Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 106 2-97. Mist (3)

When it is dark, the island in three has happens, and the five hundred high-tech guns are distributed in most areas, and the beach has established a sentinel machine gun. Double loading 14.5mm machine gun slow Runish, patrol everything on the beach.

Hidden the defensive network consisting of miles behind them.

The entire island implements strict lamp control, overlooking the air, in addition to the lights in some buildings in the seating area, and other areas are dark.

In the mountain, it is a light-fired, and the three mines that are negative are smelt a car ore, and the black waste smoke is discharged from the other side of the island through the exhaust passage.

In the underlying core area, the scientific research personnel who are famous in the white coat are resting in their own dormitory, waiting for the arrival of the new project.

The reactor in the power generation zone has been replaced with a super-reactor, and the blue arc is divided by the air from time to time, and the metal sealing door rising between the power generation zone and the core area occurs, and the metal sealing door rising between the power generation zone and the core area is separated from each other.

Not far from the left side of the construction plant is the four elevator wells, leading to the second floor, providing people up and down.

Task 2 completion]

[Task 3: Army Construction]

... Wake up from your sleep, look at everything on the front panel, Cheng Jielu smile, until ... he saw the resource point column.

"There are still 500,000 ..."

Leaning on the chair, the smile on the face has disappeared.

"How to assign it? How to ... allocate?"

"First ... Mr. Eight MiG parked in the airport."


[Current balance: 492000 points]

"Twenty double-blade helicopter ..."

[Confirmation, current balance: 468000 points]

"Five Kirovirship."

[Confirmation, current balance: 455,500 points]

"Yes, on the top of the remaining space construction machine library, all of these units are parked in the organic library, including Kiolov airship."

[Good, deducted resource point 5500]

[Current balance: 450000 points]

It seems that I thought about what I thought, Cheng Jie louked up the screen again, told the map again, read it for a long time, he slowly opened, "Here is a hi-war map ..."

"Then all the Army is not all used to defense?"


"Then I have to do the army?"

[... this problem ... ask good]

I thought about the development of myself as the main plan as the Rising Empire unit, as if I couldn't be able to use the Soviet Union.

"Production of four natural, eight hammers, four V4 rocket launcher, five sickle machine, five harvester, and two crumbers."

[Confirmation, production plan has been reached]

[Debut resource point: 34,500 points]

[Current balance: 415,500 points]

"Infantry, in terms of a chemical troops, two magnetic bursts, five air defense soldiers, ten-speaking calls, two dog bears for a benchmark squad, three squads are a squad, the three squadrons are a brigade, and Mr. Two brigions come out."

[Production plan has been reached, the military camp is investing in production]

[Debut Resource Point: 107100]

[Current Balance: 308400]

"Record, all of us at all the troops are all entered into the Round Island Defense Forces, only responsible for handling Ben's defense."

[Ok, can I ask your positioning to the Rounding Island Defense Army? ]

"Well, similar but not completely the national guards of the United States, the full-time responsible for the defense, the offensions do not need them to participate."

[Good, clear]

"There is also, excavation of a new space at the foot of the mountain in the mountains, connects to the ocean, I need three naval docks."

[Confirmation, total spending fee: 18400]

[Current balance: 29000 points]

The left and right twisted my own stiff neck, Cheng Jie continued, "then the offensive force, mainly the Navy."

"With two fearless warships, five Akula submarines, six bulf frogs, and ten magnetic violent speedboats as a fleet, Mr. Three fleets."

[Confirmation, production plan has been reached]

[Debut resource point 85200 points]

[Current balance: 204800 points]

"When all our production is late?"

Cheng Jie opened the unit column, see the full [production] inside, and asked if it was unknown.

[After the optimization of division of labor, the last unit of production is a fearless warship, which is expected to be completed after four hours.

"Well, thank you, right, do you have a name?"

Worse, I have been solved. When I am free, Cheng Jie began to ask about the identity of the female voice that has been acting as the cold role.


"Well, good at Ania, please take care of it for a while."

[ ]


Cheng Jie's brain suddenly bought a question, where is the system from? From the information you know now, it is definitely not your own world.

He looked at the construction site that was working, and asked the mouth.

"Anya, ask you a question, where did you come from?"

[You ask me where I am manufactured? ]

Cheng Jie is susceptible, "it's also ... you can say this."

[I was assembled in the Leningrad assembly plant in the Leningrad installation plant in Thirty-month.

[Within three hours after power on, I was allowed to take over all the automation procedures in the Soviet Union, and conducted military systems such as delivery, coordinated scheduling.

"How did you come here?" Cheng Jie continued to ask.

[I can't understand what you mean]

Cheng Jiebi is deeply frowned.

"I mean, what should you do in Leningrad or Soviet? How come to this planet?"

[Anya never left]

"What do you mean?"

[Anya never left]

"Never leave?"


Cheng Jie double-handed, "I am afraid that you have a problem for the old ancient director of your thirty years ..."

[Anya will not have problems], the female voice seems to be angry.

"Okay, I am wrong", Cheng Jie can't shook his head.

The map interface is called, watching the planet covered by sea water on the interface, inexplicably, Cheng Jie thinks a possibility.

Cheng Jie worked hard to take this speculation from the mind, but it is not only not dissipated, but it is more and more clear.

Finally, Cheng Jie decided to ask Linna to see if he wanted the answer.

"You said, here is the earth, and is in the Soviet Union?"

[Yes, although the surrounding areas have been submerged by seawater, the self-shaft positioning of Ania is not wrong.

I took a deep breath and after confirming my own ideas, he began to find a record in the menu bar.

"Can I check the information you record?"


[Conduct you ...]

"Help it in order to come out, thank you."


[Work Log:

Accept directive, reboot ...

Standby, energy residue 50% ...

Standby, energy residue 58% ...

Standby, energy residue 66% ...

Standby, energy residue 74% ...

Standby, energy residue 82% ...

Standby, energy residue 90% ...

Standby, energy residue 98% ...


The whole system is terminated ...

Thunderstorm plans are enabled, and the refuge has been accommodated: 0 ...

Error, the right thunderstorm plan is deprived ...

The final combat unit has been crash, there is no available unit, the base is ready to close ...

No recorded or record has been deleted ...

No recorded or record has been deleted ...

Boot test ... Ania launched ...]

[The above is all the contents of Anyia automatically recorded]

After coming back, I saw the entire record twice, Cheng Jie asked Anya, "You record ... How long is the time interval of the record?"

[Aiya will be automatically recorded every two years]

"Two years ... What is going on if you have no record or have been deleted?"


Cheng Jie nodded, "Okay, what is a big thunderstorm?"

[Thunderstorm Plan: The Soviet Union is facing a deadly threat or the revenge plan that has been started when it is destroyed.

[Program aims to destroy all the enemies in the cost, use the thirty sand-level vacuum to explode the important goals of the enemy's still-inventory, if the plan effect does not reach the expected goal, or confirmed that the expected goals have been confirmed ... ]

Speaking of this, Anya suddenly didn't have a following, waiting for half a minute, Cheng Jie opened, "What happened? What would happen if it is not possible?"

[Not recorded ...]

[Retrieve related content: Asteroid Weapons Plan]

[Use magnetic satellite to select, attract suitable asteroids hit the Southwest hemisphere]

Cheng Jie's head, my heart is clear about what is going on.

Turn off the map and the work logs you come out.

A sigh sounded in the command room.

"Perhaps it is the most reasonable ending within the internal struggle of humanity."

[Anya can't understand what you mean]

"You will understand ..."

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