Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 964: Strange creatures

The space in front of me was too vast, and I couldn't see the edge at a glance.

Looking down, 100 meters below, the terrain is gentle, like a plain.

On the plain, a kind of shimmering plant grows.

Like a tree, but also like a mushroom, the crown of the tree exudes colorful brilliance, beautiful and extraordinary.

The presence of a large number of shimmering plants dissipated the darkness and formed a fairyland.

Even Li Meng was amazed by the beauty.

The most beautiful is the huge towering tree in the distance.

Its light is the brightest, even if it is a few kilometers away, you can feel its hugeness and beauty.

100 meters? Five hundred meters? I'm afraid it is a kilometer in height.

It's too big, the spreading tree canopy is simply overwhelming, I don't know how much space it covers.

The figure flashed, Li Meng rose up into the sky, facing the huge shimmering plant in the distance.

Such a magnificent thing, how could Li Meng not personally feel its hugeness and magnificence.

In the air, Li Meng soared comfortably, and his galloping posture flashed across the sky.

The closer you get to the giant tree, the more you can feel the size of the giant tree.


I am afraid it is much more than that.

The huge canopy is no less than a few kilometers in diameter.

When the light above his head became bright, Li Meng entered under the canopy of the tree.

Looking at the giant tree in front of him, Li Meng was amazed besides being amazed.

It's too big and beautiful.

The sturdy branches, shimmering branches and leaves, and the huge main trunk all attracted Li Meng's eyes.

For "it", Li Meng temporarily ignored other things, soared around the giant tree, and looked at the giant tree carefully.

Although there are branches and leaves, its substance is a bit like mushrooms, the kind of relatively brittle vegetation.

Of course, this is just the appearance. If it is fragile vegetation, how can it grow so huge?

If it is fragile, how can it hold up such a huge canopy?

So, this is just an illusion.

Li Meng fell down on a huge branch.

When he stepped on the branches, Li Meng realized that the fragile appearance was really just an illusion.

It is not fragile, and the touch under his feet made Li Meng realize that this giant tree is probably as hard as steel. No wonder it can grow so big.

There are also those leaves, although they are very large, but the edges are extremely sharp, and they are even more spiky.

And those spikes are the "light source", they exude a soft brilliance.

Said it is white, but with a little brilliance of other colors, it is a brilliance of mixed colors.

"This place is really good!"

Standing among the branches, Li Meng looked into the distance.

This excellent perspective made Li Meng amazed.

Being in this kind of beauty makes Li Meng's spirit more relaxed than ever before.

This ease actually gave Li Meng an urge to sleep well.

Li Meng did not resist this impulse.

On a flat branch, Li Meng lay down and closed his eyes comfortably.

Time went by little by little.

Among the branches, the figure remained motionless.

This sleep, in a blink of an eye, ten days passed.

Towering giant trees, vast plains, one after another gleaming plants.

Today, the beautiful space is still beautiful, beautiful and peaceful.

But today, this calm has been broken.

If Li Meng is awake, he will find that a few kilometers north of the giant tree, that is the end of this space.

At the end, there is a huge golden gate.

The door is beautiful in color and golden, with various exotic animals carved on it, which is extremely gorgeous.

The gate that was 20 meters high was originally closed tightly, but today, it has been opened.

In the "creak" moan, the door was slowly being opened.

As soon as a gap was opened, from behind the door, a "noisy" sound rang.

A piece of "buzz", like a whisper, but the voice is clear.

When the gap was large enough, behind the door, a group of golden figures suddenly appeared.

If Li Meng were here, he would find that the figure behind him was the kind of strange creature found on the surface.

The only difference is that the creatures behind the door are all wearing golden leather clothes, which look very gorgeous.

When the door was opened, a group of strange creatures with long golden hairs and golden bows on their backs poured in.

There are many of them, and they are constantly pouring in from behind the door.

And between them, there is a group of strange creatures wearing more elaborate costumes. They have no weapons in their hands, and their locations seem to be escorted. There are a lot of them, and their identities seem to be very high.

There are many creatures pouring into the gate, a steady stream, almost endless.

Although there are many, the faces that look like human beings have only endless fear and despair.

They seem to be very scared.

After dozens of minutes, when the number of creatures pouring in exceeded 10,000, the dress of the strange creatures behind was a bit dilapidated.

Most of the strange creatures have no clothes on their bodies and maintain their original posture. Only a small number of people wear gray clothes. At first glance, people know that their status is very low.

Although low, they are more abundant.

They all held packages in their hands, as if they were dragging their homes with their mouths, and there were a steady stream of figures appearing behind the door.

They acted hastily, scrambling to get ahead.

On both sides of the golden gate, there were two groups of soldiers who seemed to maintain order.

They yelled at the crowd rushing into the gate, as if driving away.

This phenomenon lasted for five hours.

When the last strange creature swarmed into the gate, the gate was closed hastily.

At this time, the originally beautiful plain was filled with golden figures everywhere, probably no less than 50,000.

The golden figure is densely packed, spreading towards the giant tree

Their appearance also broke the quiet, "noisy" piece of the plain.

As for all this, Li Meng on the tree still didn't know.

He slept very hard and couldn't feel anything happening outside.

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