Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 129 3-5. Qihang (5)


"Is the ammunition replenishment and the maintenance of the weapon?"

[No problem in this area]

There is now a monotonous and repetition now every day.

The cooling time of the proton impact gun is an hour; the maintenance time of the nano-insect group is more than two hours, depending on the consumption of the last use; the cooling time of the iron curtain is about three hours.

So when you advance, one but there is a weapon needs to be repaired, and the cold military will stop the operation of the weapon. When the remaining weapon can not build enough fire network, open the iron screen directly, then in a short fifteen minute All weapons are repaired.

After the iron curtain dissipates, the fire network will once again appear on both sides of the unnamed time.

Wait until there is a similar situation again, change the gap group on the field, and then use a short ten minutes to repair.

Follow this reciprocner, the unknown time is a half-month month.


[Expected to take a week of us ...]

The bridge suddenly fell into the darkness.

However, power failure is limited to the bridge, all cabins of the unnamed times, have a dark, and the spout of the ship is gradually dim.


[Enable spare battery ...]

[Low power mode is open ...]

[Supply of power supply in the region of sleep, bridge, etc.]

In the bridge, the red light is on, and some light sources are provided for the dark.

"what happened?"

[Power room has problems, I am in contact with power chains and damaged)

"How much is our current speed? Is there any error?"


[Current speed: 300 km per second]

[ ]

The weapon of the near-defense system stopped operation, and a large number of shots began to prepare for the unnamed time.


[Enter the power room backup line ...]

[Powerhouse Power Supply Restoration]


[Conditional confirmation, the heat insulating plate in the inner layer of the reaction furnace is blown, and the reaction furnace emergency is made.

"So how do we recover? How long is it?"

[Only after the internal heat is lowered, enter the replacement of the heat insulation board, and it is expected that it takes about half an hour.

"Say ... What are we being blocked now?"

[Yes ... I have a ...]

"Can you supply superb?"


"Batch supply, first give the proton hit the gun, clean the obstacles in front, then collide with the gun, supply the iron screen, and then the nano group, and finally the superovau detection device."



The chart of the ship opened, the huge proton hit the gun show the first time, six yellow light columns flew out.

Then the ship is closed, and then power off.

Because it is not aiming at all, the accuracy of the Sixth light column scatter is very bad. Thousands of privileges have a lot of power to the guns, the obstacles on the channel have been emptied, only some will not pose a threat to the ship. Drakes remain on the channel.


The rays of the iron curtain shroud on the unknown era ship.

The crushing is coming, and a piece of block is smashed on the casing of the unknown era. The dark red shell will bounce all the hit shocks, sitting in Cheng Jie, who is sitting in the bridge, sounds a sound metal friction and a deep water bomb. The kind of dull sound in the sea explosion.

... After ten minutes, the light of the iron screen began to dim, and the nano-insect group lit.

Until this, the impact of constant echoing in the ship is finally stopped, except ... I have a bit shaking.


[Powerhouse returns to normal]

[Restart all cabin ...]


At the same time, the nano-insect flock flashes, Cheng Jie finally waited for the Huiwu report.

The bridge is recovered in the bridge, and all projections appear again.

The weapons of the receipt of the receipt of the reception system are re-put into use.


[Railing correction ... complete]

[Calculated relative speed ...]

"What are we slow?"

[Fortunately, not slow, but the window is not big, but it can make us past]

"That's good ...", Cheng Jie's heart finally put down.



[Close to Pluto ...]

[ ]

[Railing Remarks ...]

[Hanging 000, vertical 010, current ship first saver 000, vertical 020, start correction ...]

[Tail spray angle is negative 05]


[Hanging 000, vertical 010, current ship first saver 000, vertical 010]

[Correction is completed]

[Start acceleration]


"Han Wu, will not have problems?"

[Reassurance ... Wait ...]

Cheng Jie is somewhat nervous, he slowly took a few mouthfuls.

What is this? ]

A picture is placed on the projection screen of Cheng Jie.

In the picture, a ... or half a red planet, and a large number of broken blocks that are carried around it are squatting.

Cheng Jie shouted to the radar group, "Radar group, what is this?"

"... unclear, compare", the report of the radar group will be reported below.

"Prepare to avoid."

After sitting on the seat, I decided to circumvent the command, Cheng Jie son muttered, "Can you always be Sena?"

The voice just fell, and the cold military will have a comparison result.

[Compared with the comparison, the probability is the wreckage of Sena]

"..." first circumventive ", finished, Cheng Jie point to open the file.

"Calculate the route!"

The big deputy runs to the sideway group, and personally supervise the work of the sailing group.

And Cheng Jie, Cheng Jie just browsing, "How can Sedina? Senna is so far away, how can it fly here? And the data preserved before the black box combines with Odney. Not to explain that Semina has been completely destroyed? Even if it is still, it should be a big pile of fragments ?! What is this ghost? "

Only half of Sena and it's debris seems to have gradually disbanded in the air and flooded from the ground. From time to time, there is a large piece of broken block to fall off from it, and pull out a trace consisting of fragments. .

[After calculation, Semdina will continue to collide with Plutton in accordance with this travel direction, and it is expected that the substances that will be thrown after the hit will fly to the inner solar system, because the quantity is too big, I can't calculate their orbit, but expect There will be about 1% of the forefront to the earth's indirect impact.

"What is the meaning of this indirect impact? Where is the direct impact?"

[Will not directly affect the earth, means they don't fall directly on the earth]

[The indirect impact is that this 1% of the substance will first rush into the asteroid belt, to a certain extent, the balance will be broken, maybe the chasing from the earth will spend more energy than us, achieving the same goal as us - Leave the solar system]

"What is 99% left?"

[Most of them will be intercepted by Jugage Saturn.

Cheng Jie point meat, soothe it.

"Is there a route of our circumstances?"

[Shot ...]


[The navigation group cannot give an effective circumvention plan, the target impact range is too big]

He heard this news he was silent.

Just when Han Wu intends to remind him, Cheng Jie suddenly opened.

"Hanwu, you said ... Now Scen, how high is the highest temperature? Can you melt our housing?"

[Observing data shows ... Semda has almost completely cool down, although it is impossible to melt our shell, but ... for the safety of the ship's facilities, I don't recommend you to act as thinking in your mind.

Cheng Jie nodded.

"That, if we crush it in advance, let it hit the battle with such a big quality, will it have such a big impact on the inner solar system?"

[... Emmmm ... no]

"Then what do you think, can you safely wear in the existing thing?"


After another, after a while, Han Wu gave an answer.


"Okay, then I ask you again, the sailing group does not give an evasive plan, can you?"

This time, there is not much hesitation, and the cold is directly replied.

[The navigation group is used by my resources, they can't give it, I think I can't give better programs.

The cold mood seems to have an angry ingredient.

Cheng Jie laughed and seemed to have some angry cold.

"So, hide, you can't hide, don't hit, tell you, when you can't open the risks, you have to go forward, because ... this is the last road ..."

I said that when I said that Cheng Jie looked still, but said, the smile on his face disappeared, and it was an end.

Cambrian's projection nodded.

[Well ... I hope you will not bring us into hell]


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