya’s question, Darrey replied: “Yes, we have conducted some investigations on the geological conditions, and the result of the analysis is that it was formed by natural collapse. Neither the vertical sinkhole nor the cave below has been excavated trace."

This is not a simple question.

This problem can be related to "underground space".

If the cave that connects the underground space is formed by excavation, then the matter is big. This is a major event in which organisms in the underground space invade the surface world.

If it happens naturally, then everything belongs to an accident.

It was also an accident for the underground creatures to come to the surface.

Although this kind of accident can also cause a major event.

But now Nanlin Island is at least safe.

Even if the creatures in the underground space have changed, the first legion that has been prepared for a long time can prevent Nanlin Island from becoming an outpost for the creatures in the underground world.

Only by understanding some things can people be assured.

Sakiya had no objection to His Highness's underground trip this time.

She understands that the underground space is a treasury, but it is also full of risks.

And this risk is likely to endanger the surface world, and only when the underground space is ascertained can people be reassured.

Not long after they left, as the three of them passed a corner, a metal gate stopped them in front of them.

From the outside, only a glass cover can be seen.

But inside the cover, all the buildings are made of metal.

The interior of this outpost has been completed and is being finished.

Although some places are still a little messy, they are very close in the center.

In front of the gate, I saw blue light beams flickering, forming a line and sweeping across the three of them.


With a crisp sound, the door opened.

The large metal gate was divided into four, and they were retracted into the square door frame.

Stepping forward, the three of them walked in.

When crossing the gate, the three people came to an empty place.

It's like a square metal box, nothing.

The only things that can be seen are the lights, the metal walls, and the ground.

"Commander! Please stop!"

A reminder to the two behind him, Darrey turned and walked to the wall.

At the wall, with the sound of machinery running, a metal plate on the wall moved away, and a control device and a platform protruded from it.

Can not help but say, on the red button, Darley pressed down.

"Woo! Woo!"

In this metal space, the piercing alarm sounded suddenly and flashed with red light.

Amid the sound of metal running, on the central ground, a huge metal floor suddenly split into four and retracted in four directions.

Under the metal floor, there is a black hole tiankeng. At first glance, there is only darkness, which is extremely deep.

When the metal floor stopped shrinking, on the ground, a tiankeng with a diameter of ten meters appeared in Li Meng's eyes.

Although this tiankeng cannot be compared with the tiankeng in the south, the black depth is equally shocking.

Like the Era of the Red Police Disaster, please collect it: ( The literature of the Era of the Red Police has the fastest update speed.

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