Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 981: King court

"Go out with me!"

Standing up, Li Meng stood up.

There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and Li Meng is already very upset about the current problem.

You can only let it go for a while, relax first, maybe you can think of a good way when you relax.


Replied softly, Ai Moore stood up immediately.

She could see that the master seemed a little irritable.

Why this is so, Ai Moore has already guessed.

The only thing that can bother the master now is the current crisis of their Banshee Wing Human Race.

Leaving the camp, the owner beside him has disappeared.

But on the left shoulder, Amore can feel a clear touch.

Aimore knew that the master was on her shoulder.

Arriving outside the camp, Ai Moore unfolded its huge golden wings, fiercely instigated, and powerfully incited, the huge figure rose into the wind, turning into a golden figure and heading north.

In the camp, only the dust and the gaze of the guards were left.

The wind was turbulent, and Ai Moore's robe was blown "whooping".

A few hundred meters above the plain, Ai Moore was flying at a high speed.

In a short while, he came to the golden gate to the north.

Looking down, you can see a large camp on the plain in front of the gate.

In the camp, many golden figures are training.

In the sky, there are also many golden figures stirring their wings, chasing and fighting each other in the sky.

For the upcoming battle, all the Golden Wing human races are working hard.

The Queen's approach caused the chase in the sky to fade away, and the airspace above the golden gate suddenly became empty.

On the ground, in front of the Golden Gate, a group of Golden Winged soldiers was guarding.

Inciting huge golden wings, Ai Moore fell down in front of the golden gate.


Seeing the queen's arrival, the soldiers in front of the golden gate hurriedly knelt on the ground and cried respectfully.

Looking at the soldiers kneeling on the ground, Ai Moore whispered: "Open the door!"


The Queen's order made the Warriors of the Golden Wings stand up quickly.

Pulling the huge turntable on the side, the golden gate slowly opened under the influence of the horizontal wood.

"Queen! The envoys just left not long ago. The situation outside is dangerous. Please be careful of the Queen."

A Golden Winged warrior told Ai Moore that he was very worried about the Queen's going out.

It's too dangerous outside, maybe the vanguard of the Golden Wing Saint King has arrived.

The envoy is the identity of the banshees.

In the eyes of the Golden Wings, the banshee is noble, a messenger sent by the "sacred tree" to this world.

"Queen! Please let me wait to follow and protect your thoroughness."

Another soldier asked.

"No! I'll be back when I go!"

Aimore refused the request of the Golden Wing Warrior.

At this time, the golden gate has been opened.

Spreading the huge golden wings and fanning hard, Ai Moore rose into the sky, turned into a golden figure and disappeared in the cave behind the golden gate.

The dimness lasted only a moment, and when the eyes lit up, Amore had already rushed out of the cave.

Above the shimmering vegetation, Ai Moore was soaring recklessly, and the golden figure flew across the sky quickly.

The black death force surged, and Li Meng's figure appeared on Ai Moore's left shoulder.

The shimmering vegetation, the rocky mountains, the endless underground sea, the scenery is beautiful, but Li Meng has no intention to appreciate the beauty.

Although I was watching, my mind was elsewhere.

"Master! Where are we going?"

Slightly slowing down, Ai Moore asked the owner on his shoulders.

Where to go

Li Meng glanced at Banshee Island.

Standing high, the outline of Banshee Island was also caught in the eye.

In addition to the shimmering vegetation on the island, only the golden city to the north is the most beautiful.

"Go and see in the city!"

Li Meng determined the destination.

"it is good!"

Replied softly, Ai Moore turned around and flew to the Wang Court to the north.

I saw a golden figure passing by in the sky, and for a moment, Ai Moore had come to the sky above the Golden City.

Looking down, the Golden City is not big, it is said to be a city, more like a village.

There are no walls and no defensive buildings.

Only one peculiar golden tree house stands, large and small, gathered in an area.

If the golden tree house is a village, it is a palace behind the village.

The palace grew on a huge shimmering vegetation.

Looking down from the sky, the huge vegetation resembles a layered mushroom, and peculiar buildings are distributed on the vegetation, connected by obvious step roads on the branches.

On a huge golden building at the top, Ai Moore fell down.

The place where it fell is similar to a balcony. Looking inside, you can see a room.

In the room, soft silks are all over the wall, and there are some mixed-color crystals on the wall, which exudes low light.

The room is very big, in Li Meng's view, it is very big.

When Ai Moore entered it, the room didn't seem cramped.

Looking around the room, Ai Moore walked slowly, while saying: "Master! This is my "bedroom", the highest place in the entire royal court."

I really like gold.

Everything in the room is golden, even if it is not golden, there is always a little golden.

Looking at everything in the room, this is the only conclusion Li Meng has reached.

Jumping off Ai Moore's left shoulder, Li Meng came to the balcony.

This is the highest place in the royal court, and at a glance, the line of sight is extremely wide.

The village below, and the underground sea in the distance.

On the shore, you can also see a pier. The pier is very large, almost comparable to the village below.

Seeing this, Li Meng was quite curious.

Both the Banshee and the Golden Winged are flying creatures. What's the use of a dock?

And on the dock, Li Meng also saw some golden boats.

The boats are very slender, about fifty meters long and seven meters wide, and there are still a lot of them, neatly parked on the dock.

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