After more than a week of snowballing, Li Wu now has quite a few soldiers under his command!

A total of 180 people.

If calculated as nine people per squad, there are 20 infantry squads.

By the way, in the past few days, Li Wu has made several adjustments to the equipment of the Red Alert soldiers.


A Red Alert standard infantry squad is equipped with two M249 squad machine guns, three M4A1 carbines, four M16A4 automatic rifles, and two M203 gun-mounted grenade launchers, instead of the all-M4 carbines as before. The

M249 squad machine gun can be used to suppress the enemy with firepower.

The M4A1 is suitable for operation in a small space, and the M16A4 is suitable for long-distance combat.

The M203 mounted grenade launcher can be used to attack some simple fortifications or firepower points of the enemy.

It is much better than the previous all-M4 equipment.

Of course.

After adjustments again and again, the conscription price has become a little more expensive.

Before, the price of recruiting a squad of nine veterans was 18,000 points. Now it has increased by 2,000, requiring a full 20,000 points.

But compared with the combat effectiveness improvement brought by the modification, Li Wu feels that the extra 2,000 points are worth it.

The above is the configuration of the Red Alert standard infantry squad.

In addition, Li Wu also specially recruited several firepower reinforcement squads.

The firepower reinforcement squad also has nine people, a squad leader and eight team members, divided into two firepower groups.

The first firepower group carries two M249 light machine guns; the second firepower group is equipped with a set of FGM-148″Javelin” missile launch system for anti-armor and breaking enemy fortifications, and the other is a FIM-92″Stinger” missile system to deal with the enemy’s air force.

Because of the Javelin missile launch system and the Stinger air defense missile system, the points required to recruit a firepower reinforcement squad are much more expensive than the standard squad.

A firepower reinforcement squad requires 30,000 points.

In Li Wu’s plan, a Red Alert infantry platoon will be composed of three standard infantry squads and one firepower reinforcement squad. Including the four platoon commanders, there are exactly 40 people. If calculated in this way, the cost of a Red Alert infantry platoon is as high as 90,000 points.

Li Wu now has four Red Alert infantry platoons like the one mentioned above.

They are all veterans with ten years of military service and at least one combat experience.

The combat effectiveness is absolutely excellent.

The only drawback is!!!

The base currently does not have its own satellite system, nor does it have an intelligence system.

But this is not a big problem.

There will be bread and milk.

Looking at the radar center building and the air command building that have been produced for several days but have not been photographed by him because they cannot be placed underground, Li Wu silently clenched his fists.

He said to himself,”Wait a little longer. We don’t have enough troops right now. If I take these two buildings, I won’t be able to defend them!”

In addition to the four Red Alert infantry platoons, Li Wu has also successfully produced eight V3 Abrams tanks in the past few days.

Every four Abrams tanks form a tank platoon, which is exactly two tank platoons!

“Don’t send out Abrams tanks this time. Just send out infantry units step by step. Send out Abrams tanks after a while. This way, you can continue to cause a sensation around the world! Maximize the points gain!”

Because all Red Alert infantry units are equipped with AN/PVS-Due to the Type 7 night vision goggles, fighting at night is obviously more suitable for the Red Alert Force than fighting during the day.


Li Wu waited patiently until night before sending out four Red Alert infantry platoons.

All the barracks are located deep underground thirty meters below, but their exits, under Li Wu’s adjustment, are either in the ruins of the city that has been completely blown up by the Kingdom of Judah, or in the dilapidated wilderness. There were not many people around.

In addition, it is now past two o’clock in the middle of the night, so there will be even fewer people.

Therefore, the actions of the four Red Alert infantry platoons did not attract anyone’s attention.

Although the sky was overcast and the entire Gaza area was dark.


With the help of night vision goggles, the Red Alert soldiers were not affected by the night at all.

Under the leadership of their respective platoon leaders and squad leaders, they quickly groped their way to the stronghold in the north of the base that the Kingdom of Judah had previously seized from Hamas in the form of small teams.


Please give me free flowers, free evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, rewards, everything, sob!

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