Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 103 2-94. Trial (below)


"Hanwu, do you think her words are a bit of credibility?"

[Unclear, one hand is from her physical monitoring, her changes are not obvious.



[I think she doesn't lie)

"Is also ..."

Cheng Jie moved to move, and it was still uncomfortable. He had to ask.

"Odni, can you let me go?"


"speak Mandarin……"

"I do not."

Odney's mouth seems to be the old man who has just learned Chinese. Cheng Jie can't help but face his face.

"Mainly, according to reason, you should now stay in the cell, I am going out, it is not easy ..."

[Yes, you don't put her out, she wants to be with you ... ]

... After a half-day with Odney, it has reached a consensus with her height, Cheng Jie finally realized the feeling of feet in contact with the ground.

Until at this time, Cheng Jie was seriously looking at Odni for the first time.

Dark purple spider body, three pairs of long foot, as if the human leg size is the human body.

Slim, white skin, it looks more to the skin color of the European, and the upper body is actually the difference between human beings. The only place is on the forehead, a pair of small tone, the two teams can't cut into the human eye Small red monocular, silver is short, ear pointed.

If you don't look at the half body and ignore your forehead, it is also a beautiful woman.

"What is your height?"

"Two meters."

"It's quite high ...", Cheng Jie lamented.

"In fact, it is very short, in my race, I am very short, others are basically around five."

"Well, I have to ask you some questions, I hope you can cooperate."

Odney point.

"These ...", Cheng Jie carefully put the picture of the-shaped aircraft on the ground before the bits of Odney.

Odney ran down and strive to take those photos, but because she doesn't like to put the foot flat, so it is too high.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Jie shook his head, I had to walk in the past, pick up the photo, and handed it to Odney.

"Thank you."

"Nothing, take a good answer,", Cheng Jie said, standing away.

Odney started to examine photos in his hand, after a while, she said.

"How did you cut it?"

"Well? We use the chainsaw."

"Chain saw? What tool?"

I saw Odney's face, and Cheng Jie made Hanwu from the principle of the chainsaw, and I got to Odney.

"I can't believe it, this thing can cut our spaceship."

Cheng Jie nodded, it seems to be recognized, however, he is just a question that you want to ask.

"Well, I will ask you question, you will explain the structure and role of your spaceship first."

"Well, first of all you get this is not a full version, just the heart, responsible for the driving force and dealing with enemy attacks, such as a beam hit, we will contact the beam, the heart will be offset, by your information Black ring collection, we call it light arc. "

After a sudden, Odni continued, "After the racing collected enough energy, they gathered to the heart, hit it, it was so simple, and I didn't see the hidden life cabin behind the heart, there should be some Active weapons, such as electromagnetic pulse bombs, there are some hibernation, which is my mother, and have gestation room ... "

"Interrupt, gestate room?"

I heard Cheng Jie's question, Odney shook his head, "this, say the leader ..."

"That is short."

"The amount is the place where the mother of the sleeping chamber is wakeful, because our race's male is dead because of genetic defects because of genetic defects, so we can only use this way to produce new soldiers, and this way The warrior will die soon after the battle, will not have a threat to us and some don't have ideas, this is reserved as a regular program. "

Cheng Jie nodded and screamed that Han Wu will record these.

"The next question, can you give me an introduction to your race, including the origin, development."

"Ah ... this, my historical class is not very good, I said I know ...", Odney touched his hair, it seems to be a way to recall what.

"The conclusion of our last traceable action is to say that we are the product of some civilized gene experiments. It seems that you are almost like you, or there is only this creature to develop to the Aerospace era."

"We also knew these in the aerospace era, and then because of our men in death, the social turmoil, everyone is ill, constantly aggressing the expansion, and finally recruits the disaster of killing, the whole mother stars have been killed by the other "

Cheng Jie picks up the book, letting your own problems, and wait for the introduction of Odni to ask again.

"Then we divided into 20 fleets to move towards different directions, I hope to find a new home, and other nine have lost contact with me. I don't know if they have survive. When I start, my fleet is in addition to me. There are 19 frigate outside the spaceship, but I have left me when I arrive here, and we can't run more, so I can only invade you. "

This sentence is finished, Odni is no longer awkward, Cheng Jie nodded, picked up this child and started to ask.

"What is a super remote attack?"

Odney raises your eyes and remembers the scene in memory.

"Just, a bunch of small planets have no trick to each of our galaxies, first destroy all the planets, basically a galaxy is not worth it, because we have not mastered how to use the stars, but each other Do more, although I don't know how to do it, but our star has finished the journey of its life in more than a month, and finally collapsed into a black hole. "

"Ok, thank you, the next question, what is the genetic defect?"

"Just create our civilization in order to control our deliberate, let us die in fixed time because it cannot be inherited."

I looked at Odney to say such a thriller, as if this kind of technique is very common, Cheng Jie has a piece of chicken skin.

"You ... don't you be afraid? This fact is manufactured to yourself."

Odney laughed, this smile is very normal, but it makes the history of the heart.

"Not, what does it mean to entangle it?"


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