Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 141 3-17. The first battle under the stars (2)

This chapter recommends a soundtrack "The Sun Series Fleet, the Master"


[Ready to enter the atmosphere]

[Close the main promotion]

[Close Ion Engine]

[Active cooling ...]

[Enable jet propulsion]

The rays at the tail spout at the end of the end, the baked hot red metal is being cooled. Since the design did not consider the fast cooling, it was true that there was no advanced heat dissipation method, so now, liquid water is piston and The pressure is controlled, and the area along the pressurized pipe flows through the heat dissipation, while the heat is taken, it is placed on a large amount of water vapor, and the circulation pipe is again detached.

Of course, these water vapors have not been wasted, most of which are resembled and cool.

There is also part of which is sent to the jet spout, waiting for pressurization, and provides a power for the ship.

"Right, let us leave a gift for the Aisel fleet looking for."

[?? ]


After a few hours, the five warships than the unnamed times, the warship, which appeared at the top of Cheng Jie.

"These battleships ... How do you seem to be like the sea battleship during the second battle?"

Seeing these battleships, Cheng Jie can't help but sigh.


- Airh Empire Sixth Extended Server -

- flagship ship bridge -

The alarm passed, so that the radar officials responsible for providing battlefield intelligence could not touch the mind.

"Why do you have a message?" Asked the captain.

"Unclear, I have not seen any goals within the scope, may it be a false statement?"

"Is there a false statement in our radar?"

"This ... no."

"There must be something, but we have not found that strengthen the warning and start the task.

... The operational model of Aier does not match the combination of the arms, but instead is the role of demand, the subject is divided into four major categories of expelter fleet, defending fleet, offensive fleet, transport fleet.

In addition to the extreme cases, the transportation fleet has escorted, Cheng Jie is also a transport fleet who caught the clothes. It is also difficult.

Attacking fleet, as the name refers is a fleet that is full-time responsible to attack, and is more than the first-line advanced battleship, including all of Ali's type of ship, and the attack power is strong.

The defending fleet consists of a slow battleship and aircraft carrier. When the front is a line, it is often guaranteed the most ferocious fire strike and the strongest survivability, dragging to the offensive fleet arrival.

The expelled fleet is usually responsible for border patrols, and is also responsible for some trivial tasks, such as escorting the transport fleet, investigating dangerous areas, etc., most of the fleets are at speeds.

At this time, the top of Cheng Jie is a satellite battle cruiser that is affiliated with the five main weapons of the expelled fleet. This is also a heavy fire force in the expense fleet.

After receiving the flagship command, several other battleships also gave alert look around, the guns were rotated, and the direction of the Friends did not have a warning.

However, it took a lot of time, which did not find anything except for the wreckage of the shipping fleet.

After reporting the message confirmed that the transport fleet was destroyed, several battleships headed and continued to search nearby areas.

On the track of this huge gaseous planet of the huge gaseous planet, a large group closed the engine's missile just crossed the back of the planet, and the fleet of this fleet was used to adjust the direction of the warhead by means of the jet system. In the distance, the engine Work, the body begins to accelerate.

It is also the moment of starting working in these missile engines, and the five warships of Eather have received a warning, and the position of all missiles is marked.

The Cheng Jie of the hiding in the gaseous planet hides the eye and looked at everything happened in the top.

Those tits more than five hundred missiles were calculated before the unnamed times entered the atmosphere concealed, and after a circle and accelerated, the engine started from the second loop, allowing the missile group to freely along this planet Surrounded, it is to have such a moment, the Airi fleet is working well in front of the missile group.

The five warships of Eis immediately started to organize air defense firepower, and the launch of the launch can be launched from the side of the shot on the side of the ship, and the air defense machine gun is raised, and the bullets started to sway the rain.

...... [Our missile has been intercepted: 15%]

[Our missile has been intercepted: 35%]

[Our missile has been intercepted: 55%]

[Our missile has been intercepted: 75%]

[The remaining 25% missile hits]

...... Because this wave missile is discovered by Aish, it is already the distance from the face, although it quickly organizes effective intercepting firepower, but when the remaining more than 100 hits, the guards of each ship are still starting. Program.

When the captain saw still very dense missile group, their hearts were explosion.

As the flagship of the fleet, beating is also the largest of the mysterious, the five-year missile life has the area where the key protection ammunition library is located, and the thick armor has a successful blocking of the body, but the next explosion is hard-student in these areas. A depression that is difficult to repair.

About fifteen missiles directly smashed the outer-level buildings exposed, although some armor protection were also protected, but compared to key protection areas, there were a lot of fragility.

The upper building has been torn with an explosion. Although there is no destruction of the armor, it is not destroyed, but the relatively fragile connection between the ship is concentrated, the entire upper area is separated from the ship, the inside of the ship The closed door was immediately dropped to sacrifice the internal oxygen oxygenation of the remaining scores, while the upper area was not so good. From the design, there was no case of being intercepted by the stopper, resulting in subsequent In the construction, the satellite battle cruise ship with the expelling fleet model of the pursuit of speed began to reduce the weight in some places, although this weight in the space war is insignificant, but in the case of attacking the atmosphere or single ship from the atmosphere, it can be The conventional model of satellite battle cruise ship opened a large distance.

One of the places where it is cut is the closed door of the upper region.

As a result, it is impossible to know, just dozens of seconds, all the people in the upper area are homogeneous as the body, always stay in this starry sky.

However, the ship area with the sealed door has not lived too long, and the thirty missiles followed by the subsequent, and the explosion occurs in the compartment.

The satellite battle cruel ship has only 50 partitions (this is also the side effects brought by the weight loss plan). This round of attack is almost completely embarrassed.

Only a flagship, resist the minimum 50 missile, and the threat to these missiles will drop.

The second year of being hit, it is the two ship of the fleet, about more than 40 missiles concentrated on the entire ship's area, after the hard-protected area, the fourth missile successfully detacheded the first seat The main gun's ammunition depot, this energy can be emitted, and the main cannon of the kinetic energy warhead is also stored. The storage is a large amount of kinetic warhead and medication.

The huge fireball swallows the ship, after the light dissipated, only a piece of wreck left.


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