Time passed quickly.

Five hours later.

It was the eleventh hour since the bombing of the Wassam base in Judah. The sensation caused by this incident around the world was getting more and more intense.

This made Li Wu’s points continue to rise.

After five hours, he only had a few thousand points left, and he broke through the 20,000 mark.





“How could I be so wise!”

Looking at the fact that he had done nothing during this period of time, but his points had skyrocketed to 21,890, Li Wu’s smile was so bright.

In a proud mood, he quickly placed the barracks building that had been produced close to the center of the base.

The barracks also covers a large area, occupying about 4,000 square meters.

After the barracks were placed, Li Wu immediately opened its conscription page.

It was completely different from what he imagined.

There are only three types of soldiers he can produce.

The first is the military dog, with a production price of 100 points.

The second is the recruit, with a production price of 200 points.

The third is the veteran, with a production price of 1,000 points.

There is no need to explain the military dog.

According to the introduction of the base, the recruit refers to a veteran who has only experienced Soldiers who have undergone three years of military training and have no actual combat experience.

Their initial equipment is similar to that of the Soviet conscripts in Red Alert 2, a set of military uniforms, a PPSh submachine gun, a revolver, and that’s it.


According to the base, if Li Wu builds the newly unlocked logistics supply center in the barracks, he can replace the equipment of the conscripted soldiers by spending points.

All weapons in the world today can be selected.

As for veterans, they are soldiers with more than ten years of military career and at least one actual combat experience.

The initial equipment of veterans is equivalent to that of the Allied soldiers in Red Alert 2, an M60 general-purpose machine gun, an M9 pistol and a set of standard combat uniforms.

【Military dog units are being produced, estimated time: 1 hour.

After a quick glance at the three arms, Li Wu only recruited five military dogs, and did not choose to recruit new soldiers or veterans.

Don’t worry.

Build the logistics supply center first.

Then adjust their equipment and get it done in one step.

According to the base, the barracks buildings are independent of each other and can produce and recruit soldiers at the same time.

So while building the logistics supply center, Li Wu also built a new barracks.

【Logistics supply center is under construction, remaining construction time: 7h】

【The barracks is under construction, and the remaining construction time is 5 hours.

Time passed quickly.

One hour later.

Li Wu took a photo of the second magnetic reactor, and then he quickly built the third one.

With money (points), you can be so willful!

Another four hours later.

The second barracks was completed.

After Li Wu took another photo, he immediately built the third barracks.

The charm of the Red Alert base lies in the explosion of soldiers!

Anyway, there is no shortage of points, so it’s done.

Another two hours later.

The production of the logistics supply center was completed.

After Li Wu took a photo of it, he couldn’t wait to change the equipment of the soldiers in the barracks.

“Oh, there are preset templates to choose from? Polar Bear Army Equipment Style… American Army Equipment Style… Chinese Army Equipment Style……”

Looking at the dazzling array of preset equipment templates, Li Wu felt that he was almost dazzled.

But in the end.

After considering many aspects, Li Wu finally decided to choose the equipment template of the American Army soldiers.

PASGT helmet, Kevlar bulletproof vest、ESS·Profile NVG goggles, multi-functional tactical gloves, specially made combat boots, M4 carbine equipped with M9 multi-purpose bayonet, M9 pistol, ACU camouflage uniform, radio intercom、AN/PVS-Type 7 night vision goggles, multi-function watches, and multi-function tactical backpacks, etc.

From head to toe, it can be said that they are armed to the teeth.

In reality, such a set of equipment for a single soldier would cost about 200,000 RMB, but the price given by the logistics supply center is 1,000 points.

Of course, this set of equipment is for veterans.

The equipment for new recruits is also American equipment, but it is slightly worse. The actual price is about 100,000 RMB, and the price given by the logistics supply center is 500 points.

The price of producing a new recruit in the barracks is 700 points, and that for veterans is 2,000 points.


Why choose the standard equipment of America?

Isn’t this to stir up trouble!

First, the air force base of the Kingdom of Judah was bombed by the B-52H strategic bomber of America, and then a force with full American equipment suddenly appeared in Gaza, specifically targeting the Kingdom of Judah.

This will definitely cause a new round of sensation worldwide! ?

For this reason.

When recruiting Red Alert soldiers, Li Wu also specially chose the template of the Western Ansa people.

Of course, this is only the early stage.

After gaining a firm foothold and having a stable source of points, Li Wu will definitely recruit Red Alert soldiers based on the Yanhuang people.


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