As it turned out, Li Wu’s guess was correct.


It should be said that his guess was too conservative.

It wasn’t just Judah that was in an uproar.

The top leaders of Hamas were also in an uproar after learning about this from the militants in Jabaliya.

Who am I?

Where am I?

Where am I going?

The top leaders of Hamas were all stunned.

Because they did plan an attack on the army of Judah tonight, but not in northern Gaza, but in southern Gaza.


According to the news from Jabaliya, another armed helicopter of Judah was shot down. Judging from the wreckage, it seemed to be a Black Hawk helicopter.

More importantly!

According to the news from the scene, the Black Hawk helicopter was attacked by three anti-aircraft missiles one after another.

When did they, Hamas, fight such a rich war?


“What exactly is going on?”

“What did we do?”



Hamas’s main emotions were shock and confusion.

Judah’s side was angry!

Unprecedented anger.

Judah had been angry for a while because of the devastating bombing of Nevasam Air Force Base and the failure to find any useful intelligence afterwards.

Now, it happened again!

It was fine that their base was attacked at night, after all, they had been attacked by Hamas countless times in this period of time, and many soldiers had died.

But this time, more than 80 soldiers died tragically, and more than 30 soldiers were injured to varying degrees by the grenade traps set by the enemy.

Add up, nearly 120 casualties! Moreover, the soldiers who could be arranged to be stationed in such a front-line base were not the kind of conscripts who were temporarily recruited because of the war. They were all the elite of Judah.

The death of 120 elite soldiers was enough to make Judah feel painful.

The key is!!!

They also lost a Black Hawk helicopter.

The pilot of the Black Hawk helicopter was a brigadier general of the Ukrainian Air Force, a pillar of the young generation of the Air Force.

“Damn it! What on earth is going on!? How could this happen!?”

“Check! Check for me! Where did Hamas get its individual air defense missile system?”

“What? According to the investigation at the Jabaliya base, Hamas used a large number of 40mm grenades? They were suspected to be fired from a rifle-mounted grenade launcher? ?! ? Where did they get the rifle-mounted grenade launcher! ?”

“Did you find the first anti-aircraft missile that failed? What? Stinger!? Where did Hamas get the Stinger missile anti-aircraft system!?”

“Check! Check it for me! Check it thoroughly! What the hell are you doing here, Mossad? Hamas suddenly has so much firepower, how come you don’t know anything about it? Trash! All trash!”


Just when the entire Kingdom of Judah was in an uproar over this incident.

As time passed!

As videos related to tonight began to circulate on the Internet! As intelligence personnel from various countries, war correspondents, and fearless military bloggers in Jabaliya spread the news!

For a moment.

The eyes of the world were once again focused on Gaza.

The sensation caused by this incident was much smaller than the last bombing of the Nevasam Air Force Base.

But the effect was still a little bit.

It increased Li Wu’s hourly point income by about 500.


“No, it’s not working. I’m still spending more than I earn, and the noise I make isn’t big enough!”

“But that’s normal… There was no witness to the Red Alert’s operation this time, so naturally no one knew that the people who attacked the Judean stronghold were equipped with the same equipment as the American Army.”

“But it’s not a big problem. No one knows, so I’ll take the initiative to let others know.”

Not long after.

In a barracks building.

Unlike the game, the interior of the barracks building in the game cannot be entered, but in reality.

The barracks building can be entered.

In addition to the core Red Alert soldier recruitment area, each barracks has dormitories for two hundred soldiers to rest, a cafeteria, and even a small training playground.

With Li Wu’s order.

Four platoons of Red Alert soldiers gathered on the small training ground of one of the barracks.

Everyone was fully armed and stood in neat rows.

M4, M16, M249, M203 and javelin stingers, a handful of weapons, under the illumination of the overhead lights, reflected a heart-pounding cold light.

In front.

A camera was working.

A Red Alert officer spoke to the camera in extremely professional American English.

The first thing was to announce the name of his organization.——【The New America Organization then admitted that the attacks on the Nevada Air Force Base, the Judean base last night, and the Black Hawk helicopter were carried out by them.

Finally, they threatened the Judean Kingdom to immediately stop invading Gaza and get out of Bath, a land that has belonged to the Bassians since ancient times, otherwise the New America Organization will continue to launch more similar attacks.


I’m asking for free flowers, free evaluation tickets, monthly tickets and rewards. Please, give me a little bit!

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