Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 979: Ai Moore's worries

This is power?

She clearly felt that in her body, there was a "hot current" flowing through her body.

The heat flowed through the whole body, and finally gathered on the wings of the back.

The wings are the end and the beginning of the heat flow.

In the golden ring on the left middle finger, Golan even felt the endless "power."

The heat is gushing from the golden ring all the time, flowing into her body, and finally converging in the wings.

From the body, Golan had a kind of strength that she had never felt, and she had an urge to vent.

She thought of the master.

Quickly raised his head, Golan looked at his master.

Looking at the master in the corner, Golan said gratefully: "Master! I feel it, and feel the power."

Barely suppressing the tingling sensation in his mind, Li Meng smiled indifferently as Golan watched, and stepped back to the main position.

Meng Li sat down beside Ai Moore.

Looking at Golan not far away, Li Meng said softly: "This "power" you have to adapt to it. After it's over, don't deliberately suppress the impulse in your heart, let it vent as much as you want. This is good for you."

After speaking, Li Meng took out the other eleven rings from his sleeves and handed them to Ai Moore.

Looking at Ai Moore, Li Meng said softly: "I promised Golan, I will give her "strength", and your people will give them strength from you."

Looking at the eleven gold rings that the owner could hardly hold, Ai Moore was stunned.

There are twelve rings like this, which means that the master has considered all the sisters.

Ai Moore raised his head and glanced at his sisters. Their eyes were undoubtedly fiery, their golden pupils staring at the golden ring in the master's hand.

"take it!"

The master's urging made Ai Moore come back to his senses and quickly took the ring from the master.

Seeing the golden light in his hand and the eleven gold rings exactly the same, Ai Moore's expression is very complicated.

Love Moore knows what the golden ring represents.

That is power, so that the Banshee Wing Human Race has superior power.

And all this is bestowed by the master.

Perceiving the fiery eyes of the sisters, Ai Moore let out a sigh of relief.

With a wave of his hand, eleven golden rings flew out, flying to eleven different directions.

This move is enough to prove that Ai Moore is not just a queen.

Not only does she have the tallest physique, she is also a fighter.

After receiving the flying ring, the banshees looked quite excited.

They coincided with each other, like Golan, and put the gold ring on the **** of their left hand.

The moment the golden ring was put on, the golden flames swelled, and a billowing heat wave swept across the camp. The huge camp was even more dyed golden.

Even the guards outside the battalion commander were alarmed by the heat wave of the golden man, and there were waves of footsteps.

Hearing the movement outside the camp, Golan's expression moved slightly, and he turned and walked outside the camp.

When Golan left, the outside quickly became quiet.

"Master! What happened to you?"

The changes in the younger sisters, Ai Moore did not forget the owner beside him, the strange expression of the owner made Ai Moore very worried.

For some reason, the master's face was very pale, and his forehead was dripping with cold sweat.

With a barely smile, Li Meng shook his head lightly, and said, "It's okay! It's just a little tired."

Is it just that?

Looking at the owner worriedly, Ai Moore didn't ask too much.

Looking back, Ai Moore's eyes noticed the sisters again.

The commotion in the camp did not last long, and soon the golden flames on the banshees died down.

Feeling the changes in the body, the banshees were very excited, chatting and discussing, very happy.

"Can't come?"

Seeing the sisters so excited, Ai Moore couldn't help but reminded.

The Queen's scolding caused the banshees to stop abruptly.

They hurriedly came to the main seat and knelt on the ground together.

"Master! Thank you for your gift."

The light voice is neat and consistent, which is very pleasant.

With a light wave, Li Meng said, "You deserve it, get up!"

Under Li Meng's gesture, the huge figures of the banshees stood up one by one and returned to their original positions.

When the camp subsided, Golan outside also opened the curtain and walked in.

The banshees are all here.

Compared to before, the banshees in the camp have been given a new life. In them, they are more confident than before, and their temperament has also been greatly changed.

When Golan sat down, the banshees looked at the master for a while, and then at the queen.

There seemed to be something to say in their eyes, but they were hesitant to say it.

The atmosphere in the camp was silent for a while.

Even Ai Moore beside Li Meng remained silent, her face calm.

This calm shouldn't happen, for the banshees, now should be a happy time.

Because they got a strong "power."

In the end, Li Meng broke the silence.

Li Meng took out the last ring from his sleeve.

A crystal ring with radiant light.

Li Meng's move made all the banshees' eyes brightened, and they looked at the things in the master's hands.

Even Ai Moore, who was on the side, secretly watched.

so beautiful……

The different luster and pure white crystal made the banshees marvel in their hearts.

Ai Moore was even more happy, and all the worries just disappeared.

The younger sisters all have golden rings, but she doesn't. How can Ai Moore not worry.

Now, the facts tell her that worrying is unnecessary, how could the owner forget her.

Looking at Ai Moore, Li Meng's expression was very serious, and he said, "The power contained in this "crystal ring" is stronger. I can't guarantee whether you can adapt to it. Due to some factors, I can't get it right now. I'll help you by the side, let this matter go temporarily, and I will wear it for you myself when the war is over.

The power in the crystal ring is an advanced product of the golden element.

Banshees can adapt to the golden elements because the golden elements in the golden ring have the same characteristics as the golden elements in their bodies.

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